

单词 PIF
释义 PIFBNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²
Each PIF must be signed and initialled where necessary manually, not mechanically or electronically.
本表签名需以手签为准,不接受打印或电子签名。 bbs.translators.com.cn

The wide angle spectrum characteristic of polarization interference filter PIF is key to the design and manufacture.
偏振干涉滤光片宽角度光谱特性是设计研制中的关键。 cnki

A new kind of fiber optic sensor is proposed, which can remove the polarization induced fading PIF in conventional low birefringent single mode optical fiber.
针对低双折射光纤双束干涉型传感器两臂偏振态随机变化引起的信号衰落,提出了一种新型的光纤传感器结构。 cnki

Any attachment must be initialled by the Notary Public and the person completing this PIF.
任何附件必须同时经公证机构及填写人签名。 bbs.translators.com.cn

China and the PIF are both committed to safeguarding the interests of developing countries and share identical or similar stances on many international and regional issues.
中国和论坛都致力于维护发展中国家的利益,在许多国际和地区问题上有一致或相近的立场。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

Local group Theatre du Pif will present Overcoat, an English play based on the century-old masterpiece by Nikolai Gogol about the alienating world of a bureaucratic office in St Petersburg.
本地剧团进剧场将公演一齣英语话剧大衣.大衣改编自 Nikolai Gogol的百年名著讲述关于圣彼德堡的一个官僚化办公室里疏离的世界. yeeyan

Maiava reiterated the PIF's adherence to the one- China policy.
迈亚瓦重申坚持一个中国政策。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

The network you specified already has a PIF attached to it, and so another one may not be attached.
指定的网络已经连接 PIF,所以不会连接另外一个。 launchpad

The paper focused on the study of effects of goat Placenta Immunomodulatory Factor PIF.
本研究对羊胎盘免疫调节因子 PIF进行了主要药效学评价。 iciba

Theatre programmes featured a wide variety of works by local creative forces such as No Man's Land, Theatre du Pif, the Exploration Theatre and the Chung Ying Theatre Company.
戏剧节目的种类也十分多元化,包括本港具创意的剧团如无人地带、进剧场、赫垦坊剧团及中英剧团的演出。 iciba




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