

单词 photocopying
释义 pho·to·cop·y·ing 英'fəʊtəʊkɒpi美'foʊtoʊkɑːpi 高COCA¹⁰⁰⁰¹⁴BNC⁵⁷⁰⁹²iWeb³⁷²⁵⁵Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
a photographic copy of written or printed or graphic work
reproduce by xerography近义词 print印刷copy复制品run off逃跑reproduce再生duplicate副本replicate复制reduplicate重复xerox静电复印件reproduction再现

用作动词Aphotocopyis not an original work and will thus not attract copyright in any event.影印品不是一件独创作品,因而不管怎么样,都不会受到著作权的保护。
Some services exist only because of advanced technology ,like overnight mail delivery andphotocopyservices.一些服务业存在只是因为先进技术,象隔夜邮递和影印服务。 As well as ordering lunch, interns should be ready to take on trivial tasks, such as photocopying and data research.
除了定午餐之外,实习生们还应随时准备接手做一些诸如复印材料和数据分析此类的琐碎事情。 kekenet

AT&T ran the telephone network, IBM dominated the mainframe- computer business and Xerox was a synonym for photocopying.
那时, AT&T经营电话网, IBM垄断大型计算机业务, Xerox就是复印的同义词。 ecocn

Banks continue to tighten credit, and their own belts— Citigroup has even restricted colour photocopying.
银行在不断的从紧信用以及自己的钱袋——花旗银行甚至限制使用彩色打印。 yeeyan

Copier paper: Paper used in photocopying machines.
影印机:影印机用的纸。 huixue

Dana John, an N.Y.U. senior, spent an unpaid summer at a company that books musical talent, spending much of her days photocopying, filing and responding to routine e- mail messages for her boss.
达纳·约翰 Dana John是纽约大学高年级生,她在一家登记音乐专利权的公司不带报酬实习了一个暑假,大部分时间花在了影印、归档以及回复老板的日常电子邮件上面。 yeeyan

Decca Records turned down the Beatles, IBM rejected the photocopying idea which launched Xerox, DEC turned down the spreadsheet and various major publishers turned down the first Harry Potter novel.
迪卡唱片公司拒绝了披头士, IBM拒绝了成就施乐公司的影印技术,数字设备公司 DEC拒绝了电子表格技术,数不清的大出版商拒绝了第一部《哈利波特》的初稿。 yeeyan

Even in this day and age, I saw women becoming “ assistant- ized”— saddled with all the coffee runs and photocopying.
即使在这个时代,“助理化”的妇女仍随处可见-背负着所有的咖啡运行和复印。 yeeyan

If so, could you please do me the favor of photocopying and sending them to me by EMS?
如果有的话,不知您是否可以帮我复印一下并用特快专递寄给我呢? iciba

Which one of the following printing devices uses an electrostatic process similar to a photocopying machine in order to produce a high quality printed form?
其中下列情形之一的印刷设备采用静电过程类似一台影印机,以生产高质量的印刷形式? blog.sina.com.cn




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