

单词 piazza
释义 pi·az·za 英piːˈæzə, -ˈɑːzə美piˈæzə, -ˈɑzəAHDpē-ăzʹə, -äʹzə ★☆☆☆☆高四G宝COCA²²⁰³⁹BNC²⁰⁸²⁰iWeb²⁵⁷⁶⁵

a public square with room for pedestrians;

they met at Elm Plaza

Grosvenor Place

来自意大利语piazza,广场,来自拉丁语platea,宽阔的街道,平面,词源同plate,plan.GRE红宝书来自意大利语pizzan 比萨饼, 这种饼经常在广场和拱廊里卖
与plaza 同源,可能是place的变体; pizza 意大利比萨饼,在露天市场上卖;比萨特指意大利小镇的公共广场
来自意大利语,意为m arketplace市场
GRE难词记忆piazza→pizza n.比萨饼→广场上有卖比萨饼的来自意大利语,意为marketplace市场近义词 plaza广场place地方forum讨论会square正方形quadrangle四边形town square城镇广场gathering place聚会场所

用作名词Siena's mainpiazzawas one of the sights of Italy.锡耶纳的主要广场是意大利的名胜之一。
They walked out of the cafeteria, and across thepiazza.他们走出自助餐厅,穿过广场。
A boy is flying a kite in thepiazza.一个小男孩在阳台上放风筝。noun.porch
同义词 balcony,colonnade,patio,portico,square,stoop,veranda
arcadenoun covered way
balconynoun porch or structure above the ground
courtnoun yard, garden of building
porticonoun porch
shopping centernoun collection of stores in one place
agora,arcade,bazaar,concentrated area for shopping,emporium,fair,flea market,galleria,mall,market,marketplace,mart,mini-mall,piazza,plaza,shopping complex,shopping mall,shopping plaza,strip mall
verandanoun porch
balconylanaipatio,piazza,platform,portico,stoop,terrace A window is open and for a while the noise of the Piazza di Spagna threatens to demolish what’s left of the students’ concentration.
窗户开著,有那麽一会,西班牙广场的噪音在威胁要毁掉学生们的注意力。 yeeyan

At first Piazza sounds like the typical course management system discussion board where students might post their questions.
Piazza最初看起来想一个典型的学生发布问题的课程管理系统。 yeeyan

The latest evidence of this truth has been gathered by Sabrina Lee of Simon Fraser University in Vancouver and Stephen Piazza at Pennsylvania State University.
这一事实的最新证据由温哥华西蒙弗雷泽大学的塞布丽娜。李和宾夕法尼亚州立大学的史蒂芬。皮埃查搜集。 ecocn

The site is supported by a system of notification alerts, and the average question on Piazza will receive an answer in14 minutes.
网站由一个消息提醒系统支持,问题得到答案的平均时间为14分钟。 yeeyan

“ As it turns out, the act of gossip can indeed be quite powerful, ” said Jared Piazza of Queen's University in Belfast, Northern Ireland.
北爱尔兰贝尔法斯特皇后大学的加里德·匹亚泽说:“事实证明,流言的力量的确很强大。” ebigear

“ No one walking down St. Charles Street after Katrina could imagine how much the city has come back, ” said New Orleans novelist Tom Piazza.
“卡特里娜飓风席卷后,行走在圣查尔斯街 St. Charles Street上,没人可以想象今天城市复原的情况,”新奥尔良小说家 Tom Piazza表示。 yeeyan

“ We usually think of the shapes of your bones as things that shouldn’t be changeable with time, ” Piazza said.
Piazza说:“我们常常人认为我们骨骼的形状是不会随着时间的推移而改变的。” yeeyan

Although there are rival services, like Blackboard, an education software company, Piazza’s platform is specifically designed to speed response times.
尽管还有“黑板报”这样的竞争对手, Piazza的平台设计旨在提高回答问题的速度。 yeeyan

Ancient Roman Women Exercising in Bikinis. Roman Mosaic From Villa Romana del Casale outside the town of Piazza Armerina, in Central Sicily.
好像穿着比基尼服装,从事体育锻炼的古罗马妇女,来自西西里岛中环的亚美林娜小镇外的卡萨莱古罗马别墅里的马赛克。 yeeyan

But since the 1980s, the piazza has been underwater more than40 times per year.
但自20世纪80年代以来,这个广场每年都要被洪水淹没40多次以上。 yeeyan

California is just south of the Piazza.
加利福尼亚位于大广场的南边。 yeeyan

Dr Lee and Dr Piazza found, as they report in the Journal of Experimental Biology, that the toes of their sprinters averaged8.2cm in length, while those of non- sprinters averaged7.3cm.
李和皮埃查在《实验生物学报》之上刊登了他们的发现:样本中短跑运动员的脚趾长度平均为8.2厘米,而非运动员平均只有7.3厘米。 ecocn

I declined them with smile and civility. Walking out of the piazza, I have a kind of vacant feeling in my heart.
我微笑有礼地一一回绝了他们,走出花市,心里竟然有种空落落的感觉。 club.edu.sina.com.cn

In spite of being near the Piazza San Marco, it is not overrun by tourists.
尽管该广场与圣马可广场相距较近,但是来观赏的游客却不多。 ecocn

It faces a piazza paved with a skull mosaic designed by Luc Tuymans, an international art star and local resident.
它面前的广场用头骨马赛克铺成,是由国际艺术明星吕克•图伊曼斯和当地居民设计的。 ecocn

Ms Piazza said if a student broke the rule the phone was confiscated and returned only if picked up by a parent.
Piazza女士说,如果学生破坏了这条规矩,我们就会没收其手机,并当家长来的时候再予以返还。 yeeyan

Since quick acceleration over a short distance is the key to winning a short race, Piazza says the trade-off makes sense for sprinters.
因为能够在短距离内迅速加速是在短跑中获胜的关键,所以 Piazza认为这些因素的权衡对短跑选手而言是值得的。 yeeyan

Tourists and locals waded through the historic piazza with high boots as alarms warned of the latest bout of “ acqua alta.”
游客和当地的居民穿着高筒靴子趟过广场上的海水,警报器中还提醒着人们小心最近的一股海潮。 yeeyan

Piazza San Marco appears to have been a spectacular arena back then.
昔日的圣马可广场似乎是一个引人入胜的舞台。 ecocn

Piazza adds the social networking component by issuing alerts so questions receive an answer quickly.
它因为加入了社交网络组件的消息提醒使问题回答时间变短。 yeeyan




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