

单词 physician-patient
释义 physician-patient 英fɪ'zɪʃnp'eɪʃnt美fɪ'zɪʃnp'eɪʃnt COCA⁹¹²⁵⁵BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹iWeb⁴⁶³⁸⁶
Guided by Maxim communicative theory, a new type of physician-patient relationship should be established so as to open up a new way for physician-patient communication.
应根据医疗决策的共同性,医疗过程的透明性以及医疗服务的人文性,尽快建立起交往型医患关系,为医患沟通开辟新的途径。 www3.chkd.cnki.net

In a word, it is the affirmative for media involving in physician-patient disputes in attitudes.
总体而言,对传媒介入医患纠纷应持肯定态度。 chemyq

The contrary between the expectation the society lay on doctors and the real behavior of doctors causes the questioning to the doctors group, even the deterioration of physician-patient relationship.
社会对医生行为的期望与医生现实行为的反差自然引发了社会对医生群体的质疑与医患关系的恶化。 fabiao

The problem of the legal nature of physician-patient relationship in the State- operated medical undertaking is a basic topic on the legal system construction in health service.
国家主体医疗卫生事业中医患关系的法律属性问题是卫生法制建设的一个基本课题。 cnki

The serious absence of inter- subjectivity between doctors and patients leads to obstacles in physician-patient communication in china.
医患之间主体间性的缺失,使得医患关系存在诸多弊端。 www3.chkd.cnki.net

The tension of physician-patient relationship makes people pay attention to the inversion of burden of proof that is used in medical tort lawsuit again.
医患关系的紧张再次引起了人们对医疗侵权诉讼中举证责任倒置这一规则的关注。 dictall

Then, the physician-patient relationship became more harmonious under the impact of Chinese culture.
中国古代医患关系在文化力的作用下形成了较为和谐的关系。 chemyq

Article on China's current situation of the physician-patient relationship, on how to build good human relations between doctors and patients made a number of views.
文章就目前中国医患关系的现状进行分析,对如何构建良好的人性化的医患关系提出了一些看法。 cyrcbbs

CAP Risk Management helps physicians improve their focus on physician-patient communication, informed patient decision-making processes, complaint management and patient advocacy.
CAP风险管理帮助医师改进他们在医患沟通中的焦点问题,告知患者作出决策的程序,投诉管理和患者建议。 blog.sina.com.cn




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