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词汇 Phytoplasmas
释义 Phytoplasmas
So far,the extra PCR band was found at least in grapevine yellows and elm yellows phytoplasma detection.另外,已知这一现象至少在葡萄黄化stolbur和榆黄化植原体的检测过程中出现。
The Jujube witches' broom disease caused by phytoplasma has brought much economic damage to jujube production in our country.由植原体引起的枣疯病在我国分布普遍,危害严重,使我国的枣树生产遭到极大的经济损失。
Jujube witches' broom caused by phytoplasma, is becoming the most destructive systematic disease of Chinese jujube and has brought much economic damage to our country.枣疯病是由植原体引起的枣树上一种毁灭性系统侵染病害,给我国的枣树生产造成巨大的经济损失。
Based on the results we hold that the photosynthetic capability of the leaves infected by phytoplasma was declined and the photosynthesis was restrained significantly.根据以上结果认为:植原体侵染桑树导致叶片光合能力明显下降,光合作用受到明显抑制。
Qiu B S, Li H H, Shi C L, et al.Amplification of phytoplasma 16S rDNA from 20 infected plants in china and their RFLP analysis;.Scientia Silvae Sinicae, 1998, 34: 67-74.;邱并生; 李横虹; 史春霖; 等.;从我国20种感病植物中扩增植原体16S rDNA片段及其RFLP分析;
Host range of wheat blue dwarf phytoplasma小麦蓝矮病植原体的寄主范围研究




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