

单词 physiologists
释义 physiologists ˌfɪzi:ˈɔlədʒi:z COCA⁶⁰⁸⁸⁹BNC⁴⁴¹⁰⁷
n.生理学者physiologist的名词复数;生理学physiology的名词复数;生理机能原型physiologist的复数 It is an important mission for nutritional physiologists to study the metabolism, control and application of VE.
研究 VE的代谢,促进其应用与调控,是营养生理学者的重要任务之一。 cnki

A team of clinicians, computing scientists and physiologists at the university are working together on the project.
一支由大学里的临床医师、计算机科学家、生物学家组成的队伍一起这个项目中工作。 yeeyan

Animal physiologists have done beautiful work on the anatomy of this sensory system.
动物生理学家对这一感觉系统进行了完善的解剖研究。 yeeyan

But a study by exercise physiologists now suggests a new reason for the slaughter: suits of armor might not be all that great for fighting.
然而现代的运动生理学家经过研究得出的结论显示,正是法军引以为傲的重型盔甲导致了他们的战败。 yeeyan

Decades ago, physiologists discovered that during metabolism, oxygen O2 can split into single oxygen atoms, known as free radicals.
数十年前,生理学家们发现新陈代谢过程中,氧分子 O2会裂解成游离的单个氧原子。 dxy

If you're already practicing yoga, you don't need exercise scientists and physiologists to convince you of the benefits of stretching.
只要练习过瑜伽,你根本不需要那些运动专家和生理学家来让你信服伸展的益处。 blog.sina.com.cn

In modern society, physiologists, psychologists and sociologists have conducted much research on puberty girls from different perspectives and have achieved very good results.
现代社会中,生理学家、心理学家及社会学家从各自不同的角度对少女青春期进行了大量的研究并取得了大量的学术成果。 waiyu.cnu.edu.cn

It is now a standard tool of plant physiologists for both field and laboratory measurements of plant water potential.
它现在是植物生理学者一个标准工具为植物水潜力的领域和实验室测量。 www.shulihua.org.cn

Muscles failed, physiologists thought, because of biochemical reactions within the muscles themselves.
生理学家们认为,肌肉失效是因为在肌肉自身内部的生化反应。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

Not all athletes are finely tuned specimens of perfect physical health, of course. A fair number are smokers, not prepared to give up despite the nagging of coaches and physiologists.
当然,不是每一个运动员都是身体健康的典范,相当一部分是烟民,除非教练或保健医师唠叨个没完,他们才不打算戒烟。 yeeyan

One of the questions physiologists want to explore is whether nanoparticles can cause diseases such as atherosclerosis, kidney stones, gall stones and periodontal disease.
生理学家想探索的诸多问题之一就是纳米粒子是否能引起诸如动脉粥样硬化、肾结石、胆石症和牙周病。 dxy

Possibly, but most physiologists, taking a broader view of the available science, would probably say no.
很有可能,不过对当今科学有着博大视角的大多生理学家可能都会反对. yeeyan

Psychologists, physiologists and neuroscientists are better situated than public opinion researchers to supply answers.
和民意研究者相比,心理学者、生理学者还有神经学家可以更好来解答上面的问题。 yeeyan

The journal is an international journal that publishes articles in English that are of interest to insect biochemists and physiologists.
本刊为刊载与昆虫生物化学和生理有关英文文章的国际性杂志。 biositemap

The answers, some exercise physiologists say, are not always what you might expect.
一些运动生理学家的答案并非如你所想。 yeeyan

There is a cartoon which actually illustrates a classic experiment by some physiologists who for some reason had a dog's brain opened up and started shocking different parts of the brain.
这里有一个卡通真实的说明了某些心理学家做的古典实验由于某些理由打开了狗的大脑并且开始了大脑不同的部分。 blog.sina.com.cn

Physiologists have done a lot of U. S. survey found that sexual life is not perfect is an important reason for some people insomnia.
美国生理学家曾经做过大量的调查,调查发现,性生活不完美是一些人失眠的重要原因。 www.106jsw.com

Physiologists quickly linked these currents to bone growth in studies that seemed to explain why exercise strengthens bones and immobilization weakens them.
生理学家迅速将这些电流与骨骼生长在研究中联系起来,解释为何锻炼加强骨骼而固定使之减弱。 guogaosport.com




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