

单词 at one time
释义 at one time 英æt wʌn taɪm美æt wʌn taɪm 6TI短语⁴⁵¹⁹
曾经; 同时; 一度


he took three cookies at a time

at a previous time;

at one time he loved her

her erstwhile writing

she was a dancer once

at one time and another在不同场合at one time with another在不同场合
近义词 once一次erst以前at once立刻formerly以前at a time每次erstwhile从前的at the time那时候at that time在当时
It's better not to attempt too muchat one time.最好不要企图同时干过多的工作。as in.formerly
同义词 already,earlier,heretofore,onceerstwhilea while back,aforetime,anciently,away back,back,back when,before,before now,before this,down memory lane,eons ago,erewhile,in former times,in the olden days,in the past,lately,long ago,of old,of yore,olden days,once upon a time,radically,some time ago,time was,used to be,water under the bridge
反义词 currently,future,presently,subsequentlyas in.once
同义词 already,before,earlier,formerly,late,previouslyerstwhilea single time,away back,back,back when,but once,bygone,heretofore,in the old days,in the olden days,in times gone by,in times past,long ago,old,once only,once upon a time,one,one time before,one time previously,only one time,on one occasion,quondam,sometime,this time,time was,whilom
反义词 currently,future,later,presentlyas in.previously
同义词 already,formerly,heretofore,hitherto,long ago,once,thenantecedentlyahead,ante,away back,a while ago,back,back when,before,beforehand,erstwhile,fore,forward,in advance,in anticipation,in days gone by,in the past,precedently,time was,until now
反义词 currently,future,later,presently
formerlyadverb previously in time or order
a while back,aforetime,already,anciently,away back,back,back when,before,before now,before this,down memory lane,earlier,eons ago,erewhile,erstwhile,heretofore,in former times,in the olden days,in the past,lately,long ago,of old,of yore,olden days,once,once upon a time,radically,some time ago,time was,used to be,water under the bridge
onceadverb in the past;occurred one time only
a single time,already,at one time,away back,back,back when,before,but once,bygone,earlier,erstwhile,formerly,heretofore,in the old days,in the olden days,in times gone by,in times past,late,long ago,old,on one occasion,once only,once upon a time,one,one time before,one time previously,only one time,previously,quondam,sometime,this time,time was,whilom
previouslyadverb earlier
a while ago,ahead,already,ante,antecedently,at one time,away back,back,back when,before,beforehand,erstwhile,fore,formerly,forward,heretofore,hitherto,in advance,in anticipation,in days gone by,in the past,long ago,once,precedently,then,time was,until now If multiple requests are processed against an account at the same time, they must be isolated so that only a single transaction can affect the account at one time.
如果对一个帐户同时处理多个请求,则必须隔离这些请求,以便一次只能有一个事务影响该帐户。 ibm

If there are blocked tests, you can select several CTCs simultaneously and mark them all as blocked at one time.
如果存在闭塞的测试,那么您就能够同时选择若干个 CTC并且将它们一同标注为闭塞的。 ibm

Most of us, at one time or another, have been struck with the thought that we might mistake a dream for reality, or reality for a dream.
我们中的大多数都曾经有过这么一种想法:我们可能将一个梦境误认为是现实,或者将现实误认为是梦境。 yeeyan

They had based on Greenland at one time.

They may not remember that at one time their infrastructure was new and replaced some other set of tools.
他们可能没有记住,他们的基础结构曾经也是新的,并且取代了其它一些工具。 ibm

Whether we call it gut feelings, a' sixth sense,' or something else, we have all experienced intuition at one time or another.
不管我们是把它叫做直觉,一种'第六感觉'或者别的什么东西,我们都曾一度体验过直觉。 yeeyan

You can expand, minimize, and float sidebar applications. You can also use several sidebars at one time.
您可以放大、缩小和悬浮侧栏应用程序,还可以同时使用多个侧栏。 ibm




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