

单词 acceptance speech
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At the same time, Wallace still special close friends set up for the message board, let you express intention, record the love their acceptance speech.
同时,华莱士还特别贴心地为朋友们设立了留言板,让你抒写心意,记录爱的感言。 wecanex.com

“This is so weird, ” Sandra said during her acceptance speech. “ Scarlett, why are you here?”
桑德拉在获奖感言中说到:“好诡异哈。斯嘉丽,什么风把你给吹来了?” hjenglish

After his Nobel Prize acceptance speech, President Obama will be well positioned to authorize a disclosure announcement.
奥巴马领奖后,就很适当地处于授权公开的绝佳处境。 angozj

As I read his acceptance speech, I thought about Free and Open Source Software, and applied parts of his speech to my favorite subject.
当我阅读他的获奖感言时,我想到了自由开源软件,于是把他的部分感言运用到了我最爱的主题上。 yeeyan

During her acceptance speech, the Hollywood actress addressed the industry's younger actresses, to offer her advice.
在领奖时,这位好莱坞女星向演艺圈的年轻女星提出了建议。 ebigear

Every good acceptance speech has four ingredients: gratitude, recognition and sincerity. Most importantly, it’s memorable.
每一个好的获奖感言都有四部分组成:感激、认可、真诚,更重要的是,令人难忘。 yeeyan

Justin in his acceptance speech at the2004 Grammy Awards.
Justin在2004年格莱美颁奖典礼上的获奖感言。 ti98

Ko is one of Taiwan's most popular writers, and in his acceptance speech he said he has always dreamed of making a movie.
柯景腾是台湾最受欢迎的作家之一,在他的得奖感言中他说,他一直梦想要拍一部电影。 ctcvn

Madam Agnes Abolimpoh , case worker of the Home in her acceptance speech, thanked the DDFC for the support and appealed to other corporate bodies to emulate the gesture.
“儿童之家”干事艾格尼斯女士在受赠仪式上感谢了德罗巴球迷俱乐部的支持,同时也号召更多的组织团体效仿这样的义举。 iciba

Recipients were allowed a maximum of60 seconds to deliver their acceptance speech, a time limit enforced by an eight-year-old girl.
获奖者将作出60秒以内的受奖感言,而时限将由一个8岁的女孩执行。 yeeyan

The winners were given one minute to deliver their acceptance speech, with the time limit strictly policed by an outspoken eight-year-old girl.
获奖者均拥有一分钟的时间发表获奖感言,时间由一位心直口快的8岁女孩严格控制。 cri




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