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词汇 pigeon
释义 pi·geon 英ˈpɪdʒən美ˈpɪdʒənAHDpĭjʹən ★☆☆☆☆高四六研IST4八COCA¹¹⁴²⁷BNC¹¹⁷⁴⁹iWeb¹⁰⁰¹⁰Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²


any of several types of wild or tame bird of the dove family

wild and domesticated birds having a heavy body and short legsdove,pigeon




用作名词 n.
动词+~let loose〔release〕 pigeons放飞鸽子tame pigeons驯养鸽子形容词+~homing〔pet〕 pigeon信〔爱〕鸽名词+~carrier〔clay〕 pigeon信〔泥〕鸽~+名词pigeon house鸽舍pigeon breast鸡胸~+介词pigeons on war services军用鸽
用作名词's pigeon

自己的责任或事情one's responsibility or affair

非常记忆pig猪〖熟词〗+e鹅〖编码〗+on上面〖熟词〗⇒猪在鹅头上绑了只鸽子发音记忆“批准”→禽流感期间,养鸽子也要经过批准→鸽子音似“批进”→禽流感期间,引进鸽子要得到批准⇒鸽子近义词 gull鸥dove鸽子mark记号chump呆子sucker傻瓜cully 呆子pigeon鸽子dupe受骗的人homing归巢的gudgeon白杨鱼pidgin混杂语言greenhorn初学者homing pigeon信鸽easy target容易吃亏的人…sitting duck易被击中的目标…sitting target易被击中的目标同sitt…
用作名词n.He has a carrier pigeon.他有一只信鸽。
Keeping carrier pigeons is his hobby.养信鸽是他的业余爱好。Ppigeonryn.鸽舍Ppigeon-breast鸡胸Ppigeon-livereda.温柔的Ppigeon-breasteda.鸡胸的Ppigeonhearteda.胆小的懦弱的害羞的Ppigeon-toeda.脚趾向内弯的内八字脚的Pstool-pigeon媒鸽用以引诱他人入圈套的人密探Ppigeonholen.鸽棚鸽子出入孔分类架粗略分类鸽棚般的小房间vt.分类归档把…束之高阁

用作名词Apigeonperched on our porch railing.一只鸽子栖息在我们门廊的栏杆上。
Littlepigeoncan carry great message.鸽子虽小,大事可传。
Apigeonis cooing up in one of the elm.一只鸽子在榆树上咕咕地叫。
An old man sat on the park bench and fed thepigeon.一位老人坐在公园的长凳上喂鸽子。
I don't care where the money comes from: that's not mypigeon.我不管钱从哪儿来,那不是我的事。as in.defenseless
同义词 helpless,unarmed,unprotectedcaught,endangered,exposed,hands tied,in line of fire,indefensible,like a clay pigeon,like a sitting duck,naked,on the line,on-the-spot,open,out on limb,poor,unguarded,up the creek,weak,wide open
反义词 powerful,strongas in.poultry
同义词 chicken,duck,fowl,geese,pheasantgoose,grouse,hen,partridge,pullet,quail,rooster,turkeyas in.butt
同义词 object of ridiculechump,derision,dupe,fool,goat,joke,laughingstock,mark,patsy,sap,setup,softie,subject,sucker,target,turkey,victimclay pigeon,easy mark,fall guy,jestee,sitting duckas in.dupe
同义词 patsy,sitting duckbutt,chump,fish,fool,mark,pushover,sap,sucker,victimeasy mark
反义词 cognizantas in.easy mark
同义词 chump,cinch,doormat,easy pickings,easy touch,fall guy,jay,mark,mug,patsy,prize sap,pushover,scapegoat,sitting duck,soft touch,sucker,trusting soulas in.fall guy
同义词 patsy,scapegoat,whipping boyboob,can-carrier,chopping block,chump,dupe,easy mark,easy touch,fool,goat,lamb to the slaughter,mark,prize sap,sacrifice,sap,schlemiel,schmuck,sitting duck,soft touch,stooge,sucker,trusting soul,victimas in.gudgeon
同义词 butt,chump,fish,fool,gull,lamb,mark,patsy,pushover,sap,sucker,victimeasy mark,sitting duckas in.lamb
同义词 fishbutt,chump,fool,gull,mark,patsy,pushover,sap,sucker,victimeasy mark,sitting duckas in.patsy
同义词 doormat,sitting duckboob,chump,dupe,fool,goat,gull,pushover,sap,scapegoat,schmuck,stooge,sucker,victim,weaklingeasy markas in.pawn
同义词 dupe,patsy,puppet,stoogecreature,instrument,mark,sucker,tool,toy,victimas
同义词 chump,dolt,dupe,fool,idiot,jerk,nitwit,patsy,simpleton,sucker
反义词 brainas in.scapegoat
同义词 fall guychump,doormat,dupe,fool,goat,gull,mark,patsy,pushover,sacrifice,sap,schmuck,stooge,sucker,victim,weaklingboob,easy mark,sitting duckas in.setup
同义词 butt,chump,dummy,dupe,fool,goat,gull,mark,patsy,pushover,sap,set-up,sucker,victimeasy mark,fall guy,sitting duck
反义词 brainas in.squealer
同义词 canary,fink,informer,rat,snitch,stoolie,traitorthird earas in.stooge
同义词 fall guy,lackey,pawn,puppetchump,flunky,fool,patsy,pushover,sap,sucker,victimeasy markas
同义词 mark,victimbutt,byword,game,prey,quarry,scapegoat,scorn,sportsitting duckas in.victim
同义词 casualty,dead,fatality,injured,sufferer,woundedinjured partyas in.victimize
同义词 deceive,discriminate against,dupe,exploit,persecute,pick on,prey on,stingbamboozle,burn,chisel,clip,con,cozen,defraud,fleece,gull,hoax,hoodwink,immolate,screw,snow,swindle,trick,useflimflam,have it in for,rope in,set up,stack the deck,stiff,sucker,take advantage of
反义词 be honestgive,helpaid,assist,protect
buttnoun object of joking
chump,clay pigeon,derision,dupe,easy mark,fall guy,fool,goat,jestee,joke,laughingstock,mark,object of ridicule,patsy,sap,setup,sitting duck,softie,subject,sucker,target,turkey,victim
defenselessadjective powerless, vulnerable
caught,endangered,exposed,hands tied,helpless,in line of fire,indefensible,like a clay pigeon,like a sitting duck,naked,on the line,on-the-spot,open,out on limb,pigeon,poor,unarmed,unguarded,unprotected,up the creek,weak,wide open
dupenoun person who is fooled
butt,chump,easy mark,fish,fool,mark,patsy,pigeon,pushover,sap,sitting duck,sucker,victim
easy marknoun easy victim
chump,cinch,doormat,easy pickings,easy touch,fall guy,jay,mark,mug,patsy,pigeon,prize sap,pushover,scapegoat,sitting duck,soft touch,sucker,trusting soul
fall guynoun easy victim
boob,can-carrier,chopping block,chump,dupe,easy mark,easy touch,fool,goat,lamb to the slaughter,mark,patsy,pigeon,prize sap,sacrifice,sap,scapegoat,schlemiel,schmuck,sitting duck,soft touch,stooge,sucker,trusting soul,victim,whipping boy
gudgeonnoun dupe
butt,chump,easy mark,fish,fool,gull,lamb,mark,patsy,pigeon,pushover,sap,sitting duck,sucker,victim A blind pigeon may sometimes find a grain of wheat.

And in her practical way she scraped together a small square of dust, and with a twig from a pigeon's nest began drawing a map on the floor.
她用很实际的方法,扫来一小块灰尘,又从鸽子巢里捡出的一根树枝,在地上给他画起地图来。 yeeyan

As the name implies, pigeon is an awkward pose, and it happens to be the most challenging for me.
顾名思义,鸽子式是一个很棘手的姿势,它对于我来说是最有挑战性的。 yeeyan

Brian Tattersall, president of the Royal Pigeon Racing Association, has called for the advert to be banned.

Many journalists here choose to pigeon all but the most innocuous of stories.

The provincial government in Buenos Aires says it may imitate La Pampa province, allowing pigeon hunting to keep the birds in check.
布宜诺斯艾利斯省政府说,他们也许会效仿拉潘帕省,允许捕猎鸽子以约束鸟类的行为。 yeeyan

The air in the little square chamber above the bells was hot and stagnant, and smelt overpoweringly of pigeon dung.
赤日炎炎的午后,钟塔上那个方形小屋里空气闷热凝固,鸽子粪便味浓得刺鼻。 yeeyan

The Google pigeon is also placed on a map and appearing on a mobile page.
谷鸽同时也被放在了地图上,并出现在了移动版网页上。 yeeyan

The investigation determined that the man cleaned pigeon faeces from blocked roof gutters at his home shortly before symptom onset.
调查确定该男子在症状出现前不久在家中从阻塞的屋顶水糟中清理鸽粪。 who

At the front desk, a man with silvery hair stands with a pigeon on his shoulder.
而前台那,一银发男子站立着,一鸽子站在他的肩上。 yeeyan

Charles Darwin, by contrast, found a lead for his theory of natural selection in the whimsical hobby of pigeon fancying, where the birds showed an enormous variety of form and behaviour.
达尔文则相反,他自然选择的理论最初是在鸽子奇特习性中发现的,它们在行为方式上表现出巨大的变化。 ecocn

For example, a club of pigeon fanciers that had enjoyed a kind of autonomy now suddenly find themselves scrutinized by the central power.
比如,一群曾经自得其乐的鸽子爱好者们现在突然发现他们被中央权力密切注视着。 yeeyan

For example, birds clap their wings together at the peak of the upstroke during takeoff— that’s the clatter of a pigeon taking off in the park— and rotate their wings on the way down to get lift.
例如,鸟儿在起飞上升的顶点合起它们的翅膀——这是公园里鸽子起飞时扑哧的声音——在降落时旋转它们的翅膀以获得升力。 yeeyan

From the plebeian pigeon to the rarest bird of all. The Spix's macaw, or the little blue macaw, may be the most endangered bird in the world.
从最普通的家鸽到最罕见的鸟类中,斯皮克斯金刚鹦鹉,又叫做小蓝金刚鹦鹉,绝对是世界上最为濒危的鸟类。 yeeyan

Her head rested on his shoulder, the pleasant smell of her hair conquering the pigeon dung.
她的头也靠着她的肩膀,她头发的香味盖过了鸽子的粪臭味。 yeeyan

How the sun rose above the granite and concrete. How the pigeon flew above you, the whistle around its tail feathers trilling.
太阳是如何的从花岗岩和水泥建筑上升起来的,鸽子如何的从身边飞过,尾部的哨音在回响。 yeeyan

Moth tossed a fistful of pigeon bones and sniffed the baby, and sniffed the sky, and led the clockmaker across town, as soft as a breeze.
莫丝扔掉一把鸽子骨头,用鼻子嗅了嗅婴儿,接着又嗅了嗅天空,然后就带着钟表匠,像一阵微风似的,慢慢地走进城。 yeeyan

No pigeon is telling the others what to do.
没有鸽子会告诉其它鸽子该怎样去做。 ecocn

Start slow with forward bends and calf stretches, move on to pigeon pose and plow at the end.
开始时缓慢的前倾伸展和小腿伸展,然后摆出鸽子的姿势再是犁头的姿势。 yeeyan

Tanneries in the Victorian era exploited the flammability of pigeon droppings and dog feces to soften animal hide, a prerequisite for making fine leather.
维多利亚时代的鞣革厂利用鸽粪和狗粪的易燃性来柔化动物毛皮,而柔化毛皮是制作上乘皮革的首要工序。 ecocn

The military got as far as adapting some missiles to accommodate the pigeons before eventually deciding electronics was a better bet for the future and killed Project Pigeon.
军方曾一度改造了一些导弹来适应这个鸽子的计划,但最终还是觉得电子制导比较靠谱并因此停止了鸽子计划。 yeeyan

To deprive him of sleep, the guards at the underground prison at Hoeryong city near the Chinese border used“ pigeon torture”.
为了不让他睡觉,会宁市位于中国边境附近地下监狱的守卫们使用了“鸽子折磨法”。 yeeyan

' Well, be off, then!' said the Pigeon in a sulky tone, as it settled down again into its nest.
“哼,那就滚开!”鸽子生气地说着,同时又飞下去钻进它的窝里了。 hjenglish

While the pigeon- guided missile died, the idea of using a box with levers for experimenting with animals lived on in the form of a ' Skinner box'.
虽然鸽子制导导弹没戏了,但是把装有杠杆的箱子用于实验的想法被保留了下来,并以著名的“斯金纳箱”的形式存在。 yeeyan




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