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词汇 pilgrim
释义 pil·grim 英ˈpɪlgrəm美ˈpɪlgrəmAHDpĭlʹgrəm ★★☆☆☆高四六研GIST宝6八COCA⁸⁹³⁰BNC¹⁸²²⁷iWeb⁹⁵¹⁰


a person who travels to a holy place as an act of religious love and respect

someone who journeys in foreign landsone of the colonists from England who sailed to America on the Mayflower and founded the colony of Plymouth in New England in 1620someone who journeys to a sacred place as an act of religious devotion来自古法语pelerin, peregrin,朝圣者,外国人。来自拉丁语pelegrinus,异化自peregrinus,外国人,词源同peregrinate, peregrine。字母r, l音变,比较plum, prune。 peregrinate来自拉丁语peregrinari,到国外旅行。来自per-,通过,穿过,-egri,耕作,土地,此处代指本国的领土,词源同agriculture。引申词义长途跋涉,旅行,见闻等。 peregrine缩小自peregrine falcon,长途跋涉的猎鹰或来自国外的猎鹰。来自peregrine,长途跋涉的,falcon,猎鹰。 plum来自古英语plume,李子,李子树。来自原始日耳曼语*prumon,李子。来自拉丁语prunum,李子,词源同prune。字母r, l音变,比较peregrinate, pilgrim。 prune来自拉丁语pruna,李子。来自希腊语proumnon,李子。来自古法语proignier,剪枝,给鸟修剪羽毛。来自pro-,向前,rotundus,圆的,词源同round, rotate。即使圆润,剪掉枝桠,引申词义裁剪,精减等。脱落字母t,习惯性插入字母g。pilgrim rolling process周期式轧管法…pilgrim mill周期式轧管机…Pilgrim Fathers英国清教徒
GRE红宝书pil药丸, g鬼, rim边上: 有药和鬼在边上-鬼就是上帝, 朝圣客就是朝圣上帝, 药是用来镇定的, 万一上帝真是鬼怎么办?
pile一堆 + grim 严酷的,不屈不挠的,一堆不屈不挠的朝圣者,见过西藏的朝圣客吗,徒步跋涉,每走几步就一个五体投地跪拜,非常坚韧不拔
GRE难词记忆pilgrim → pil=pel=per=through 经 过 , 通过+gr=agr=field, land 土地,地域+im→从外地来的人→朝圣者钱博士pil=per,离开+egr土地+im=ine,S.形→离开原来的土地→旅行者→朝圣者⇒词根PIE29.*ang-/ank-折pil=per,离开+egr土地+im=ine,S.形→离开原来的土地→旅行者→朝圣者⇒词根PIE29.*ang-|ank-折非常记忆pil疲劳〖拼音〗+gr工人〖拼音〗+im姨母〖谐音〗⇒疲劳的工人和姨母遇见了朝圣者GRE难词记忆pilgrim→pill n.药丸,药片+grim a.可怕的→教主给朝圣者吃一种可怕的药丸近义词 exile放逐alien外侨rover流浪者refugee难民wayfarer旅人palmer朝圣者emigrant移民tourist旅游者visitor参观者devotee爱好者immigrant移民migrant移居者wanderer流浪者traveller旅行者sightseer观光者greenhorn初学者evacuee被撤离者worshipper礼拜者newcomer新来的人settlerC移居者…excursionist旅行者nomad游牧部落一员…expatriate移居外国者traveler旅行者移式起重机…globetrotter世界观光旅行家…journeyerjourney的名词形式…hajji到麦加朝圣过的伊斯兰教徒…hadji到麦加朝圣过的伊斯兰教徒…
用作名词(n.Pilgrims to Rome walked miles and miles.去罗马的朝圣者走了许多英里。Ppilgrimagen.朝圣漫游人生的一段经历vi.朝拜朝圣漫游

用作名词We met manypilgrimson their way to Mecca.我们遇到许多去麦加朝圣的人。
At length thepilgrimcould shake the dust off his feet at Heidelberg.那个朝圣者终于可以在海德堡停下来了。
I edged closer like apilgrimapproaching a shrine.我像一位走近庙宇的朝圣者一样再往近走。用作名词noun.wayfarer
同义词 settler,travelercrusaderhadji palmerpioneer,sojourner,wanderer
colonialadjective pioneering, relating to a nonindependent or new territory
crude,dependent,dominion,early American,emigrant,frontier,immigrant,new,outland,pioneer,prerevolutionary,primitive,provincial,puritan,territorial,transplanted,uncultured,unsettled,unsophisticated,wild
colonistnoun settler
emigrantnoun person who leaves his or her native country
alien,colonist,departer,displaced person,evacuee,exile,expatriate,fugitive,migrant,migrator,outcast,pilgrim,refugee,traveler,wanderer,wayfarer,émigré
explorernoun trailblazer
adventurer,experimenter,inquisitive person,pathfinder,pilgrim,pioneer,searcher,seeker,traveler
nomadnoun person who wanders from place to place
nomadsnoun person who wanders from place to place
hoboes,itinerants,migrants,pilgrims,ramblers,roamers,rovers,vagabonds,wanderers,wayfarers A lonely pilgrim— it is Dante himself—strays into a dark wood, and is guided by the Roman poet Virgil down into Hell to contemplate the harrowing fate of the damned.
孤寂的朝圣者即但丁本人在一片黑暗的树林中迷了路,在罗马诗人维吉尔 Virgil的带领下去地狱看看那些受诅咒之罪人的悲惨命运。 ecocn

After the pilgrim's prayer, they will throw stones at the wall, symbolizing driving devil away.

And when we get to the simulators you'll see an older version of this both at Seabrook and Pilgrim.

Their words, looks and gestures come back to him as he climbs a mountain path or talks to a Hindu pilgrim or Buddhist monk.
无论是沿着山脉一路前行,还是与印度教徒或佛教僧人交谈,逝去家人的音容笑貌都又浮现在作者眼前。 ecocn

“ The survey is a somewhat depressing summary of the world today, ” said Dr Mark Pilgrim, Chester Zoo's director general.
“这次调查结果对当今世界的看法有些沮丧,”该动物园的理事长 Dr Mark Pilgrim说。 yeeyan

Among these liberal parsers, we chose Mark Pilgrim's Feed Parser, as the target programming language was Python.
在这些自由的解析器中,我们选择 Mark Pilgrim的 Feed Parser,目标编程语言选择 Python。 ibm

At the ceremony nearby, the Hamas interior minister with a pilgrim’s white cap declares that the clinic will help raise a people fit for jihad.
在附近诊所的开张庆典上,哈马斯内务部长头戴朝圣白帽,宣布这里会帮助培养胜任圣战的民族。 ecocn

Both sides too often confuse him with the striving pilgrim he portrayed in his autobiography.
在他的自传里,这两面性常使这个理想的朝圣者犹豫不决。 yeeyan

But in the end American regulators approved JBS’s purchase of Swift, just as they approved the Pilgrim’s Pride transaction in mid- October.
但最终美国监管机构还是批准了 JBS收购 Swift的交易,今年10月中旬又批准了并购 Pilgrim’ Pride的交易。 ecocn

Edging closer- like a pilgrim approaching a shrine- I noticed several bare branches near the top, their black twigs scratching the air like claws.
我慢慢走进这颗枫树,就像虔诚的朝圣者走向圣殿。我发现靠近树梢的地方有几根光秃秃的枝桠,上面黑乎乎的小枝像魔爪一半伸向天空。 ebigear

For centuries, Arabia controlled the coffee industry until as legend has it a pilgrim from Mecca smuggled beans back to India and began an agricultural revolution.
阿拉伯世界统治了咖啡行业有好几个世纪,之后,部分麦加朝圣者将咖啡豆走私到印度,这促使了印度的农业革命。 hjenglish

He especially liked the father when he sang those Pilgrim songs.
他特别喜欢那个父亲唱那些朝圣歌曲的时候。 yeeyan

In 2002, a search for“ Mark” ranked Web developer Mark Pilgrim above author Mark Twain.
2002年,搜索“马克”, Web开发者 Mark Pilgrim位于著名作者马克吐温之前。

In a pilgrim household, the adults sat down to eat and the children and servants waited on them.
在清教徒的家里,成年人吃饭的时候,孩子和仆人必须在一旁侍餐。 yeeyan

It could be fallout from the failure of “ Scott Pilgrim vs. the World” to bring in the crowds at theaters, or maybe she wants to distance herself from comic book movies.
也许是由于《歪小子斯科特对抗世界》并未带来蜂拥到剧场的观众,也许是由于她想和漫画改编的电影保持距离。 yeeyan

Just don't forget your pilgrim's credentials.
只要别忘了带你的朝圣者证件。 yeeyan

Like every pilgrim, I'd reached a moment of real anguish and torment.
就像每一个朝圣者一样,我已经到达了一个真正的痛苦和折磨的时刻。 yeeyan

Muslim pilgrim prays as visits the Hiraa cave at the top of Noor Mountain on the outskirts of Mecca, Saudi Arabia on November2,2011.
2011年11月二日,一名穆斯林朝圣者在沙特阿拉伯麦加城郊的 Noor山山顶的 Hiraa洞前做祈祷。 yeeyan

Muslim pilgrim pray outside Namira mosque in Arafat near Mecca, Saudi Arabia, on November5,2011.
2011年11月5日,朝圣者在麦加附近的阿拉法特纳米拉清真寺外祷告。 yeeyan

Now we are Brothers Three, said the Pilgrim boy.
现在我们是结拜三兄弟了,朝圣者男孩说。 yeeyan

One way around the public-relations problem this creates is to buy struggling companies like Pilgrim’s Pride, which JBS is rescuing from bankruptcy.
反过来,这一模式带来的问题是,公司要收购诸如 Pilgrim’s Pride这种苦苦挣扎的公司,使之摆脱破产的命运。 ecocn

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World is an outside-in kind of exercise.
而《斯科特小子对抗全世界》则是受外界影响的产物。 yeeyan

Some time ago he got a neighbor, another pilgrim, so they are making the job together.
不久前尤里有了一位邻居,所以他们就能一块儿工作了。 yeeyan

They gathered at the New Pilgrim Baptist Church and began an orderly march.
他们在新朝圣者浸信会集合,然后开始了有秩序的游行。 yeeyan

This was where the Pilgrim family lived: father, mother and young boy.
这里就是朝圣者一家住的地方:父亲,母亲还有小男孩。 yeeyan

Unfortunately, the users thought it was a pilgrim's hat.
不幸的是,用户认为它是一个朝圣者的帽子。 yeeyan

We then will go to Seabrook and then Pilgrim and we'll do various accident scenarios in their plant simulators which are as you know a replica of the control room of each of those plants.




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