

单词 pigment
释义 pig·ment 英ˈpɪgmənt美ˈpɪgməntAHDpĭgʹmənt ★☆☆☆☆高四GIMST宝COCA¹²⁹⁵⁶BNC¹⁷⁰⁰⁵iWeb⁷⁷⁸⁸Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
n. 色素⁷³; 颜料²⁵v. 把…加颜色¹; 变色¹复数pigments形容词pigmentary过去分词pigmented现在分词pigmenting三单pigments

dry coloring material especially a powder to be mixed with a liquid to produce paint, etc.any substance whose presence in plant or animal tissues produces a characteristic colora substance used as a coating to protect or decorate a surface especially a mixture of pigment suspended in a liquid; dries to form a hard coating;

artists use `paint' and `pigment' interchangeably

acquire pigment; become colored or imbuedcolor or dye with a pigment;

pigment a photograph

来自拉丁语pingere,涂色,上色,词源同paint,picture.-ment,名词后缀。引申词义颜色,色素。pigment epithelium色素上皮body pigment机 底质颜料…fluorescent pigment荧光颜料extender pigment体质颜料black pigment黑色素brown pigment褐色素metallic pigment金属颜料plant pigment植物色素azo pigment偶氮颜料animal pigment动物色素respiratory pigment呼吸色素blood pigment血液色素exogenous pigment外生色素anticorrosive pigment化 防锈颜料…accessory pigment辅色素endogenous pigment内生色素lake pigment色淀颜料pigment granule色素粒natural pigment天然颜料bile pigment胆汁色素,胆青素,胆…
GRE红宝书pig猪, -ment表结果 = meat肉-猪肉是粉色的-干粉颜料
g=c pic picture图画;g省略后近于paint,ignore中的g就是可省略的
联想记忆:pigmeat 猪肉,肉感女人 →pigment色素
pig刻画+-ment表结果名词后缀,在此表手段和工具→用来画画的材料→颜料,色素⇒转作动词给…着色。GRE难词记忆pigment → pig=pict=to paint 用 颜 料画+-ment表结果→颜料联想记忆pigmeat猪肉;肉感女人→ pigment色素GRE难词记忆pigment 音“屁哥们的”→屁哥们的颜料店近义词 dye染料stain污点shade阴影color颜色tint 色彩paint油漆colour颜色coloring着色tincture气息dyestuff染料colouring着色complexion肤色colorant著色剂colourant颜料、着色剂…

用作名词Thispigmentis a good common food additive.该色素是稳定性好的食品添加剂。
How is retinalpigmentdenaturation treated?视网膜色素变性怎样治疗?
The primary whitepigmentis titanium dioxide.最重要的白色颜料是二氧化钛。
Of course,pigmentis not the only part of a fresco.当然,颜料还不是画面的全部。用作动词You just expand or shrink the millions ofpigmentcells or chromatophores in your skin to instantly change color.你只需要展开或收缩你皮肤里的上百万个色素细胞或色素体就可以立即变色。noun.color, shade
同义词 coloring,dye,stain,tintdyestuff,oil,paint,tincturecolorant,coloring matter
反义词 colorlessness
colorverb make pigmented;shade
dyenoun coloring agent
dyeverb change color with mixture
paintnoun tinted covering
tincturenoun coloring
tingenoun color
cast,colorant,coloration,coloring,dye,dyestuff,hue,nib,pigment,shade,stain,tincture,tint,tone,wash A blue eye pigment doesn't actually exist in nature.
蓝眼色素在自然界实际上并不存在。 yeeyan

The Bradford University study found that wear and tear on our bodies leads to dangerously high levels of hydrogen peroxide building up in the roots of our hair, blocking the production of pigment.
布拉福德大学的研究发现,在我们的身体上的疲劳及透支导致头发根部产生太高的过氧化氢,从而阻碍了色素了产生。 yeeyan

The canopy pictured above gets its crimson hue from a pigment called anthocyanin, the same component that lends red cabbage its intense color.
图中华盖的深红色调来自一种称为花青素的色素,这种色素与红叶卷心菜的浓烈色彩有着相同的成分。 yeeyan

The mouth bone, along with the rest of the body, was coated in a sacred red pigment.
他嘴巴的骨头,连同其身体的其他部分,都涂上庄重的红色颜料。 yeeyan

The yellow sections also contain the pigment xanthopterin tightly packed in granules. Xanthopterin has the ability to change light into electrical energy.
黄色部分也包含以微粒形式紧密堆积的黄嘌呤色素,黄嘌呤能把光能转化为电能。 yeeyan

The pigment absorbs the radiation and protects cells from damage.
黑色素可以吸收辐射,保护你的细胞不受损伤。 yeeyan

A view of autumn treetops, with various types of trees each changing their own unique shade of fall thanks to the breakdown of chlorophyll, the pigment that lends leaves their original green color.
一个秋天的景观,由于叶绿素破裂叶绿素是赋给树木和树叶原来绿色的色素,各类树木改变成了自己所独具的秋天色调。 yeeyan

Both“ sausage” and“meatball” pigment sacs appear in a sample from the cheek feathers of Anchiornis.
近鸟龙的头部羽毛样本同时出现了“香肠”和“肉球”状的色素囊。 yeeyan

But with each collision, the photons slowly assumed the temperature of the pigment molecules, cooling one another to room temperature without being lost in the process.
而每经过一次碰撞,光子的温度会慢慢地趋近于色素分子的温度,进而降温至室温,而且光子在这一过程中不会消失。 yeeyan

But even when the transcription factors in question have been identified, the problem of the energetic trade- off with pigment production and longevity will remain.
但是即使能鉴定出有关转录因子,与色素形成及寿命之间的能量平衡问题仍不可避免。 hjenglish

By mimicking the effect of this enzyme, researchers found it was possible to maintain a healthy population of pigment- producing stem cells in the hair follicle for longer.
研究人员发现通过模仿这种酶的作用,可以更长时间地维持发囊里产生色素的干细胞的健康数量。 yeeyan

From under his signature baseball cap, Feng raises his head, shedding light on the uneven pigment of his face— a result of the skin disease vitiligo.
当他从有他签名的棒球帽下抬起来头来,我们会看到脸上因为色素分布不均而显出白道儿,这是他得了白癜风之后的症状。 yeeyan

His team examined a bacteriochlorophyllcomplex found in green sulphur bacteria and discovered that the pigment molecules were similarly wired together in a quantum mechanical network.
他们小组研究了绿硫细菌的叶绿素复合体,发现了其中的色素分子同样也会通过量子力学网络“连线”在一起。 yeeyan

However, why this pigment is there and what it might do was unknown.
然和,这种色素为什么会存在和他的存在有什么作用仍然是未知的。 yeeyan

In 1993, Michael Jackson appeared on the show to denounce his critics and declare he had the skin pigment disorder vitiligo.
1993年,迈克尔·杰克逊出现在节目中,公开指责批评他的人,并宣布自己患有皮肤色素混乱的白癜风症。 yeeyan

In one type of squirrel monkey, the males lack a visual pigment called L- opsin.
在一种松鼠猴中,雄松鼠猴缺少一种叫做 L视蛋白视觉色素。 yeeyan

Instead, they think they are melanosomes—in other words, the particles of pigment that provide the blacks and reds of plumage.
相反,他们认为那是黑色素体——也就是令鸟类羽毛呈现黑色和红色的色素颗粒。 ecocn

Jackson said he suffered from vitiligo, a condition that causes the skin to lose its pigment.
杰克逊说他患有白癫风。这种病会让皮肤失去原有的色素。 yeeyan

Scientists developing the pill based it on lycopene, the red carotene pigment found in tomatoes.
这种药丸是科学家根据番茄红素,即番茄中红胡罗卜素色素,研究开发出的。 yeeyan

The researchers start with the pigment Prussian Blue, an iron and cyanide compound.
研究小组从普鲁士蓝颜料,铁,氰化物开始着手。 yeeyan

The researchers used a radioactive tracer to be sure that the slugs are actually producing the chlorophyll themselves, as opposed to just stealing the ready-made pigment from algae.
研究人员利用放射性示踪法确定,这种海蛞蝓确实能自己产生叶绿素,而不仅仅是从海藻那里偷取现成的色素。 yeeyan

The pigment in the upper layer of skin epidermis that gives your skin its normal color is called melanin.
在浅层皮肤表皮中有种色素能让你的皮肤保持其正常的颜色,称为黑色素。 yeeyan

They then give rise to nerve cells, pigment- producing cells and some bones of the skull.
在此之上开始形成神经细胞,色素生成细胞和一部分头盖骨。 yeeyan

They share a pigment used in hair dyes, which can lead to problems down the line.
他们说染发剂会使用一种可以完全导致过敏症的色素。 yeeyan

Usually a dark or black pigment such as soot was introduced into the pricked skin.
一般是深色或黑色颜料,比如把烟灰搓进刺破的皮肤中。 yeeyan

Pigment cells in its skin, called chromatophores, allow it to change color, but scientists don't yet know what each color pattern signifies.
它皮肤上的色素细胞让它能改变颜色,但科学家还不知道每种色彩图案的意义。 ebigear




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