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词汇 piloted
释义 pi·lot·ed 英'paɪlətɪd美'paɪlətɪd COCA⁴⁰⁰⁸⁷BNC²⁷¹³³Economist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺
动词 pilot:
operate an airplaneact as the navigator in a car, plane, or vessel and plan, direct, plot the path and position of the conveyance
Hepilotedus through the large factory.他领我们参观了这个大工厂。
The politician haspilotedseveral suggested laws through Parliament.这位政治家已使几项立法建议在议会上通过。
The astronautspilotedtheir craft down to the lunar surface.宇航员驾驶宇宙飞船在月球表面降落。
Hepilotedthe old lady through the crowd to her seat.他领着这位老人穿过人群走到她的座位上。as in.governed
同义词 administered,commanded,conducted,directed,driven,guided,led,mastered,overseen,subjugated,superintended,supervisedunder authority
反义词 autonomous,capricious,free,self-determined,unrulyas in.managed
同义词 controlled,regulated,supervisedcommanded,compelled,directed,dominated,mastered,ordered,ruled,run,swayed
反义词 free,undisciplined,uneducated,ungoverned,unsupervised,wild
governedadjective ruled
administered,commanded,conducted,directed,driven,guided,led,mastered,overseen,subjugated,superintended,supervised,under authority
managedadjective governed
commanded,compelled,controlled,directed,dominated,mastered,ordered,piloted,regulated,ruled,run,supervised,swayed In Health, coupon programs are being piloted in Chongqing, allowing mothers to better access post- natal care services and child nutritional supplements.
例如,重庆市正在进行医疗消费券试点,让妇女得到更好的产后护理服务和儿童营养补充品。 worldbank

It is often the case that one project is not enough, but different types of projects may need to be piloted, e. g. mainframe and distributed.
通常来说,一个项目是不够的,但是不同类型的项目可能需要不同的试验,例如,主机和分布式的。 ibm

The Cessna, piloted by two Air Force crewmen, had been missing since Thursday.
从周四起,由空军部的两位乘务人员驾驶的塞斯纳机就已失踪。 yeeyan

The tool has been piloted in two African and one Mediterranean country and will be released in2010.
已在非洲两个国家和地中海区域一个国家试用该项工具。将于2010年正式推出这一工具。 who

Piloted through by Christian Blanc, a former Air France boss, it is less grand, and mostly about transport.
由法航前总经理布朗克领导的这项计划却不像说的那么伟大,而是以建设交通设施为主。 ecocn

An unpiloted spacecraft will attempt to dock with the module; two piloted spacecraft will then follow suit.
无人驾驶航天器将与一号舱对接,两架有人驾驶航空器将随后对接。 yeeyan

An aeroplane piloted by Dino Moline opens its parachute after an accident when it lost one of its wings during an air show near El Trebol, Santa Fe province, Argentina.
蒂诺·莫奈驾驶的一架飞机在阿根廷圣达菲省特列波尔附近的飞行表演中断掉一翼,事故中飞机张开了降落伞。 yeeyan

And over the next40 years or so, they are expected largely to replace piloted aircraft.
而且在接下来的40年或者更长的时间里,无人机被寄予厚望用来替代驾驶机的使用。 ecocn

Armstrong and fellow astronaut Buzz Aldrin left the Apollo11 command module piloted by Michael Collins in orbit and performed a landing in the lunar module Eagle.
阿姆斯特朗及同事巴兹·奥尔德林离开在轨的阿波罗11号指令舱由迈克尔·科林斯驾驶,在登月舱“鹰”上执行着陆任务。 yeeyan

By not being piloted, for one thing: the review team wants its prescriptions tested in a few areas before they are applied nationwide.
因为它缺少试点应用:改革评审小组的建议在推广应用到全国范围之前应在一个小范围内进行测试。 ecocn

He didn’t remove the barb but piloted the boat to land and got help.
他并没有拔掉鱼的倒刺而是返航到岸上需求帮助。 yeeyan

He piloted this ship through the Canal.
他引导这艘船通过巴拿马运河。 iciba

His downbeat style and steady hand have piloted Latvia back to growth via gruelling austerity, an international bail-out and a steadfast refusal to devalue the lat.
他悲天悯人的个性和果断的手腕曾通过艰苦的紧缩、国际保释和坚决拒绝拉托维亚币贬值使得拉脱维亚恢复发展。 ecocn

In government, she piloted some of its most popular progressive policies, from SureStart to free fruit for all schoolchildren to tax credits.
在政府,她先试行了一些最流行的进步政策,从“安稳起步”到给所有的学童免费水果,到税收抵免。 yeeyan

In Phase2, these capabilities are piloted on one or two different projects.
在阶段2中,这些能力被一个或两个不同的项目所控制。 ibm

It also underlines the success of the modest and brainy Mr Dombrovskis, who piloted Latvia out of the economic turmoil caused by the oligarch parties' recklessness.
它同时也表明总理东布罗夫斯基成功后的谦虚和聪明,他帮助拉脱维亚摆脱了因寡头党派不顾一切的鲁莽行为所引起的经济混乱。 topsage

Last year a lightweight, piloted Swiss aircraft, Solar Impulse, captured enough solar energy during the day to fly throughout the night.
就在去年,一轻量级飞行员试驾了瑞士的太阳能动力飞机,该型飞机白天可以储存太阳能,夜间也能够持续飞行。 ecocn

Some military strategists already think that the job the F-35 is meant to do can be better handled by cruise missiles and remotely piloted drones.
一些战略军事家早已预料到, F-35的分内之职可能更适合交由巡航导弹和遥控飞行的无人机来处理。 yeeyan

Some of its plans, such as follow-up piloted missions on further Shenzhou craft over the next year, look likely to materialise.
有些宇航计划是很可能会落实的,例如说在明年另一架神舟飞船将执行后续的载人航天任务。 ecocn

The drones now flying over Libya are remote piloted aircraft equipped with missiles to pinpoint targets.
如今,飞翔在利比亚上空的无人机是远程驾驶的,配有精确制导的导弹。 ifengwo

The helicopter was being piloted by Dr. Mark Owens at the time.
当时直升机的驾驶员就是马克•欧文斯博士。 yeeyan

Together, with the help of a Development Marketplace grant, they designed and piloted a500-watt wind turbine prototype suitable for local conditions.
在发展市场赠款的帮助下,它们一道设计和试验了一个符合当地条件的500瓦风轮机模型。 worldbank

Tucker described the extraordinary sight of a fleet of yachts— including one piloted by the old Stalinist singer Pete Seeger—sailing up and down the Hudson in protest.
塔克描绘当时哈德逊河上那幅不寻常的抗议景象:一队游艇在河上游来游去,其中包括一艘警舰,还有信奉斯大林主义的老歌手皮特·希格。 yeeyan

Worse, the soldiers who provided cover in past strikes are already stretched, and the ancient Green Goddess fire engines they once pilotedsee picture have been sold.
更为糟糕的是,为过去罢工提供掩护的士兵如今已全力以赴了。曾经久经考验的绿色女神消防车已经变卖。 ecocn

Piloted light- attack planes do not require the technical expertise and support systems needed by drones, but offer complete operational independence.
有人驾驶的轻型攻击机无需操控无人机那样的复杂技术与支持系统,但却具有完全独立的操作性。 ecocn

Piloted light- attack planes offer complete operational independence—and, being lower- tech than many drones, are less subject to restrictions on exports in the first place.
人工驾驶的轻型涡轮螺旋桨攻击机提供完整的运作独立性——而且技术含量要低于许多无人机维护方便,最关键的是很少受到出口限制。 ecocn




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