

单词 atonality
释义 a·to·nal·i·ty 英ˌeɪtəʊˈnælɪtiː美ˌetoˈnælɪtiAHDā'tō-nălʹĭ-tē 高COCA¹³¹⁶¹⁰BNC⁷⁰⁸¹⁷iWeb⁵⁸¹⁹⁶Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
the absence of a key; alternative to the diatonic systematonal音乐无调的…
atonal-ity名词⇒n.音无调性近义词 disharmony失调atonalism无调性dissonance不一致serialism序列主义discordance不一致cacophony刺耳的声音反义词 tonality音质
His early compositional style is often Romantic in character, while the middle period works lead to the atonality typical of his late music.
《前奏曲》作品一是齐玛诺夫斯基早期的钢琴作品,创作风格深受萧邦、华格纳以及德国后期浪漫主义的影响。 kekenet

His basic musical idioms were based on the tradition of tonality, but he also, if necessary, resorted to dissonances and occasional atonality.
他的音乐语言根基是传统的、有调性的,但为了表现的需要也使用不协和音响与偶然的无调性。 fabiao

Perhaps the first truly20th century composer, he prefigured the developments in atonality that would soon occur in Vienna.
德彪西也许是真正的第一个20世纪作曲家,他预见到了无调性音乐很快会出现在维也纳。 ebigear

Schoenberg used atonality in the music of his middle period.
桑伯格在中期用无调性方式作曲。 kekenet

What he pursued the originality constantly, in melody, harmonic progression and texture on the body all to have the new music language, was the bridge for the development of atonality music.
他努力地追求独创性,在旋律、和声、织体上都有新的音乐语言,给无调性音乐的产生发展起了桥梁作用。 cnki




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