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词汇 atonal
释义 a·to·nal 英eɪˈtəʊnəl美eˈtonəlAHDā-tōʹnəl ☆☆☆☆☆高四G宝COCA⁷⁰⁶⁸⁸BNC⁵⁴²⁴⁴iWeb⁴¹¹⁹⁵Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

characterized by avoidance of traditional western tonality发音释义:e'tonl adj. 体育,运动
结构分析:atonal = a没有+tone曲调+al形容词后缀→无调的
常见搭配:atonal music无调音乐;atonal song无调歌
衍生词:atonality无调性GRE红宝书a无, 非, ton声音-无声的-无调的
a无 + tone 音调→无音调
GRE难词记忆atonal→a无+ton=tone 音调-al…的→没有音调的词根记忆a + ton声音+ al → 无声的 ⇒无调的近义词 unkeyed不成调的dissonant不一致的discordant不一致的inharmonious不合谐的cacophonous声音不和谐的…twelve-note=twelve-ton…twelve-tone音十二音的…反义词 tonal音调的

用作形容词There is greatatonalmusic and terribleatonalmusic.无调性音乐中既有宏伟动人之作,又有糟得吓人之作。as in.(raucous
同义词 discordant,harsh,loud,stridentabsonant,acute,blaring,blatantbrayingbrusque,cacophonous,dissonant,dry,ear-piercing,grating,grinding,gruff,hoarse,husky,inharmonious,jarring,piercing,rasping,sharp,squawking,stertorous,thick,unharmonious,unmusical
反义词 low,mild,softcalm,quiet,subdued
raucousadjective noisy, rough
absonant,acute,blaring,blatantbrayingbrusque,cacophonous,discordant,dissonant,dry,ear-piercing,grating,grinding,gruff,harsh,hoarse,husky,inharmonious,jarring,loud,piercing,rasping,sharp,squawking,stertorous,strident,thick,unharmonious,unmusical An enormous literature exists on the relationship between abstract painting and atonal music, and the extensive Kandinsky- Schoenberg correspondence can be found on the Internet.
关于抽象绘画与无调性音乐之关系的文献汗牛充栋,康、勋二人之书信往来也能在互联网上找到。 yeeyan

For a composition based on this atonal system, the composer arranges the12 chromatic scale tones in a selected order, repeating no tone until all12 have been used.
作曲家以一种安排好的顺序排列这12个半音音阶上的音,在所有12个出现前一个音也不重复。 dictall

In other words, your spontaneous, visceral hatred of atonal music reflects your true, healthy, normal reaction to abstract art.
换句话说,你对于无调性音乐天然、生理的厌恶代表着你面对抽象艺术时真实、健康、正常的反应。 yeeyan

The majority always turn an unfavorable attitude towards atonal composition.
大多数人对无调性作品的态度往往是不能接受的。 iciba

Arnold Schoenberg devised a12- tone scheme of atonal music about a century ago.
一个世纪以前, Arnold Schoenberg已经设计出一种无调音乐,由12音色组合而成。 ecocn

But for the more musically literate vandal, an atonal barrage probably works better.
不过对那些在音乐上有点儿修养的坏蛋来说,不成调调连珠炮似的乐曲就会更奏效。 ecocn

Certainly there have been moments when that thinking has gone horribly awry — atonal music or molecular gastronomy.
当然,在某些时候这种想法结出了可怕的果实——例如非调性音乐或是分子料理。 yeeyan

Harmony of the so-called choice of color refers to the function of sound logic, modal, atonal, etc. from the existence of functions in terms of freedom of the tendency.
所谓色彩性和声选择是指和声的功能逻辑、调式、调性等方面脱离功能进行存在自由倾向而言。 cutpic

In the20th century, classical music became more atonal, visual art more unsettling.
进入20世纪,古典音乐开始朝着越来越“不着调”的方向发展,视觉艺术也变得越来越混乱。 putclub

There is great atonal music and terrible atonal music.
无调性音乐中既有宏伟动人之作,又有糟得吓人之作。 kuenglish

There is hardly any atonal compositions in vocal music teaching.
在声乐教学中,几乎看不到无调性声乐作品的采用。 cnki

When you listen to atonal music, for example Schoenberg, you are stuck in your seat for a quarter of an hour that feels like many hours in a dentist's chair.
听无调性音乐时比如勋伯格,在座位上坐一刻钟简直有如在牙医的诊断椅上坐了几小时。 yeeyan




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