

单词 physically disabled
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肢体残疾人士; 肢体伤残人士
The guidance system of barrier-free can help the old and the physically disabled to get the destination safely and smoothly.
无障碍导向系统可以帮助老年人、残疾人这样的弱势群体安全、方便的出行,真正体现出对弱势群体的关怀。 cnki

The USC researchers are also creating programs to rehabilitate the physically disabled, by modifying existing game technology.
南加州大学的研究人员还通过修改现有游戏技术,编写程序让残疾人士康复。 hjenglish

A small ramp built into the curb of a sidewalk to ease passage to the street, especially for bicyclists, pedestrians with baby carriages, and physically disabled people.
一种小的建入人行道路缘的小斜坡,以使人可以方便地进入街道,尤指专为骑自行车者、推着婴儿车的行人以及残疾人设置的坡。 poptool

Although physically disabled, but not the residual Chi.
虽然身残,但志不残。 home.lznews.gov.cn

Eventually, the technology could help the severely physically disabled to communicate.
最终,这项技术可以帮助重度残障人士进行交流沟通。 yeeyan

His pro-bono clients included Puerto Ricans, Haitians, transvestites, and the mentally or physically disabled.
他免费服务的客户主要是波多黎各人、海地人、异装癖、弱智人士、以及残疾人士。 yeeyan

I began to loathe my sister, and I did everything and anything to get her into trouble to get back at her being born mentally retarded and physically disabled.
我开始讨厌妹妹,为报复她智残身残,我就想尽办法地找她麻烦。 for68

The newspaper says the inmate could have escaped after the earthquake damaged the prison, but stayed behind to help save a physically disabled inmate.
中国日报说,在地震震垮监狱之后,这名男子本来可以逃跑,但是他却留在监狱,帮助救助一名残障囚犯。 ept-cn

To allow orphans ard mentally and physically disabled children to experience the joys of attachment to a family is the responsibility of society.
让孤残儿童感受家庭的温暖是全社会的责任。 cnki




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