

单词 pilferage
释义 pil·fer·age 英'pɪlfərɪdʒ美'pɪlfrɪdʒ 高ITCOCA¹⁴⁵⁰⁵⁴BNC⁶⁹⁹⁴³iWeb⁵⁷¹⁵⁹

the act of stealing small amounts or small articlespilfer盗
pilfer偷-age集合/活动/动作⇒偷窃近义词 robbery抢劫

用作名词Besides, cartons are easy to cut open, and this increases the risk ofpilferage.此外,纸箱很容易割开,这就增加了偷窃的风险。
In case of theft andpilferage, you may be assured that you will get indemnification from the insurance company concerned.万一发生偷窃,你们可以放心,保险公司将会给予赔偿。noun.larceny
同义词 burglary,crime,lift,misappropriation,pinch,robbery,steal,stealing,theft,thievery,thieving,touchpilfering,purloining
反义词 lot
burglarynoun stealing from residence, business
break in,breaking and entering,caper,crime,filching,heist,housebreaking,larceny,owl job,prowl,robbery,safecracking,second-story work,sting,theft,thieving
embezzlementnoun stealing money, often from employer
heistnoun burglary, robbery
break in,breaking and entering,caper,crime,five-finger discount,holdup,larceny,pilferage,ripoff,stickup,sting,theft
theftnoun stealing
annexation,appropriation,break in,burglary,caper,cheating,crime,defrauding,deprivation,embezzlement,extortion,fraud,grab,heist,holdup,hustle,job,larceny,lift,looting,mugging,peculation,pilferage,pilfering,pillage,pinch,piracy,plunder,purloining,racket,rapacity,ripoff,robbery,robbing,score,shoplifting,snatch,snitch,steal,stickup,swindle,swindlingswipingthievery,thieving,touch,vandalism Mr Gilman’s view is that there was less outright pilferage than is commonly believed, though American food aid and bilateral trade credits were two areas where corruption was endemic.
吉尔曼的观点是在美国食品援助和双边贸易赊账这两个国内腐败现象比较集中之处,赤裸裸的偷盗腐败其实比人们想象中的要少。 ecocn

So far as I know, there are risks of pilferage or damage to the goods during transshipment in Hong Kong.
据我所知,在香港转船期间有货物被盗或损坏的危险。 www.wxlysm.com.cn

The insurance company might refuse indemnification in case of damage or pilferage, on the ground of improper packing.

Water previously lost to leaks and pilferage was used to supply MWCI’s expanding coverage area.
以往损失和被盗的水量被该公司用于扩大服务范围。 worldbank

Because transshipment adds expense as well as risk of damage and pilferage.
转船会增加费用,另外还会增加偷窃、损坏的风险。 bab

But I'm afraid that in the case of damage or pilferage.
但是我担心,在破损或偷窃案件中。 jukuu

But still I'm afraid that in case of damage or pilferage, the insurance company might refuse indemnification on the grounds of improper packing.
但我仍然担心万一发生损坏或偷盗,保险公司可能会以包装不当为理由拒绝赔偿。 edu.beelink.com.cn

He puts his pilferage at a modest2kg of rice for every52kg- sack he handles.
他在自己经手的52公斤一袋的大米中适度地克扣2公斤。 ecocn

If the goods are packed in cartons, any traces of pilferage will be in evidence, therefore the insurance company may be made to pay the necessary compensation for such losses.
如果货物是用纸盒包装的话,任何偷窃的痕迹都会很明显,因此保险公司会为偷窃造成的损失作出必要的赔偿的。 ebigear

Is it true that products of high value such as watches, jewels and luxury clothing items are often subject to pilferage?
高价值产品,比如手表、珠宝和高档服装是主要失窃对象,是真的吗? ebigear

Moreover, when we opened some other cases which looked intact, we found two or three pairs missing in each case, which was obviously due to pilferage.
而且当本公司打开其他一些看来完好的箱子时,发现各箱都少了两三双鞋子,显然是遭人盗窃所致。 yeshj

The organizer shall not be liable for damages, theft and pilferage during the Fair.
主办当局将一概不负责任何形式的赔偿。 iciba

THEFT, PILFERAGE& NON-DELIVERY CLAUSESTo cover loss of or damage to the insured goods on the insured value caused by:1.
偷窃、提货不着险条款本保险对保险货物遭受下列损失,按保险价值负责赔偿:1、偷窃行为所致的损失; jingrong114

To avoid pilferage, we hope that the goods will be packed in wooden cases instead of in cartons as the cartons are easier to be cut open.
为了避免失窃,我方希望货物用木箱包装,而不是用纸盒包装,因为纸盒很容易用刀子割开。 ebigear

Well, Mr. Li. I'd rather play safe. Cartons are easier cut open, and there's the risk of pilferage to be taken into account.
哦,李先生,我宁愿稳当一些。纸板箱比较容易割破,还得把被偷盗的风险考虑进去。 edu.beelink.com.cn

Pilferage in the warehouse reduce profitability by about two per cent.
失窃使利润损失了百分之二。 iciba




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