

单词 atoms
释义 atoms 英'ætəm美'ætəm COCA⁹²⁹²BNC⁶¹⁹⁰
名词 atom:
physics and chemistry the smallest component of an element having the chemical properties of the elementnontechnical usage a tiny piece of anything用作名词We can generate electric power by splittingatoms.我们可以利用原子核裂变发电。
In covalent bonding,atomsshare electrons.在共价键联中,原子共有电子。 A number describing the size of a carbon atom would be meaningless in a society that had no notion of atoms or building blocks of that scale.
描绘一个碳原子大小的数字在没有原子概念或者对没有构建这样的数值范围比例的社会是一点用处也没有的。 yeeyan

Hydrogen, the most common molecule in the universe, is just two atoms— each with one proton and one electron.
是宇宙中最普通的分子,仅有两个原子构成,每个原子仅包含一个质子和一个电子。 yeeyan

In everyday solids, liquids and gases, heat or thermal energy arises from the motion of atoms and molecules as they zing around and bounce off each other.
我们日常的固体、液体和气体,它们的热量和热能是从原子和分子在它们到处活泼跳跃和相互碰撞、弹开而上升。 yeeyan

Now, for example, in our structure with ozone it's between all three atoms.
比如,在我们的臭氧的结构中,它们是在所有三个原子之间的。 v.163.com

The atoms merge; the quantum wave functions that define them combine into one.
原子融合;限制原子运动的量子波的功能融合为一个。 hjenglish

A clouds of electrons, ions, and atoms burst out through the corona into space lighting it up like a Catherine Wheel.
大量的电子,离子和原子在电晕的过程中被释放出来,像旋转式的五彩烟火一样将天空点燃。 cri

All substances, whether they are gaseous, liquid or solid, are made of atoms.

All atoms of an element are identical, that's good.
一种元素的所有原子都是相同的,非常好。 v.163.com

At this temperature, atoms almost stop moving.
原子在此温度中几乎停止移动。 ecocn

But without the curiosity- driven understanding of how atoms behave, how they interact with each other, and how they interact with light, the world we live in would be profoundly different.
倘若没有好奇心的驱动去理解了原子如何行为,原子间怎样相互影响,原子怎样与光相互作用,我们当前的世界将会迥然不同。 yeeyan

But now not for single atoms.
但不是仅仅针对单个原子。 v.163.com

However, unlike these other materials, all of the conduction occurs in a single layer of atoms in the sample.
不过,与这些其他材料所不同的是,传导过程发生在样本中一层单原子层。 yeeyan

In response to the neutrons, some of the plutonium atoms split apart, releasing energy and more neutrons.
钚在受到中子的轰击后,一些钚原子就会分裂,并导致释放能量与更多的中子。 ecocn

It might be a mole of atoms or molecules in the gas phase, or what have you.
系统可能是一摩尔处于气体状态原子或者分子,或者其他的东西。 open.163.com

It refers to a system state where the energy, the state of every one of those atoms or molecules is specified.
这个能量涉及一个系统的状态,这个状态下的每个原子,和分子的状态都是确定的。 open.163.com

Most of these candidate systems, such as atoms and semiconducting quantum dots, work for quantum computing, but only at very low temperatures.
大多数的候选系统,如原子和半导体量子点,只能在非常低的温度才能进行量子计算的工作。 yeeyan

Pack the fuel rod into an assembly, and lots more atoms can affect one another— which means the reactions can release more energy.
把燃料棒组装成一个组件,许多更多的原子可以互相影响,这就意味着反应能释放更多的能量。 yeeyan

So we have to cancel all other light sources to see this very, very dim light from the atoms.
因此,我们不得不遮蔽所有其他的光源,才能看到这个原子的非常,非常暗淡的光线。 yeeyan

Some of this energy congealed into particles, which assembled into light atoms like hydrogen and helium.
有些能量凝结成了粒子,这些粒子组合形成了轻原子如氢和氦。 yeeyan

The idea that has big thinkers all worked up is that everything in physics is made up of atoms of information.
这一让思考者们都兴奋起来的观点就是,物理学上的万物,都是由信息构成的原子所组成。 yeeyan

The process releases a lot of energy and more neutrons, which go on to split other uranium atoms, triggering a chain reaction.
这一过程释放出大量能量和更多的中子,于是继续将别的铀原子一分为二,引发连锁反应。 yeeyan

These are the planks of his model, that matter is composed of atoms that are indivisible and indestructible.
这些是,他的模型的一些内容,物质是有原子组成的,不可分割且不可毁灭的。 v.163.com

This excites the molecule into another excited state, from which we can, with another laser light, break it down into two atoms.
这将使分子跃迁到另一个激发态,从中我们可以用另一种激光,把它分成两个原子。 yeeyan

We know there are atoms and molecules.
我们知道存在原子和分子。 open.163.com

Atoms and electrons are not the only particles that can get entangled.
其实,并不是只有原子和电子才能产生纠缠效应。 ecocn




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