

单词 photocopies
释义 pho·to·cop·y 英'fəʊtəʊkɒpi美'foʊtoʊkɑːpi 高ICOCA⁴⁸¹⁷⁷BNC²⁷⁸⁸⁵
a photographic copy of written or printed or graphic work
reproduce by xerography近义词 print印刷copy复制品run off逃跑reproduce再生duplicate副本replicate复制reduplicate重复xerox静电复印件reproduction再现

用作动词Aphotocopyis not an original work and will thus not attract copyright in any event.影印品不是一件独创作品,因而不管怎么样,都不会受到著作权的保护。
Some services exist only because of advanced technology ,like overnight mail delivery andphotocopyservices.一些服务业存在只是因为先进技术,象隔夜邮递和影印服务。 Both media application forms and photocopies of valid press card must be returned to the organizing committee by POST or FAX.
媒体申请表和记者证复印件必须以邮寄或传真的方式返回赛事组委会。 images.sport.org.cn

Make several photocopies of your passport, leaving one with a friend or relative and packing at least two in your luggage.
复印几张你的护照。 给朋友或亲戚留一份,在自己的行李中至少留两份。 yeeyan

After seven years of publishing his drawings through photocopies and opposition newspapers, Alsature's life took another twist.
在以后的七年中,“砍刀”的画作通过影印本和反对派报纸发表出来,他的生活遇到了另一次转变。 blog.sina.com.cn

Also, we have strong reservations concerning the legitimacy of determining the compliance of documents based on photocopies of documents.

Here's the contract and other related documents, and the original and photocopies of tax receipt.
这些是我的合同等相关资料和税单的原件及复印件。 gov

I put photocopies of my drawings all over the walls.
我把自己画的画的照片复本贴满了墙面。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

It shows the number of photocopies made by a company over eight months, and the proportion of recycled and new paper used.
它显示了一家公司在过去八个月中复印文稿的数量,以及再利用纸和新纸的使用比例。 blog.sina.com.cn

Make two photocopies of any important papers.
将所有重要文档作两份影印。 yeeyan

Mr. Miller sees his own work as a battle between corporate life and death, with the money spent on photocopies and dry cleaning an insignificant detail.
米勒先生把他自己的工作看作是公司之间的生死之战,而花在影印资料和干洗衣服上的小钱是无足轻重的小事一桩。 yeeyan

Nevertheless, he says he would like photocopies, a request the Mouazzens deny.
然而,黄律师却要求出示照片的影印件,穆阿仁父子拒绝了该要求。 yeeyan

Please present your contract and other related documents, and the original and photocopies of tax receipt.
请出示您的合同等相关资料和税单的原件及复印件。 gov

The attached original present fixed bank sheets as well as photocopies of past fixed bank sheets and saving interest bills can indicate the record.
后附存单原件及过去存单和利息清单复印件可反映出存款的历史记录。 eduwo

The Foreign Office used to suggest you carried several photocopies of all your important documents, such as passports or credit cards.
外事部门过去曾建议大家多带几份所有重要文件的复印件——例如护照或信用卡。 ebigear

The evidence set out includes photocopies of e-mails, letters and legal documents.
被揭露的证据包括了电邮、信件及法律文件的影印版。 ecocn

Photocopies of the Original Tender minimise the risk of discrepancies.
标书正本影印件能最大限度地减少差异的几率。 worklish

Photocopies our identification cards are attached herein to prove our identity.
我们附上我们身份证复印件,以此证明我们的身份。 blog.sina.com.cn




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