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词汇 pill
释义 pill 英pɪl美pɪlAHDpĭl ★★★☆☆高四六研IT牛4GCOCA⁴⁴⁷⁰BNC⁹²⁵³iWeb⁴⁰³⁸Economist⁷⁶⁰⁴


small ball or flat round piece of medicine,made to be swallowed whole


a pill taken regularly by women as a means of birth control

something that resembles a tablet of medicine in shape or sizea dose of medicine in the form of a small pelleta unpleasant or tiresome personsomething unpleasant or offensive that must be tolerated or endured;

his competitor's success was a bitter pill to take

a contraceptive in the form of a pill containing estrogen and progestin to inhibit ovulation and so prevent conception来自拉丁语pilula,药丸,来自pila,球,球体,-ula,小词后缀,可能来自pilus,头发,毛发,词源同pile,depilatory.词义可能是由毛发引申为发球,绒球,最后指球体,小球。
用作名词 n.
动词+~coat a pill with sugar给药丸涂上糖衣swallow a pill服药丸形容词+~bitter pill苦药丸sleeping pill安眠药介词+~on the pill在服避孕药期间
故事记忆空气中透着 Chill寒意感觉就要 Fallill生病吞下了两颗 Pill药丸手拿着一瓶 Milk牛奶出门走向 Woolenwill毛纺厂决心去学门 Skill技能一定把梦想 Fulfill实现心里激动身体 Thrill发抖牛奶不慎被 Spill洒落唉!天不从人 Will意愿还是卖肉回家 Grill烧烤先把肚子 Fulfill填满故事记忆减肥没有 Will意志把很多鱼 Kill杀死吃了很多 Gill鱼鳃把肚皮都 Fill充满却没钱付 Bill帐单躲在家里 Ill生病吃了好多 Pill药丸想工作没 Skill技能后被债主 Kill杀死非常记忆p屁〖编码〗+ill病〖熟词〗⇒吃完药片后放屁说明病好了故事记忆身体 Ill生病买来 Pill药堆成 Hill山联想记忆瓶子里装满fill了药丸pill近义词 pea豌豆drug毒品dose剂量physic药drop落下person人pill药丸tablet药片medicine药pellet小球capsule胶囊lozenge菱形medicament医药birth-control节育medication药物治疗tab计算机制表键…contraceptive避孕药anovulant抑止排卵药pharmaceutical制药的disagreeable不愉快的contraceptive pill避孕药birth control pill口服避孕药oral contraceptive口服避孕药anovulatory drug停止排卵剂, 止卵药物…
用作名词n.He took a few pills before going to bed.他临睡前吃了几粒药。
She came off the pill on her doctor's advice.她遵医嘱停服避孕药。
用作名词Father must take hispillon the hour.父亲必须在每点钟准点吃药丸。
The baby spat out the nastypill.婴儿吐出了难吃的药丸。
Thispillwill help to settle your nerves.你吃了这片药神经就不那麽紧张了。
His mother told him to have a vitaminpillbefore leaving.他妈妈让他在走之前吃一颗维生素药丸。
Occasionally she had to take sleepingpills.她偶尔不得不吃安眠药。用作动词She was nervous about returning to thepillbecause of worries about a possible cancer risk.因为担心可能患癌症的风险,她对再服用药丸很紧张。noun.capsule of medicine
同义词 dose,medicine,tabletbolus,lozenge,pellet,trochepilulenoun.person who is annoying
同义词 bore,drag,nuisance,pain,pest,trialpain in the neck
ballnoun globe, sphere
beadnoun droplet, blob
birth controlnoun prevention of conception
IUD,abstinence,birth prevention,conception prevention,condom,contraception,contraceptive,diaphragm,family planning,method of preventing pregnancy,pill,planned parenthood,rhythm method,rubber,tied tubes,vasectomy
borenoun nuisance
bother,bromide,bummer,deadhead,downer,drag,drip,dull person,flat tire,headache,nag,nudge,pain,pain in the neck,pest,pill,soporific,stuffed shirt,tedious person,tiresome person,wet blanket,wimp,yawn
capsulenoun tablet, usually medicine
contraceptivenoun birth control method
IUD,armor,barrier method,coil,condom,diaphragm,foam,hormone,intrauterine device,jelly,loop,pill,planned parenthood,preventative,preventive medicine,prophylactic,rhythm method,ring,rubber,safety,shield,spermicidal cream,sponge,vaginal suppository A banana is like a natural sleeping pill. Besides containing melatonin and serotonin in small quantities, a banana also contains Magnesium, material that can stimulate muscle relaxant.
香蕉就像天然的安眠药片。除了含有少量的褪黑素和血清素以外,香蕉还含有镁,一种可以令刺激肌肉放松的元素。 yeeyan

A pill that triggers the heart to repair itself after an attack is being developed by scientists in a major step towards one of the “ holy grails” of medical research.
科学家研制出了刺激心脏在受到疾病袭击后能够自我修复的药丸,这是在通向医学研究“圣杯”的路上迈出了重要的一步。 yeeyan

Don’t try to find a magic pill to solve your weight problems.
不要试图找到一粒神奇的药丸来解决你的体重问题。 yeeyan

Taking a pill at the same time every day or tracking your fertile days?
更乐意每天在同一时间口服避孕药还是追踪自己的安全期? yeeyan

The Pill meant that‘sex was not a big risk any more and neither were men’, one young woman recalled.
避孕药意味着性爱和男性不再是一个巨大的风险了,一个年轻女性回忆到。 yeeyan

All men, she suspected, not only Col Pardoe, hated the pill as being unnatural.
她怀疑,不但科尔,而且所有男人都憎恨那药丸,认为那不近人情。 ecocn

Another one stands in front of him, holding the pill cup.
另一个勤杂工站在他身前,拿着装有药片的纸杯。 yeeyan

Another change of pill raised her testosterone level back up to a happy medium, much safer both for their marriage, and the household crockery.
另一个变化就是避孕药使芭芭拉的睾酮恢复到一个适度水平,这更有利于他们婚姻和家中餐具的安全。 yeeyan

By the time you found out it was just a sugar pill, you were feeling great, so who cares?
当你发现那只不过是个糖片的时候,你都感觉很好了,那谁还在乎是不是药片呢? yeeyan

For years, scientists have been able to analyze the ingredients of a pill or capsule using mass spectrometers, which identify chemicals by measuring molecular weights.
多年来,科学家已经能够利用质谱仪分析药丸或胶囊的成分,这种质谱仪通过测量分子的重量辨别化学物质。 yeeyan

For maximum effectiveness, you must take each pill at the same time every day.
为了达到药物的最佳效力,你必须在每天的同一时间服药。 yeeyan

Given the potential disadvantages of choosing the red pill, the motivation for discovering the truth must then be very strong.
考虑到选择红色药片的潜在弊端,发现真相的动机在那时一定十分强烈。 yeeyan

Identifying optimal solutions will require decades, in part because it takes30 years of research to determine whether taking a pill for20 years will add a decade of life.
得出乐观的结论将需要数十年时间,部分是因为光是确定“连续20年服用药片是否会增加十年寿命”这一过程就需要花费30年的时间。 yeeyan

If this happens during your first cycle off the pill, you may not have a period at all.
如果受孕发生在停药后的第一个排卵周期,那么可能不会发生月经来潮。 yeeyan

If you find yourself in this predicament, I encourage you to take the blue pill and wake up from your impending nightmare.
如果你发现你正处于这种困境中,我鼓励你吃下蓝色的药丸然后从即将发生的噩梦中醒过来。 yeeyan

If you use the birth control pill— that is, an oral contraceptive— you're probably happy with its convenience and reliability.
如果你使用避孕药丸,也就是某种口服避孕药,你可能会其方便性和可靠性感到满意。 yeeyan

In what sense can a little blue pill“ treat” the “ disease” of impotence?
在何种意义上,一片蓝色药片可以“治疗”阳萎“疾病”? ecocn

Like any medication, the Pill can have side effects.
避孕药像其他药物一样都有副作用。 yeeyan

My father puts the first pill on his tongue.
我爸爸把先要吃的药丸放在舌头上。 yeeyan

Once, when analyzing what was suspected to be a counterfeit antimalarial pill, his team discovered traces of sildenafil, the main ingredient in the anti-impotency drug Viagra.
有一次,当分析一份被怀疑是伪造的抗疟疾药时,他的研究小组发现了微量西地那非,也就是补虚药伟哥的重要成分。 yeeyan

Patients may trust their doctor or pharmacist, but this does not mean they will take the bitterest pill.
患者应该相信医生或药剂师,但这并不意味着他们乐意吞下更苦的药丸。 yeeyan

So the next time you’re in pain, maybe you don’t need to pop a pill. Just fall in love.
这么说来,下一次你若处在痛苦中,或许无需再吞药丸,只要坠入爱河,就万事大吉了。 yeeyan

That pill you want to take to quell your nausea?
你想让那些药丸来减轻你的恶心? yeeyan

They can choose the blue pill and not deny their consciousness, but to stop seeking the truth entirely would be to deny their consciousness.
他们能选择蓝色药片且不拒绝他们的意识,但完全停止寻求真相则会拒绝他们的意识。 yeeyan

This pill is to be sucked, not swallowed.

Yet consider the phrase“ sugaring the pill”: pills are medicine and as such are poisonous in large quantities.
然而,考虑“给药片加上糖衣”的说法:药片是药,并且其本身在大剂量下是有毒的。 yeeyan




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