

单词 photonics
释义 pho·ton·ics 英fəʊˈtɒnɪks美foˈtɑnɪksAHDfō-tŏnʹĭks 高COCA⁶⁵⁰²³BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹iWeb³¹⁹⁵⁴
n.物光子学原型photonic的复数 A team at the Central Research Laboratory at Hamamatsu Photonics K.K. in Japan has come up with, and tested, a tunable quantum cascade laser design that demonstrates broad optical gain.
日本滨松光学株式会社中央研究实验室的研究团队已经研制并测试了可调量子级联激光器,其中体现了光谱增宽的设计。 yeeyan

And, as they report in Nature Photonics, an important part of the puzzle has just fallen into place.
当他们将成果发表在《自然光子学》期刊上,谜团最关键的部分变得清晰起来了。 ecocn

The appearance, development and applications of photonics are introduced, and photon industry which is rapidly developing is prospected.
介绍了光子学的产生、发展及其应用,并对快速发展的光子产业作了展望。 cnki

The microwave signal can be processed in optical-domain by the MO Bragg diffraction effect, which can be used as a new approach for studying microwave photonics.
利用这种效应可以实现微波信号的光学处理,可以作为研究微波光子学一种新的途径。 dictall

The team of engineers at Nasa's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, reported the findings recently at the SPIE Optics and Photonics conference.
近日,来自马里兰州格林贝尔特美国宇航局戈达德太空飞行中心的工程师团队,在国际光学工程学会SPIE光学和光子学会议上报告了这一发现。 huanqiu

“ Think of all the tremendous progress in silicon photonics, ” he said.
“你想一想硅光方面的所有巨大进步,”他说。 yeeyan

“ This is a real breakthrough for modern electronics and has huge potential for the future,” explained Professor Ben Murdin, Photonics Group Leader at the University of Surrey.
这对于现代电子学真是一个巨大的突破并且在未来有着巨大的潜力。 yeeyan

At the turn of the century, fundamental research on the interaction of photon with materials is still an important subject for photonics development.
在跨世纪时期,光子与物质相互作用的基础研究仍然是光子学发展的重要课题。 dictall

But one technology that does show promise in making such connections is called “ silicon photonics”.
但此时“硅光子技术”给了我们建立这种通信的信心。 ecocn.org

Currently, he provides IT skills for the defense, space, photonics, telecommunications, and medical industries.
当前为国防、空间、光电、电信及医疗行业提供 IT技能。 yeeyan

Dr Nicholas Roberts, lead author of the paper published in Nature Photonics, said his work showed for the first time the unique design and mechanism of the mantis shrimp's eye.
该论文发表在《自然光子学》杂志中,第一作者 Nicholas Roberts博士说,这项研究首次揭示了螳螂虾眼部的特殊构造和机理。 yeeyan

Intel is now looking beyond 2020 at photonics and quantum effects such as spin.
到2020年,英特尔公司打算利用光子或量子的一些效应,比如自旋。 yeeyan

Nowadays, microwave photonics has attracted great interests from both the research community and commercial sector all over the world.
近年来,微波光子学在世界范围内引起了相关研究机构和商业界的广泛关注。 dictall

Professor Lin, an expert in nanostructure photonics and a pioneer in the field of photonic crystals, says that the new coating could be applied to just about any photovoltaic material.
林教授是纳米结构光子学的专家和光子晶体领域的先锋人物,他说这一新的涂层材料可以运用于几乎所有的光伏材料上。 yeeyan

Silicon photonics technology is an emerging area of research that integrates optical circuits onto a small chip.
硅光电学技术是一种将光导线路集成到小晶片上的新兴研究领域。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn

The map is put in a corner of a chip designed for a project at the University's Photonics Research Group.
这张地图放在为该大学光电研究小组的项目设计的一片晶片的一角。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn

The photonic chip, built by scientists from Bristol’s Centre for Quantum Photonics, uses light rather than electricity to pass information.
由布里斯托尔大学量子光学中心的科学家制造的光子芯片可以利用光而不是用电来传递信息。 yeeyan

The research appears in the journal Nature Photonics.
这项研究发表在自然光学杂志上。 yeeyan

Their work appears in the journal Nature Photonics.
他们的研究成果发表在《自然光子学》杂志上。 yeeyan

These innovative materials promise new application in many fields, such as microelectronics, biosensors, photonics, battery cathodes, etc.
这些性质或许可应用在一些新领域中,例如微电子、生物感测器、光子、电池电极上等等。 iciba

This paper summarizes the development and application of photonics and photon technology in scientific research, information technology and economy.
概述了光子学及光子技术的产生、发展及其在科研、信息技术和经济发展中的应用。 cnki

This work has the potential to impact major disciplines in addition to electronics including photonics, biology, neuroscience and medicine.
这个工作不仅对于电子学,也对光子学、生物学、神经科学、以及医学有重要的影响。 usa-degree

Yet another issue may be scaling up the holograms to large size, says photonics physicist Nasser Peyghambarian of the University of Arizona.
还可能有另一个问题,如何将全息图扩展到大尺寸,亚利桑那大学的光子物理学家 Nasser Peyghambarian说。 yeeyan

Photonics involves generation, modulation, transmission and processing of light.
光电学涉及光的产生、调制、传输和处理。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn




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