

单词 picking up
释义 picking up短语³³⁵³
And when the poor animal hopped on three legs, they thought that each time it was picking up a stone to throw at them.
猫走起来一跛一跛的,它们以为猫每跛一次,就拾起了一块石头,是准备用来向它们投掷的。 ebigear

The evolutionary model is, I think, responding to, and picking up on, the fact that in many respects, Yahweh resembles the gods of Israel's neighbors.

A later study found that the men were picking up on whole suite of nonverbal cues, including the length of their stride, how they shifted their weight, and how high they lifted their feet.
随后的一项研究发现,这些人是根据整套非语言信号来挑选的,包括他们步伐的长度、他们如何转移重量,以及他们的脚抬得有多高。 yeeyan

A metaphor that really helps me is that of picking up and putting down rocks.
有一个隐喻,是关于捡起以及扔掉石头的,它对我真的很有启示。 yeeyan

It essentially scans email to find receipts and order confirmations, picking up any tracking numbers along the way.
它主要是对电子邮件进行扫描,从中拣出收据、定单确认信、以及追踪号码。 fortunechina

Just like playing a song, picking up a book again that has memories can take you back to another place or another time.
就像演奏一首曲子,再次拾起一本书,其中的回忆也会带你到另一个时间另一个地方。 yeeyan

My boys love picking up“ treasures” aka garbage in the alleys, so we recently signed up for an“ adopt a beach” cleanup program.
我的儿子喜欢在胡同里捡“财宝”又叫垃圾,所以最近我们注册了一个“认养海滩”的清理计划。 yeeyan

Once I even saw a complete stranger picking up litter close to where we live.
曾经有一次,我在我们家附近看到一位陌生人在捡垃圾。 examw

Once I gave a speech to a group on caring about the world and people around, doing things like picking up trash and making things look neat in public spaces where apathy usually reigns.
一次我给一群人做了一个关于关心公益事业的演讲,内容是关于做一些例如捡垃圾或者清理环境的事情,可是下面人的反应很冷淡。 yeeyan

The good news is that growth is becoming more broadly based, as demand in the euro area and Japan has been picking up, and fears about an imminent hard landing in China have faded.
有利好消息,世界经济增长的基础比以前更广泛了,如日元区和欧元区的需求已经开始上扬,对中国经济紧急硬着陆的担心也消除了。 ecocn

Total employment incomes are picking up but not by enough to stay ahead of higher inflation.
但是总的雇佣收入在上升,但是也没有抵消通货膨胀率的影响。 ecocn

Use this pattern and, unlike me, you actually can have people picking up your garbage in the halls.
要用以上这几条,不要像我,你的听众会去把大厅里的垃圾捡起来的。 yeeyan

Why do I spend my time picking up every other area in my home except the place that’s mine?
为什么我花了我所有的时间来收拾屋子的其他每个地方,最后发现我的卧室仍旧没有打扫? yeeyan

Yet business and consumer confidence seem to be picking up across most of the euro area.
到目前为止商业和消费者信心似乎在欧盟大部分地区都有抬头。 ecocn




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