

单词 atomism
释义 at·om·ism 英ˈætəˌmɪzəm美ˈætəˌmɪzəmAHDătʹə-mĭz'əm 高COCA¹²³⁹⁶⁸BNC⁵¹³⁴⁸iWeb⁵¹²⁸³
psychology a theory that reduces all mental phenomena to simple elements sensations and feelings that form complex ideas by associationchemistry any theory in which all matter is composed of tiny discrete finite indivisible indestructible particles;

the ancient Greek philosophers Democritus and Epicurus held atomic theories of the universe

蒋争熟词记忆atom原子-ism…论⇒原子论;原子学说atom原子-ism…论⇒原子论;原子学说词根记忆atom原子近义词 atomic theory原子学说,原子论…反义词 holism哲整体论

用作名词Western Agronomy is based onatomismand observes things by the way of experiment.西方近代农学则以还原论为基础,以实验、分析方法为特征。
The book presents a logicalatomismpicture of reality and language.这本书提出了一个关于实在和语言的逻辑原子主义的图画。 The characteristics Western and Chinese philosophic thought are tentatively generalized as two typical pairs: mathematical atomism and intuitive oneness; individualism and collectivism.
中西哲学思维被尝试性的归纳为典型的两对:数学式的原子论和直觉式的一体论,个体主义和集体主义。 fabiao

To get rid of the individualism of atomism and to construct a shared human relationship can help to solve the modern identity predicament.
摆脱原子化的自我观念,建构一种共享式的新型人际关系,对于解决现代认同问题具有重要的启示意义。 cnki

“ Charlatan” is the first song on White Light Riot's excellent new album “ Atomism”, which is out now.
骗子是白光暴动的优秀的新专辑中的原子论,这是现在的第一首歌曲。 zh.lyricgogo.altervista.org

Human spirit has undergone a series of revolutions from atomism, holism, induction, deduction, analytical method, synthetical method, intuitionism, falsificationism up to various non- rationalism.
从原子论、整体论、归纳演绎论、分析综合论、直觉论、否证论、一直到各种非理性主义,人类思维经历了一系列的飞跃与革命。 dictall

In ancient times, entity concept of society mainly displays as holism, in modern times, entity concept of society displays as atomism and organism concept.
实体化的社会观在古代主要表现为整体论的社会观,在近代表现为原子论的社会观和有机体论的社会观。 fabiao

It is clear, however, that Epicurus' real interest was not in speculative metaphysics but with a practical philosophy of life which required atomism only for its theoretical underpinnings.
很明显,伊壁鸠鲁真正感兴趣的并不是纯思辨的形上学,而是人生的实践哲学,他只是需要原子论作为理论基础。 yeeyan

Logical Atomism is one important aspect of B. Russell's philosophical thoughts since1899 and early L.
逻辑原子主义是从1899年开始的罗素哲学思想和维特根斯坦前期哲学思想的一个主要方面。 cnki

Logical Atomism possesses important values: it has developed Ernst Mach's positivism;
逻辑原子主义具有重要的价值:它发展了马赫的实证主义; cnki

The logical atomism discussed in this article is the major philosophical ideology of Bertrand Russell after the year of1899 and of Ludwig Wittgenstein's early stage.
本文讨论的逻辑原子主义是指从一八九九年以后罗素和前期维特根斯坦的主要哲学思想。 cnki

These difficulties leaded to the defeat of the ideal of searching definite knowledge of logical atomism.
这些困难最终导致了逻辑原子主义寻求确定性知识的理想破灭。 fabiao

This reduces the idea of interpretive community to a kind of atomism whereby we all concede and all say, “ Yes, it's true. I am in a certain sense a community.”

Western Agronomy is based on atomism and observes things by the way of experiment.
西方近代农学则以还原论为基础,以实验、分析方法为特征。 cnki

Western traditional philosophy, with its view of the Nature from the angle of atomism by analytical thinking mode, de term.
西方传统哲学的以分析为思维路径的原子论自然观决定了西医的重视局部的基本特征。 dictall




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