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词汇 Phyllis
释义 Phyllis ˈfɪlɪs 高Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
I should have said that as an undergraduate, I worked very closely with my dean of students, Ms Phyllis Hoey who is still a role model for me.
应该说还是本科生的时候,我就在学生处主任 Phyllis, Hoey小姐身边工作,她至今仍是我的榜样。

“ Even in the midst of a global recession, the clean energy market has experienced impressive growth, ” said Phyllis Cuttino, director of Pew's campaign on climate change.
“即便是在全球经济衰退之中,清洁能源市场却经历了惊人的增长,”皮尤慈善信托基金在气候变化运动研究方面的负责人菲莉丝莫布里说。 yeeyan

“ The sector is marked by pretty explosive growth,” says Phyllis Cuttino, Program Director of the Pew Clean Energy Program.
“该领域获得了爆炸性增长”,皮尤清洁能源项目总监菲利斯卡蒂诺如是评价。 yeeyan

“ This is an opportunity for American ingenuity to renew the manufacturing base,” argues Phyllis Cuttino of the Environment Group at the Pew Charitable Trusts.
皮氏慈善基金会环境组的 Phyllis Cuttino认为,这对于精明的美国人来说不失为一个翻新制造业的时机。 ecocn

菲利斯·李·莱文: 《威尔逊》。 yeeyan

PHYLLIS LEE LEVIN: I had no idea what I was getting into.
菲利斯·李·莱文:我不知道自己卷入了什么。 yeeyan

PHYLLIS LEE LEVIN: She was probably a very limited woman, intellectually.
菲利斯·李·莱文:她也许是位智力上非常有限的女人。 yeeyan

And then Phyllis Lee Levin asked me if I had seen the movie.
接着,菲利斯·李·莱文问我是否看过这部电影。 yeeyan

As78-year-old Phyllis Tickle, author of several books on emergent Christianity, put it, “We’re at the start of a500- year upheaval in culture and the church.”
就像几本“新兴”基督教义著作的作者、78岁的菲利斯•提克尔所说的那样:“我们开启了500年文化和教堂的巨变。” ecocn

By the late fall of1963, Phyllis was pregnant again.
1963年末,菲莉丝再次怀孕。 yeeyan

Former guest Phyllis Paulsen was staying in a suite on floor14 actually floor13 when the ghost of a young boy in a striped shirt walked up to her bed.
一个穿着条纹衬衫的年轻男孩的鬼魂走到前住客菲莉丝·保尔森的床前时,她正呆在14层其实是13层的一间套房里。 yeeyan

He bought an aquarium, installed the wipers in it, filled the tank with a mixture of oil and sawdust to simulate a load on the wiper, and set it over on Phyllis’s side of the basement.
他买了一个养鱼缸,在上面安装了雨刷,并填充了油和锯末的混合物,以模拟负载的雨刷器,最后将容器放在菲莉丝的地下室。 yeeyan

His ex-wife, Phyllis, remembers him dancing her around the kitchen and saying he was going to buy her two Cadillacs, one for each foot. “ It was so exciting, ” Phyllis recalls.
他的前妻菲利斯回忆到有一次她与丈夫跳舞时,丈夫告诉她他准备买两辆凯迪拉克,一只脚一个,这简直太令人兴奋了。 yeeyan

It was Phyllis’s job, when her husband was away, to keep an eye on the tank; occasionally, she would stir its contents with a cooking spoon.
如果卡恩斯不在,监督容器运转就是菲莉丝的工作。有时,她会用烹饪勺搅腾一下里面的混合物。 yeeyan

Now Phyllis said she was trying not to be nervous, by focussing on the fact that the jury had already made its decision, and nothing she felt or did could change it.
现在菲利斯说她想努力变得不那么紧张,她将自己的注意力集中到陪审团已经做出决定这一事实上,而她所做所想的事是无法改变陪审团的。 yeeyan

On Sunday, after church, Bob drove Phyllis and the kids around Detroit, scouting out sites for the Kearns wiper factory.
周日,从教会回来,鲍勃开车载着妻子和孩子到底特律兜一圈,监察他的雨刷工厂。 yeeyan

One of the displaced New Orleans residents featured in both films is Phyllis Montana- LeBlanc.
菲利斯·蒙塔纳·勒布兰是新奥尔良市一名在飓风中失去住房的居民。这两部电影都记录了他的生活。 voanews

That stupid Phyllis Lopez, who is even dumber that Sylvia, says she remembers the red sweater is hers!
那个比西维亚还蠢的菲利斯洛佩斯说,她记起来这件毛衣是她的。 yeeyan

When Phyllis Benson feels stressed, she knows just where to go.
当菲利斯·本森感到有压力时,她知道她该去哪里。 iciba

Phyllis was there. She had driven up from Maryland the night before, with her son Robert.
菲利斯也在她在前一天晚上和她的儿子罗伯特一起从马里兰开车过来。 yeeyan

Phyllis left her husband in 1980. “ Robert expected me to have the same focus he did, and I just didn’t have it.”
1980年菲莉丝离开了丈夫,“罗伯特希望我能和他一样坚持和投入,但是我实在坚持不了了。” yeeyan

Phyllis suggested that she make some coffee.
菲莉丝建议由她煮点咖啡。 yeeyan




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