

单词 pianists
释义 pianists pi:ˈænɪsts COCA³⁹¹⁷⁵BNC³⁴⁹⁴⁷Economist¹⁷⁹⁰¹
n.钢琴家pianist的名词复数原型pianist的复数 By the mid-1920s he was nearly forgotten in Europe, where a slew of other pianists took his place in the public eye.
20年代中期,他几乎已被欧洲忘记,大量其他钢琴家取代了他在公众心目中的位置。 yeeyan

This by the way is why Europe produced far more Jewish violinists than pianists.
顺便说一句,欧洲犹太人小提琴家之所以大大多于犹太人钢琴家,原因就在这里。 ebigear

Everybody followed Armstrong's lead, from composers to saxophonists, to singers and pianists.
从作曲家到萨克斯手,再到歌手已经钢琴师,大家一路秉承阿姆斯特朗的风格。 yeeyan

For most of us who never became concert pianists or even made it to mediocre, what was the point of learning to play the piano as a child?
对于绝大多数像我们这样,永远不可能成为钢琴家甚至是一般的演奏者的普通人来说,从小学习钢琴的目的是什么呢? yeeyan

He calls him “one of the greatest and most individual pianists of the20th century” and“ one of the most singular characters, with one of the most bizarre stories, in the history of music.”
他称尼莱吉哈奇为“20世纪最伟大最独特的钢琴家之一”和“音乐史上性格最特异、故事最离奇的钢琴家之一” 。 yeeyan

He is acknowledged to be one of the greatest pianists.

Hee-Ah thanks God because she believes if she had ten normal fingers she would merely be one among many pianists.
僖芽感谢上帝,因为她相信如果自己拥有正常的十指,她只会是众多钢琴家其中一位。 yaedu

His first teacher sent him to Pnina Salzman, the doyenne of Israeli pianists.
他的第一位老师将他推荐给以色列的“钢琴第一夫人”尼娜·萨尔茨曼 Pnina Salzman。 yeeyan

In Bloom's Developing Talent in Young Children, he points out that Among the gifted pianists he studied, many were not from musical families.
美国心理学家布鲁姆在名为《开发幼儿天赋》的书中指出,在其研究的天才钢琴家之中,很多人并非来自音乐世家。 yeeyan

Many world-renowned pedagogues predict that Wenyu Shen will become one of the greatest pianists in history.
许多知名的教育家都预言,沈文裕将成为历史上最伟大的钢琴家之一。 www.meishijn.tianyablog.com

Millions of pianists in China were vying for fame.
中国有成千上万的钢琴家为出人头第而拼挣。 blog.sina.com.cn

Newly remastered recordings of great pianists of the past have increasingly demonstrated what Romantic playing sounded like a century ago, and it is not what the fragile and aged Nyiregyhazi mustered.
重新灌录的过去伟大的钢琴家的唱片,更加证明浪漫派的演奏听起来宛如一个世纪以前,而不是年老体弱的尼莱吉哈奇表现出来的那样。 yeeyan

One of my all-time favorite jazz pianists is Thelonious Monk.
瑟隆尼亚斯孟克是我其中一个最爱的爵士乐钢琴家。 yeeyan

Researchers at the National Institutes of Health gave six professional jazz pianists a few days to memorize a never-before- seen tune.
国家卫生研究所 NIH的研究人员让6名职业爵士钢琴手在几天时间内记忆一段从未见过的音乐。 yeeyan

She invested it with a degree of life and imagination that not many pianists before the public today could begin to duplicate.
她这种略带着生命和想象的演奏是很难被现今市面上的钢琴师复刻的。 ecocn

Within a very short time, however, the incongruity of playing lively music to a solemn film became apparent, and film pianists began to take some care in matching their pieces to the mood of the film.
但在很短的时间内,为一部庄重的影片演奏快活的音乐所产生的不协调感变得显而易见,因此钢琴家们开始注意将自己的作品与影片的情调结合起来。 ebigear

You and I can’t become chess grandmasters, or NBA superstars, or concert pianists, simply because we don’t have the necessary anatomy.
我和你不能成为象棋大师,或者 NBA超级明星,或者音乐会上的钢琴家,其原因只在于我们没有必要的人体结构。 yeeyan

You've probably heard many pianists playing the same work, but when you hear Gould, it's like it's brand-new.
你可能听过很多钢琴家弹同一首曲子,但你听 Glenn Gould弹的时候,这首曲子好像全新的一样。 yeeyan




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