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PHTBNC⁵³⁸³⁹ 基本例句 Pressure Half Time High blood pressure in the arteries that supply the lungs is called pulmonary hypertension PHT. 供给肺脏的动脉的血压增高称之为肺动脉高压。 lndeyy It is concluded that this method is convenient, accurate and specific for the content determination of PHT. 此方法简便、准确、专属,可作为该制剂的质量分数测定和质量控制。 cnki Pulmonary hypertension PHTwas induced in rats by a single subcutaneous injection of monocrotaline MCT. 以野百合碱一次性皮下注射复制大鼠肺动脉高压和肺心病模型。 cnki The thesis identifies the development tendency of commercial center and expounds the practical meaning of creation and expression with the design of PHT commercial center. 阐明商业中心的发展趋向,并结合平和堂商厦设计,诠释其创作与表现的实践意义。 ilib You may be treated with oxygen, agents to help your heart pump better, diuretics, anticoagulants blood thinners, and medications to lower your PHT. Sometimes lung transplants also are done. 可以进行氧疗,使用心功能增强剂、利尿剂、抗凝剂血液稀释剂和降低肺高压的药物,有时要进行肺移植。 lndeyy A positive relationship between the free PHT fraction and VPA concentration was found. 同时 VPA浓度与 PHT游离部分有明显相关性。 cnki Besides, longer PC- Records and larger PHT capacity can reduce more miss prediction percentage for primary predictor in general. 而且在一般情况下,随着记录式结构 PC记录的长度变长和 PHT容量增大,记录式结构能够减少更多的预测错误比例。 fabiao Conclusion The prognosis of PHT secondary to rheumatic diseases is pessimistic. 结论风湿性疾病继发肺动脉高压预后不良。 cnki Conclusion The incidence of PHT is often latent, and has no relation with disease duration. Pulmonary fibrosis is a very important risk factor for the prognosis of SSc. 结论肺纤维化并非 PHT发生的决定因素,但同时合并有肺纤维化的患者预后不良。 cnki Congenital heart disease can cause PHT. 先天性心脏病也能引起肺动脉高压。 lndeyy Doppler echocardiography is the most effective noninvasive method in detecting PHT. 多普勒彩色超声心动图对于PHT是最有效的非创伤性检测方法。 cnki In addition to known side effects, PHT use has been correlated with cognitive disability and poor outcome. 由于其药物副作用,被认为与认知功能障碍和不良转归相关。 med66 In32 patients with mitral valveMV stenosis,4D's mitral valve area MVA were made linear correlation analysis with TTE's MVA through“ pressure half time” PHT. 对二尖瓣狭窄病变者将4D状态下的瓣口面积 MVA测值与 TTE状态下压力半降时间法 PHT瓣口面积测值作直线相关分析。 cnki Methods MVA was estimated in18 patients before and after PBMV, using two-dimensional echocardiography2DE, Doppler pressure half- time PHT and volumetric RT3DE. 方法分别应用二维法2D法、多普勒压力减半时间法 PHT法及实时三维容积法 RT3DE检测18例行PBMV患者手术前后 MVA。 cnki Methods Pre and post operative clinical data, post operative thyroid function in30 cases of PHT were assessed. 方法对30例原发性甲亢患者术前、术后的临床资料及术后的甲状腺功能状态进行分析。 cnki Objective To explore the clinical application of pressure half- time PHT method on rheumatic mitral stenosis coexisting mitral regurgitation. 目的探讨二尖瓣狭窄伴反流的患者用压差减半时间 PHT法测量二尖瓣口面积的应用价值。 cnki Objective To investigate the causes of thyroid function after subtotal resection for primary hyperthyroidism PHT. 目的探讨原发性甲状腺机能亢进症 甲亢术后甲状腺功能异常的各种原因。 cnki Objective To investigate the clinical significance and hemodynamic changes of umbilical or para umbilical vein in portal hypertension PHT, and found a new method of shunt operation. 目的探讨门静脉高压症 PHT时脐静脉或附脐静脉的血流动力学改变及临床意义,开创一种新的分流手术途径。 dictall Objective To investigate the effect of splenic macrophage M on the hypersplenism and splenic immune function of portal hypertension PHT. 目的探讨脾脏巨噬细胞 M对门脉高压症 PHT脾亢以及脾脏免疫功能的影响。 cnki Objective To investigate the role of splenic macrophage M in the occurrence of hypersplenism in patients with portal hypertension PHT. 目的探讨脾脏巨噬细胞 M在门静脉高压症 PHT脾功能亢进发生中的作用。 cnki Objective To observe the protective effect of PHT on experimental gastric ulcer. 目的观察苯妥英钠对大鼠实验性胃溃疡的保护作用。 chemyq Objective: To evaluate the advantages of the partial splenectomy over portal hypertension PHT. 前言:目的:评估脾大部切除术治疗门脉高压症 PHT的优越性; chemyq Our examination has established the celerity- electricity- kindled- rats IE model with PHT. 本试验建立了用 PHT筛选快速电点燃青春期大鼠的 IE模型。 cnki Short-term PHT administration may be a superior treatment paradigm. 短期 PHT治疗也许是一个比较好的治疗方法。 med66 The results show, in a certain extent, the addition of EVA can enhance the apparent viscosities of PHT, improve the processing property of PET. 结果表明,在一定范围内,加入 EVA能够提高 PET的表观粘度,改善其加工性能; chemyq |