

单词 piloting
释义 pi·lot·ing 英ˈpaɪlətɪŋ美ˈpaɪlətɪŋAHDpīʹlə-tĭng 高COCA³¹⁸¹⁷BNC²⁷⁸⁸⁶iWeb⁵⁴⁷⁹⁷Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺
the guidance of ships or airplanes from place to placethe occupation of a pilotinternally piloting内控self-piloting ignition自行起动点火…
pilot-ing动名词⇒n.领港¹⁶;领航⁵⁶;领港员;领航员动词pilot的现在分词形式.近义词 navigation导航pilotage领航技术
用作名词The quality ofpilotinga ship or aircraft depends on the staff's experience.领航一艘船或飞机的质量依靠职员的经验。
He has become expert inpilotingships after many years of practicing.经过多年实践后,他能熟练地领航了。as in.managing
同义词 administering,admonishing,advising,controlling,executing,governing,guiding,handling,husbanding,inspecting,leading,operating,organizing,overseeing,regulating,steering,superintending,supervising
反义词 subordinateas in.aviation
同义词 aeronautics,navigationaerodynamics,flightas in.navigation
同义词 boating,exploration,shippingaeronautics,captaincy,captainship,flying,pilotage,sailing,seafaring,seamanship,steerage,steering,voyage,yachtingcruising,helmsmanship,nautics,navigating,ocean travel,plotting a course,voyaging
aviationnoun flying an aircraft;study of flying aircraft
leadershipnoun act or instance of leading
managingadjective directing
navigationnoun traveling, guiding along route, often over water
aeronautics,boating,captaincy,captainship,cruising,exploration,flying,helmsmanship,nautics,navigating,ocean travel,pilotage,piloting,plotting a course,sailing,seafaring,seamanship,shipping,steerage,steering,voyage,voyaging,yachting And American officials say the unmanned vehicles help cut down risk for troops because no one actually has to be on board piloting it.
美国官员表示,由于不需飞行员驾驶,无人机降低了军队的风险。 kekenet

Because of their first-hand knowledge, companies that have already adopted one or more cloud applications view cloud solutions very differently from those researching or piloting cloud solutions.
已经采纳了一个或多个云应用的公司,积累了第一手的知识,相对于尚在摸索、试验云解决方案的公司来说,他们看待云解决方案的态度完全不同。 infoq

Ms May was piloting a policy that eased checks on low- risk passengers, such as children from Europe.
特丽莎•梅正放宽低风险乘客的边检政策进行试点,例如放宽对欧洲的儿童边检。 ecocn

The pilot is piloting the new combat aircraft with high proficiency.
飞行员驾驶新型战斗机得心应手。 jukuu

Young east European democracies such as Poland are piloting schemes to restrict the numbers of incomers.
波兰等新近转型为民主政体的东欧国家正在制订限制移民数量的政策。 ecocn

Accordingly, the program is currently piloting the preparation of12 Participatory Provincial Rural Infrastructure Plans.
作为配套,本项目目前正在试点编制12项参与式省级农村基础设施计划。 worldbank

All the value any feature of it had for me now was the amount of usefulness it could furnish toward compassing the safe piloting of a steamboat.
现在对我来说,大河的任何一处特点拥有的所有价值,就取决于它在指引轮船安全行驶方面所能提供的帮助有多少。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Arsenius drove like he was piloting Apollo One.
阿森纽斯仿佛在驾驶阿波罗一号。 blog.sina.com.cn

But in some occupations, like operating a giant crane or piloting an aircraft, the consequences can be devastating.
但是在一些职业里,像操纵巨型起重机或驾驶航天飞船,结果可能是毁灭性的。 ecocn

Egypt is piloting a small scale concentrating power plant with support from the Global Environment Facility and Japan Bank for International Cooperation.
在全球环境基金和日本国际合作银行的支援下,埃及正在试验一个小规模的集中电厂项目。 worldbank

He displayed a tremendous amount of trust in Daniel Faraday, to follow heading305 when piloting the helicopter off the Island.
在沿着305坐标驾驶直升机驶离小岛时,他表现出他对 Daniel Faraday的充分信任。 yeeyan

In Thailand the government is piloting labels on65 products from T-shirts to ceramic tiles, and is developing product- category rules for rice, textiles and chicken.
在泰国,政府正对65种产品试行碳标签,从 T恤到瓷砖,且正对稻米、纺织品和鸡肉实施产品种类规则。 ecocn

On the dawn of the third day, I concluded that the toaster had failed in its piloting of my body, and that help was not on its way.
到了第三天的黎明,我得出了结论:面包机没能成功驾驶我的身体,不会有人来帮我了。 yeeyan

Once, well before any of us kids had a license, we spent an entire afternoon piloting someone's old car in reverse, trying to slalom between the trees in a field.
一次,我们这帮小孩都还没拿到驾照的时候,我们用人家的老轿车开了一整个下午倒车,试着在一片田野的树木之间开回转障碍赛。 yeeyan

Or if it's a service, we use a different type of market process because of course the piloting with the customers and everything is much earlier.

People piloting drones and helicopters fight wars against people who use machetes and forty- year old Soviet machine guns; all these tools can kill effectively, and they all exist right now together.
人们驾驶着无人飞机和直升机对那些用着大砍刀和四十年前的苏维埃机械枪开战。所有的这些工具都可以有效地杀人,他们现在都一起存在着。 yeeyan

Pretty much all of the presentations assumed that cars would be self- piloting within20 years, and that their interiors would, to some extent, be transformed into extensions of living spaces.
会上几乎所有的报告人都设想今后20年内汽车将具有自动驾驶的能力,其内部空间在一定程度上成为生活空间的延伸。 ecocn

The different operating phasesstarting, transient, steady-state rating of the TM333 are controlled by an EECU, which significantly eases the piloting of the helicopter and engine maintenance.
TM333引擎的不同运行阶段是由 EECU控制的,这显著的降低了直升机驾驶员和维护人员的工作量。 www.etiri.com.cn

They are currently in the process of piloting two programs aimed at getting families outdoors.
他们最近还在实施另两个旨在让家庭走向户外的项目。 yeeyan

This year officials in Moscow are piloting a scheme aimed at integrating disabled students into mainstream schools.
今年的莫斯科政府引进了一个方案,这项计划旨在使残疾学生融入主流学校就读。 yeeyan

Together with your co-pilot, R2D2, you’ll be piloting your X- Wing to victory against Volkswagen and the Death Star.
和你的副驾驶 R2D2一起,你将会驾驶你的 X翼战机赢取对抗大众汽车和死星的胜利。 yeeyan

With his hard nose protruding like a ship's prow, and his hands leathered from a youth spent piloting his cut- price ferry into Manhattan, he took to business as if it were war.
他有着像船头一样向前突出的鼻子,以及因为青年时代长期亲自领航他那廉价渡船去曼哈顿而留下的粗糙双手。 ecocn

Piloting the shuttle on that historic mission was astronaut Charles Bolden, who went on to become the US space agency's administrator last year.
驾驶航天飞机完成这次历史性任务的宇航员名叫查尔斯•博尔登,此人于去年出任美国宇航局局长。 voa365




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