

单词 photodiodes
释义 photodiodes 英fəʊtəʊ'diːəʊdez美fəʊtəʊ'diːəʊdez COCA²²⁴⁸⁵⁵BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
光电二极管¹⁰⁰原型photodiode的三单 The photo response non- uniformity of photodiodes in the both parts of the head and the tail of array has been solved effectively by modifying the set and the structure of array.
从装置和列阵结构上提出了相应的改进措施,有效地解决了列阵首尾部分二极管响应度的不均匀性。 cnki

The proceed for the colour sensor based on horizontal arranged silicon photodiodes is introduced briefly.
简要介绍水平排列硅光二极管色传感器的制作工艺。 dictall

The configuration of contact image sensor mainly consisting of scanning circuits, photodiodes and readout circuits is presented in this article.
本文首先介绍了主要由扫描电路、光电二极管和读出电路构成的接触式图像传感器的结构。 cnki

The individual RF bandwidth of the photodiodes is10,15,20, or40 GHz.
光二极管单独的射频带宽分别为10、15、20或40GHz。 www.etiri.com.cn

The luminosity of the burning droplets is measured directly with photodiodes.
燃烧油滴的辉光度直接用光电二极管测量。 cnki

The measurement results for Hg Cd Te photodiodes are presented.
文中列出了碲镉汞光电二极管结电容的测量结果。 iciba

The Quad PD Array consists of either10-,30-,40-, or50- micron diameter photodiodes.
方形光二极管阵列包括有10-、30-、40-或者50-分米直径的光二极管。 www.etiri.com.cn

A grid made up of a million photodiodes in a camera can take a picture, but the information in each diode is independent from all the others.
一个由上百万个光敏二极管做成的相机栅极可以拍照,但是每个二极管上的信息都是独立的。 yeeyan

Consciousness is not simply about quantity of information, he says. Simply combining a lot of photodiodes is not enough to create human consciousness.
意识不能简单的衡量为信息的数量,他说,简单的把许多光敏二极管组合起来不足以产生意识。 yeeyan

Einstein's explanation of the photoelectric effect underpinned technologies ranging from photodiodes to television camera tubes.
爱因斯坦对光电效应的解释对二极管和电视显像管等一些列技术的发展奠定了基础。 xgbbs

Its researchers used photodiodes the technology found in digital cameras that generate an electrical signal when light strikes them.
公司的研究者使用的是光敏二极管数码相机所采用的技术,其会在被光照射时产生一个电信号。 ecocn

Mechanism of dry etching damage and main causes for RIE induced- damage are investigated with RIE technique by utilizing PIN photodiodes.
采用 RIE法,利用 PIN光电二极管,研究了干法腐蚀损伤机理及引起损伤的主要因素。 cnki

Our neurons are basically fancy photodiodes, producing electric bursts in response to incoming signals.
我们的神经细胞就像光敏二极管一样,接收外界的信号而产生电脉冲。 cnphys

The top illuminated photodiodes work for1.3- micron as well as1.5- micron based communication systems.
基于通信系统,最典型的光二极管工作于1.3微米和1.5微米。 www.etiri.com.cn

Then the detailed processing procedure and the stress problem during processing are described, and the characteristics of photodiodes, scanning circuits and sensor are discussed.
接着描述了其具体的制作工艺及制作过程中的应力问题。随后讨论了光电二极管、扫描电路和传感器的特性。 cnki




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