

单词 phrasing
释义 phras·ing 英ˈfreɪzɪŋ美ˈfrezɪŋAHDfrāʹzĭng ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA²⁴⁵⁶⁸BNC²¹⁶²⁴iWeb¹⁷⁹⁰³
the grouping of musical phrases in a melodic linethe manner in which something is expressed in words;

use concise military verbiage

phraS,-ing动名词⇒n.语法²⁷;措辞⁴⁶;分节法动词phrase的现在分词形式.n.措词;语调;音分节法²³;用语;表达法;乐句划分法;分句法;分节法²³;音短句的构成_null.动词phrase的现在分词形式近义词 style文体idiom成语wording印字diction措辞language语言verbiage废话expression表情phraseology措辞

用作名词You can also usually excerpt some beautifulphrasingsentences, recite much from memory , and imitate.你还可以经常摘录些漂亮的语法句子,多背诵,模仿。
Thephrasingknowledge mainly includes both the rule of thephrasemethod and the sentence construction.语法知识主要包括词法和句法两方面的规则。
Thephrasingof the report is ambiguous.这份报告的措辞模棱两可。
Bart was pleased by the felicitousness of thephrasing.巴特因措辞恰当而高兴。noun.wording
同义词 diction,phrase,terminologylanguage,locution,manner,mode,parlance,phraseology,style,verbalism,wordschoice of words,turn of phrase,wordage
dictionnoun style of speech;articulation
command of language,delivery,elocution,eloquence,enunciation,expression,fluency,gift of gab,inflection,intonation,language,line,lingo,locution,oratory,parlance,phrase,phraseology,pronunciation,rhetoric,usage,verbalism,verbiage,vocabulary,wordage,wording
expressionnoun verbalization
announcement,argument,articulation,assertion,asseveration,choice of words,commentary,communication,declaration,definition,delivery,diction,elucidation,emphasis,enunciation,execution,explanation,exposition,formulation,idiom,interpretation,intonation,issue,language,locution,mention,narration,phrase,phraseology,phrasing,pronouncement,remark,rendition,set phrase,speaking,speech,statement,style,term,turn of phrase,utterance,vent,voice,voicing,word,writ
expressionsnoun verbalization
phrasenoun group of words;way of speaking
phrasesnoun group of words;way of speaking
stylenoun way of speaking, writing, expressing oneself
diction,expression,mode of expression,phraseology,phrasing,treatment,turn of phrase,vein,wording Complication This paragraph was changed after Georgia objected to the original Franco-Russian phrasing.
格鲁吉亚最初反对法俄的用词,这条随后作了修改。 yeeyan

The novel does contain some awkward phrasing.
小说里也出现了一些别扭的措词。 yeeyan

The phrasing of the accord seems calibrated to allow both sides to maintain mutually incompatible positions.
这项协议的措辞用语似乎调校得宜,让双方维持互不相容的立场各自表述。 ecocn

“ After the Nazis had gone you could still find textbooks on Christmas that use exactly the same phrasing, ” she told The Times.
她向《时代》杂志表示:“在纳粹消失后,你仍能找到使用同样字眼的圣诞教科书。” yeeyan

Avoid slang expressions, colloquialisms, and obscure phrasing in all text. At best, they are difficult to translate; at worst, they are offensive.
避免俚语,俗语,以及所有文字模糊措辞。因为很难翻,更不好的是这些词语会令人反感。 zhongheruixin

But please be warned that even the most elegant phrasing will not work if you have not completely heard the essence of the problem.
不过请注意,如果你还未听完整个问题的精髓,即使用词再得体也没有用。 yeeyan

Forster loved Richard Wagner and felt an affinity with Marcel Proust, a writer for whom musical phrasing was a paradigm both for art and for life.
福斯特喜爱理查德•瓦格纳,和作家马塞尔•普鲁斯特惺惺相惜,普鲁斯特觉得乐句可供艺术与生活效仿。 ecocn

His amusing phrasing innocently mixes sight and sound.
听着觉得好笑,因为他把声音和图像混起来了。 hjenglish

In the light of this, however, the phrasing of the actual recommendation is unnecessarily weak.
但是,在这种情况下,实际建议的用词毫无必要地过分软弱。 who

Liu, who works at customer service, says she's come a long way with her wording and phrasing.
在客服部工作的刘好说她在措词和表达方面进步了很多。 yeeyan

Okay I have put it slightly differently this week; you remember last week I got in trouble by phrasing it more or less because we don't want the premises to be less probable than the conclusion do we?

Take careful note of the phrasing, however: primary or secondary.
然而,请仔细注意调查报告中的措词:主要的,次要的。 yeeyan

The listener is obliged to add details such as phrasing and lilt mentally.
听众不得不自己去想象,补充一些细节,比如语气和语调。 ibm

The heading above might seem to be an odd phrasing for a technical column, but the analogy is actually borrowed from a banking client describing his system requirements.
上面的标题对于技术专栏而言可能奇怪,但这个类比实际上是某个银行客户在描述自己的系统需求时所说的话。 ibm

The phrasing was unfortunate, but Jones was merely referring to an accepted method of concatenating data sets, and one that has been discussed openly in scientific journals for years.
虽然琼斯的措词欠妥,但他提到的只是一个公认的数据整合方法,多年来科学及都对此有过讨论。 ecocn

To that end, you should avoid using big words, steer clear of run-on sentences, and avoid any unclear phrasing.
为此,你应避免使用过于夸张的单词,弃用长句子并且避免含糊的表述。 yeeyan




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