

单词 pine needles
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In between the pine needles were numerous dew drops, just like crystal garlands reflecting minor sun lights in various angles.
松针上布满了晶莹剔透的露珠,映著微透的阳光,煞是好看。 blog.sina.com.cn

In every winter, farmers drive tractors to the mountain in order to get pine needles which are very good pilot material for firing.
每年冬天,纳西农户都要开着拖拉机上山拉松毛松针,松毛是最好的引火做饭的燃烧物。 httpptth

On the eve of July22, we were cautioned to clean our drains and gutters— heavy rain was expected, and so, dutifully, we cleared our eaves of leaves and pine needles.
六月二十二日的前一晚,天气预报说会有暴雨,大家很认真的清理了自家的下水道和排水沟,也很尽责的清理了屋檐上的落叶和松针。 yeeyan

The nutritional indexes of larvae fed with 25% and75% damaged pine needles were similar.
取食受害25%和受害75%松针的幼虫的营养指数比较接近。 cnki

This experiment makes a masson pine needles honey wine with a unique flavour tastefrom masson pine needles, honey and sticky rice by brewing through select optimum s.
以马尾松松针、蜂蜜、糯米为原料,经优选工艺条件发酵制得口味纯正、风味独特的松针蜜酒。 chemyq

You can use mulch made from bark, pine needles, cottonseed and oak leaves.
树皮、松针、棉籽和橡树叶都是制作覆盖物的不错原料。 hjenglish

At a sufficient distance over the woods this sound acquires a certain vibratory hum, as if the pine needles in the horizon were the strings of a harp which it swept.
在适当距离以外的森林上空,它得到了某种震荡的轻微声浪,好像地平线上的松针是大竖琴上的弦给拨弄了一样。 verywind

Both graves are covered in pine needles from the trees above.
两座墓都被树上掉下的松针覆盖着。 gter

Gingerly, they maneuver over slippery rocks and prickly pine needles down49 dew-covered log steps to the lake shore.
他们小心翼翼地、灵活地走过滑溜的岩石,闪过那些多刺的松针,沿着被露水打湿了的49级木台阶,向湖岸走去。 pioneer.hutc.zj.cn

Just stay on the path and collect herring. Oh yeah, and if you fall you'll be eating pine needles.
只需呆在路上抓鱼。哦耶,如果你掉了就等着吃松针吧。 launchpad

Objective: To establish a method for the content of total lignans in extract of pine needles of Pinus Massoniana Lamb.
目的:建立马尾松松针提取物中总木脂素的含量测定方法。 dictall

Objective:To study effect of the extract of pine needles upon the rate of injure of DNA.
目的:研究松针提取液对小鼠血细胞 DNA损伤率的影响。 dictall

The entire place smelled like pine needles.
整个地方都充斥着松针的气味。 yeeyan

The ground is scattered with pine needles and hay.
地上铺满了松针和干草。 yeeyan

The road looks beautiful covered by golden pine needles.
这条路上铺满了金黄色的松针,看上去美极了。 ebigear

The pine needle powder's feeding value, productive technology, market prospect and present research situation are stated so as to attract social concern about the pine needles resource and products.
从松针粉的饲用价值、生产工艺、市场前景以及研究应用现状说明松针资源和松针产品应该引起社会足够的关注。 cnki

We smelled the pine needles.
我们闻到了松针的味道。 hjenglish

Pine needles can also be used.
松针也可以被应用。 hjenglish




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