

单词 piedmont
释义 pied·mont 英ˈpiːdˌmɒnt美ˈpidˌmɑntAHDpēdʹmŏnt'

the plateau between the coastal plain and the Appalachian Mountains: parts of Virginia and North and South Carolina and Georgia and Alabamaa gentle slope leading from the base of a mountain to a region of flat landthe region of northwestern Italy; includes the Po valleypiedmont ice山麓冰piedmont deposit山麓堆积piedmont plain山麓平原,山麓冲积平…piedmont glacier山麓冰川piedmont stairway山麓梯级piedmont step山麓梯级piedmont slope山麓坡piedmont flat山麓梯级piedmont bulb山麓冰川舌瓣…piedmont scarp山麓断岩
近义词 Piemonte皮埃蒙特区[意大利行政区…

用作形容词In thepiedmontzone the terrace and pediment surface jointly formed a geomorphic surface.在山麓地带 Rather than creating an Italian state, unification expanded the Kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia in Italy’s north at the expense of the Catholic Church and other local rulers.
在意大利北部山麓国土上蔓延的统一只是让天主教会和其它当地统治者付出了应有的代价,却没有创建一个意大利国家。 yeeyan

The low piedmont surface and the terrace are composed with red sand, clay gravel and red soil.
低山麓面和阶地面上的组成物质是红色砂、粘土砾石和红色土。 cnki

A firecracker was found wedged between2 seats on a Piedmont Airlines plane at LaGuardia Airport, New York, Sunday evening, local media reported Monday.
据当地媒体28日报道,工作人员27日晚在纽约拉瓜迪亚机场停靠的一架客机上发现一只爆竹。 这只爆竹是在皮德蒙特航空公司客机上两个座位之间发现的。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

A town of north-central North Carolina at the edge of the Piedmont west- northwest of Raleigh.
美国北卡罗来纳州中北部一城镇,位于罗利西北偏西的彼得蒙边界。 ecocn

Admittedly, a tornado did strike a church in Piedmont, Alabama, whilst the congregation was inside actually praying. The church collapsed and the entire congregation was wiped out.
不可否认,龙卷风确实摧毁了亚拉巴马州皮埃蒙特城中的一座教堂,当时会众们正在教堂内祈祷,教堂倒塌会众全体遇难。 yeeyan

Back in Piedmont, plant leader Brad C. Brougher is busy hosting contingents of curious visitors from other GE plants and planning for growth.
回到皮得蒙特,工厂领导布拉德 C.布鲁佛正忙于迎接来自其他通用工厂的好奇的参观者们,他还准备扩大生产线。 yeeyan

Based on the compositing characteristics of underground water resources and cities of Haihe River Basin, cities can be divided into three types- piedmont plain, median plain and coastal plain.
依据地下水资源与城市的组合特征,将海河流域平原区的城市划分为山前平原、中部平原和滨海平原三种类型。 cnki

Comprehensive evaluation considered that Shanshan arc like belt, Honglian area, Pubei and northern piedmont belts are favourable one for deep hydrocarbon exploration in Taibei sag.
综合评价认为:鄯善孤形带、红连区带、葡北带和北部山前带是台北凹陷开展深层油气勘探的有利区带。 cnki

France and Piedmont, in alliance, had kicked the Austrians out of Lombardy.
当时,法国与皮埃蒙特已经联手将奥地利人逐出了意大利北部的伦巴第地区。 yeeyan

Garibaldi then offered the territory as a gift to the now enlarged Piedmont, which, as much to avoid the spread of republicanism as for any other reason, sent its armies south to meet him.
加里波蒂随后提出将其占领的区域拱手让给完成了扩张的皮耶蒙特。而皮耶蒙特为了阻止共和主义的扩散或是出于其他原因,出兵南下与加里波蒂汇合。 yeeyan

He even braved the threat of a death sentence in Italy by smuggling rice out of Piedmont.
他甚至冒着被判死刑的危险从意大利皮埃荤特区把大米走私出来。 yeeyan

Lishan piedmont fracture is a nearly west east strike and northward dip normal fault developed on the north side of raised Lishan.
骊山山前断裂是发育于骊山凸起北侧的一条近东西走向并向北倾斜的正断层。 iciba

Most important, although many in Naples and Sicily welcomed the takeover from Turin, this reflected disillusion with their Bourbon monarchs, not enthusiasm for Piedmont’s Victor Emmanuel II.
最重要的是,虽然在那不勒斯和西西里岛有许多人对都灵的接管表示欢迎,但这只代表他们对波旁王朝统治者的幻想破灭,而不是对皮埃蒙特的维克托•伊曼纽尔二世的热情拥戴。 ecocn

Much of that study, of course, was done by tobacco companies, and Targacept, one of the bioscience companies in the Piedmont Triad Research Park, is among the fruits of that labour.
当然,大部分烟草研究都由烟草公司完成。 皮埃蒙特三合会研究园的一家生物科学公司 Targacept就是该研究的一个成果。 ecocn

Nancy Cutler,51, a publication designer in Piedmont, Calif., grew worried about her brain a few years ago when she drove her car to work one day, then, forgetting she had done so, took the bus home.
南希卡特勒,51岁,加州皮埃蒙特的一位刊物设计师.几年前的一天她驾车去上班,然后下班的时候忘了这回事,坐公车回家了,此后她便开始担忧自己的大脑情况了. yeeyan

Several years ago, in Piedmont, Alabama, a tornado came through the town on Palm Sunday and crushed a United Methodist church, killing the pastor's daughter.
几年前,在亚拉巴马州的山麓上,一股龙卷风在棕枝全日复活节前的星期日横扫了村庄,并摧毁了一个联合循道公会教徒的教堂。 yeeyan

Shenya legend: According to legend, when the Ming Dynasty, a man named Xu piedmont White Village as thick in the Thai city of the shop, met a father and son lodging of what last name.
舍身崖传说:相传,在明朝时候,山前白峪村有个叫徐德厚的在泰城开店,遇一对何姓父子投宿。 qite8

Surface layer wave field correction taking wave theory as basis and prestack depth migration are effective means for improving imaging precision of piedmont complex structures.
以波动理论为基础的表层波场校正与叠前深度偏移技术是提高山前带复杂构造成像精度的有效手段。 cnki

The party won13% of the vote, up from 8% at the general election, and took the governorships of two northern regions, Veneto and Piedmont.
该党赢得了13%的选票,高于大选中的8%,而且还在北部拿下威尼托区和皮埃蒙特区的区长席位。 ecocn




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