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词汇 Phrixus
释义 Phrixus 'friksәs
King Athamus of northern Greece had two children,Phrixusand Helle.希腊北部国王阿塔玛斯有两个孩子,法瑞克斯和赫勒。
King Athamus of northern Greece had two children,Phrixusand Helle.希腊北部国王阿塔玛斯有两个孩子,法瑞克斯和赫勒。
The story ofPhrixuswas well known to Jason and to all the people of Iolcus.佛里克塞斯的身世是杰逊以及全部的可吉斯人都相当了解的。
Ino persuaded her credulous husband into believing that his son,Phrixus,was the actual cause of the disaster,and should be sacrificed to Zeus to endit.当他们飞过隔开欧洲和亚洲的海峡时,赫勒由于看到浩瀚的海洋而头晕目眩,最终掉进大海淹死了。
Ino persuaded her credulous husband into believing that his son,Phrixus, was the actual cause of the disaster, and should be sacrificed to Zeus to endit.伊诺在爱轻信的丈夫耳边进谗言,终于使国王相信:他的儿子法瑞克斯是这次灾害的罪魁祸首,并要将他献给宙斯以结束瘟疫。
On the way, at a place where the water was very rough, Helle had fallen off and been drowned; butPhrixushad clung tightly to the ram's fleece, and arrived safe at Colchis.在途中由于波涛汹涌,赫里不幸落水溺死,幸好佛里克塞斯紧紧抓住牡羊的毛,才安然抵达可吉斯。




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