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词汇 pigeons
释义 pigeons. 'pɪdʒɪns

名词 pigeon:
wild and domesticated birds having a heavy body and short legs用作名词The old man mothered his belovedpigeons.这老人像妈妈带孩子一样饲养他心爱的鸽子。
Why dopigeonsfly upside down over Liverpool?为什么鸽子要反着身子飞过利物浦?as in.patsy
同义词 doormat,sitting duckboob,chump,dupe,fool,goat,gull,pigeon,pushover,sap,scapegoat,schmuck,stooge,sucker,victim,weaklingeasy markas in.pawn
同义词 dupe,patsy,puppet,stoogecreature,instrument,mark,pigeon,sucker,tool,toy,victimas
同义词 chump,dolt,dupe,fool,idiot,jerk,nitwit,patsy,pigeon,simpleton,suckeras in.scapegoat
同义词 fall guychump,doormat,dupe,fool,goat,gull,mark,patsy,pigeon,pushover,sacrifice,sap,schmuck,stooge,sucker,victim,weaklingboob,easy mark,sitting duckas in.stooge
同义词 fall guy,lackey,pawn,puppetchump,flunky,fool,patsy,pigeon,pushover,sap,sucker,victimeasy markas
同义词 mark,victimbutt,byword,game,pigeon,prey,quarry,scapegoat,scorn,sportsitting duckas in.victim
同义词 dupe,patsy,suckerfool,gudgeon,gull,mark,pawn,pigeon,prey,pushover,quarry,stoogebutt,babe in woods,easy make,easy mark,sitting duck,sitting target,soft touchas in.easy mark
同义词 chump,cinch,doormat,easy pickings,easy touch,fall guy,jay,mark,mug,patsy,pigeon,prize sap,pushover,scapegoat,sitting duck,soft touch,sucker,trusting soulas in.setup
同义词 butt,chump,dummy,dupe,fool,goat,gull,mark,patsy,pigeon,pushover,sap,set-up,sucker,victimeasy mark,fall guy,sitting duckas in.butt
同义词 object of ridiculechump,derision,dupe,fool,goat,joke,laughingstock,mark,patsy,pigeon,sap,setup,softie,subject,sucker,target,turkey,victimclay pigeon,easy mark,fall guy,jestee,sitting duckas in.poultry
同义词 chicken,duck,fowl,geese,pheasant,pigeongoose,grouse,hen,partridge,pullet,quail,rooster,turkeyas in.squealer
同义词 canary,fink,informer,pigeon,rat,snitch,stoolie,traitorthird earas in.gudgeon
同义词 butt,chump,fish,fool,gull,lamb,mark,patsy,pigeon,pushover,sap,sucker,victimeasy mark,sitting duckas in.lamb
同义词 fishbutt,chump,fool,gull,mark,patsy,pigeon,pushover,sap,sucker,victimeasy mark,sitting duckas in.dupe
同义词 patsy,sitting duckbutt,chump,fish,fool,mark,pigeon,pushover,sap,sucker,victimeasy markas in.fall guy
同义词 patsy,scapegoat,whipping boyboob,can-carrier,chopping block,chump,dupe,easy mark,easy touch,fool,goat,lamb to the slaughter,mark,pigeon,prize sap,sacrifice,sap,schlemiel,schmuck,sitting duck,soft touch,stooge,sucker,trusting soul,victimas in.victimize
同义词 deceive,discriminate against,dupe,exploit,persecute,pick on,prey on,stingbamboozle,burn,chisel,clip,con,cozen,defraud,fleece,gull,hoax,hoodwink,immolate,screw,snow,swindle,trick,useflimflam,have it in for,pigeon,rope in,set up,stack the deck,stiff,sucker,take advantage of The contestants blazed away at the clay pigeons.

“ No offense against pigeons but they seem, in their current numbers, such an unnecessary bird,” he says.
没有人想攻击鸽子,而是,以现在的数目看,它们似乎过多了。 hjenglish

A young boy chases pigeons in the courtyard of a Buddhist monastery and temple in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia’s capital.
一个小男孩在乌兰马托蒙古共和国首都的佛教寺院的院子里追赶着鸽子。 yeeyan

As of this month, police will fine people who feed the pigeons.
所以从这个月起,警察将对那些喂鸽子的人处以罚款。 hjenglish

By comparison, pigeons produce one- tenth the number of strokes.
相比之下,鸽子只能完成十分之一的翅膀拍击次数。 yeeyan

Carlo woke up in the morning and heard the vulgar pigeons yakking in the street outside his cell.

During the shooting season, the team gains experience by shooting birds, pigeons and fruit bats.
在射击训练季,射击队通过射击鸟类,鸽子和果蝠获取射击经验。 yeeyan

Facilities for Commonwealth Games shooters in tiny Niue are so scarce that they are forced to use pigeons and fruit bats for practice.
供给纽埃射击运动员参加英联邦运动会的训练设施如此缺乏,以至于他们被迫使用鸽子和果蝠训练。 yeeyan

He lofted his pigeons on the roof.

His limousine waits in the square below, watched over by pigeons and the bust of a dead aristocrat.
他的豪华轿车在下面的广场上随时待命,由鸽子和已逝贵族的铜像看守着。 ecocn

I know where the pigeons roost— I have held their chicks in my hand.
我知道鸽子们的栖息地。我曾把它们的雏鸟捧在手里。 yeeyan

If Skinner kept the focus on rats and pigeons and dogs, he would not have the impact that he did but he argued that you could extend all of these notions to humans and to human behavior.

Imagine this: Last night, before going to bed, I prepared a pair of my best- looking, fattest pigeons—only the best for them!
这么说吧:昨天晚上,睡觉前,我准备了一对最好看、最肥胖的鸽子——给他们最好的吃! yeeyan

London has pigeons and Karachi has hawks. There are hundreds of constantly circling raptor birds, which means a menu of either carrion or vermin.
伦敦有鸽子,卡拉奇有鹞鹰,天空中总是有几百只猛禽在盘旋,表明有腐肉和毒虫可供它们觅食。 yeeyan

One blue pigeons sitting on a wall.
一只蓝鸽子,它坐在墙头。 hjenglish

Saint Mark's Square in Venice, Italy, is known for its historic buildings and its pigeons.
意大利,威尼斯的圣马克广场以其历史悠久的建筑群和鸽子闻名。 hjenglish

Swapping lab coats during the experiments did not confuse the pigeons and they continued to shun the researcher who had been initially hostile.
在实验期间交换实验室工作服也没有使这些鸽子混淆,它们仍然会避开那个最初不太友好的实验人员。 huanqiu

The military got as far as adapting some missiles to accommodate the pigeons before eventually deciding electronics was a better bet for the future and killed Project Pigeon.
军方曾一度改造了一些导弹来适应这个鸽子的计划,但最终还是觉得电子制导比较靠谱并因此停止了鸽子计划。 yeeyan

This prototype seemed to work with the pigeons keeping the target in the centre.
这个模式似乎成功地使鸽子把目标定在中央。 yeeyan

Pigeons have been bred to serve as messengers across war zones and also as prize-winning specimens of spectacular and oddball plumage.
鸽子可以被养来在战区之间充当信使,它那一身华丽而又古怪的羽毛做成标本又可以获奖。 yeeyan




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