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词汇 Pinault
释义 PinaultEconomist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺
A bidding war between the rivalrous Mr Pinault and Mr Arnault would guarantee Mr Armani a very comfortable retirement indeed.
在老对手皮诺和阿尔诺之间即将展开的争夺战将保证乔治·阿玛尼能舒舒服服地退休。 ecocn

Christie’s business has since expanded hugely, partly thanks to Mr Pinault’s pivotal position in the international art world.
Christie的生意从那时开始便突飞猛进,一部分得感谢 Pinault先生在国际艺术世界的关键性地位。 ecocn

François Pinault, Christie's owner and a big collector, is said to have been very keen on the acquisition, as he had become a client and close friend of Mr Blain.
作为布雷恩的顾客兼密友,佳士得的拥有者弗朗克斯•皮诺特François Pinault据说当初非常热衷于这一收购案。 ecocn

It was Mr Pinault senior who decided to jettison its European operations and focus on Africa.
当初决定放弃欧洲业务,主攻非洲市场正是老皮诺特先生提出的。 ecocn

Mr Pinault wants Mr Zeitz and his team to keep their jobs.
皮诺先生希望收购彪马后,蔡茨先生和他的团队能够继续留在他们原来的职位。 ecocn

ois Pinault, its founder, started with a sawmill in Brittany and built it into an integrated timber- trading and processing firm before buying CFAO in 1990.
集团创始人弗兰克斯.皮诺特从布列塔尼地区的一家锯木厂起家,继而将其发展为木材加工贸易公司。1990年,他收购了 CFAO。 ecocn

Sotheby’s is a quoted company whereas Christie’s, once listed, was taken private in 1999 by its current owner, Mr Pinault.
Sotheby的是一间上市公司然而 Christie,一旦上市,在1999年就被它现在的拥有者 Pinault先生买下。 ecocn

The potential of the Pinault/ Enel plan was played down by Thierry Breton, France's finance minister, who has personally lobbied hundreds of parliamentarians to support the GDF- Suez merger.
法国财长布雷顿 Thierry Breton削弱了皮诺/意大利国电计划实施的可能性。他亲自游说了国会议员支持法国天燃气公司和苏伊士集团的并购案。 ecocn

Those who know the two billionaires' respective collections say that Mr Pinault's is richer and more interesting.
据了解两位亿万富翁价值连城藏品的人士透露,皮诺的藏品更丰富独特。 ecocn

Under his son, François- Henri Pinault, who took over as chief executive in 2005, the group bought69% of Puma, a German sportswear firm, and has made a few disposals.
2005年,皮诺特先生的儿子弗兰克斯-亨利.皮诺特接任了总裁一职,在此之后,集团收购了德国运动服装品牌彪马69%的股份,又变卖了一些资产。 ecocn

In 1999 Mr Pinault moved into luxury goods with the acquisition of 42% of Gucci Group, later taking full control.
1999年,皮诺特先生进军奢侈品市场,收购了古琦集团42%的股份,不久,便将其全盘拿下。 ecocn

Last year Mr Pinault had eyed Bulgari, an Italian luxury-goods company and other jewellers and fashion designers in Italy and France to beef up the luxury arm of his retail-cum- luxury empire.
去年皮诺先生已经在关注一家意大利的奢侈品公司 Bulgari,以及其它法国和意大利的珠宝和时尚设计师,想以此来扩充他的零售+奢侈品帝国在奢侈品业务上的实力。 ecocn

Moreover, as a collector who sometimes sells and the owner of an auction house, Mr Pinault values Ms Zhukova and Mr Abramovich as clients.
更重要的是,皮诺不仅是一名偶尔会出售藏品的收藏家而且他还是一家拍卖行的老板,他将阿布和朱可娃视为其客户。 ecocn

Mr Pinault and Mr Zeitz, who are both the same age, get along well.
皮诺先生和蔡茨先生两人年龄相同,关系也很融洽。 ecocn

Mr Pinault says he is keeping all options open, though he is likely to wait for the result of the French presidential elections in April and May before making any move.
皮诺先生表示他将自由选择合作方,尽管他很可能在行动之前静候四、五月法国总统选举的结果。 ecocn

Mr Pinault wants to help Puma raise this figure by building more“ concept” stores.
皮诺先生希望能帮助彪马通过建立更多的“概念”店来提高专卖店的销售额。 ecocn

Mr Pinault will probably sell more of his retail businesses to pay off the debt PPR is about to raise to buy Puma.
皮诺先生将可能卖掉一些零售业的业务来来筹集资金购买彪马公司。 ecocn

So in the course of the year Mr Pinault is likely to shake up the group his father founded quite a bit more—and perhaps replace the missing‘ P’.
所以今年,皮诺先生可能把他父亲创立的集团的很大一部分卖掉——为集团重新找回另一个“ P”公司。 ecocn

So Mr Pinault set his sights eastwards.
所以皮诺先生又把他的视线转移到东部。 ecocn

Under the new ownership of Francois Pinault, winery and cellars have undergone major renovation with enormous improvements.
在 Francois Pinault的掌管下,拉图葡萄酒厂和酒窖都经历了重大的革新,并取得了巨大的改进。 echoto




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