

单词 photocathode
释义 photocathode 英,fəʊtəʊ'kæθəʊd BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
a cathode that emits electrons when illuminatedcontinuous photocathode密集光电阴极…alloy photocathode合金光电阴极…
用作名词The effect of the tube making Technique on the photoemissive property of thephotocathodeis described.主要论述制管工艺对光电阴极发射性能的影响。 Accordingly, the image tube with wide spectral response was made by increasing the aluminum composition of photocathode material, and the corresponding spectral response curve is given.
通过提高光阴极材料的铝组份,做出了宽光谱响应像管,并给出了相应的光谱响应曲线。 cnki

An energy band model amorphous semiconductor is presented for alkali metal antimonide photocathode, which is different from previous crystalline model.
本文从迁移率涉及的单晶理论的局限出发,对碱锑型光电阴极建立了类似于非晶半导体的能带结构模型。 cnki

Some double crystal rocking curves of photocathode epitaxy materials and substrates are measured by means of X-ray double crystal diffraction in the bonding process.
用 X射线双晶衍射仪测量了阴极和玻璃热粘结工艺过程中阴极材料外延层和衬底的双晶回摆曲线。 cnki

The precept of DC- SC photoinjector is to combine a DC photocathode electron gun and the superconducting cavity together. This scheme is specially adequate to provide the high average beam current.
DC SC超导光阴极注入器将直流光阴极电子枪和超导加速腔结合在一起,其特点之一是适合于提供高平均流强电子束。 cnki

The effect of hot cleaning and ion cleaning for photocathode glass substrate on improving the photocathode sensitivity is researched.
论文探索了光阴极玻璃基底的热清洁和离子清洁对提高光阴极灵敏度的影响。 dictall

The gain of the PMT, that is the ratio of anode output current to the photoelectric current from the photocathode, is directly related to the supply voltage.
光电倍增管的增益,是阳极输出电流和光电阴极中光电流的比值,直接关系到电源电压。 hisky-hk

The high sensitive photocathode and good spectral response depend on processing technologies.
高灵敏度的光电阴极以及好的光谱响应是由处理工艺来决定的。 cnki

The technology, preparation process and existing problems of the electron positron affinity photocathode have been analyzed.
分析了正负电子亲和势光电阴极的工艺、制备方法及存在的问题。 cnki

The photocathode composition determines the spectral response, the quantum efficiency at each wavelength, the overall uniformity of photomultiplier sensitivity, and the dark current.
光电阴极的构成决定光谱响应、每种波长的量子效应、光电倍增管灵敏度的均一性和暗电流。 hisky-hk

The photocathode consists of a substrate involving a conductive base film for dielectric cathode and a photoemission film.
光阴极由衬底包括介质阴极的导电基底和光电发射膜构成。 cnki

A novel infrared-sensitive streak image tube with a combined infrared photocathode and electrostatics focused electronic optical system is described.
介绍了一种采用组合红外阴极和静电聚焦电子光学系统的新型红外扫描变像管。 cnki

At present, the cesium source used for manufacture of photocathode belongs to a neutral source which shows some advantages.
在光电阴极制备及对其作表面分析时,铯离子源较中性铯源有一定的优点。 cnki

Based on the CAEP photoinjeetor, the driving laser, the photocathode and the relative physical problem on the photo injector RF cavity are discussed in the thesis.
本论文针对 CAEP光阴极 RF腔注入器的特点,从理论和实验上研究了驱动激光器、光阴极和光阴极 RF腔涉及的有关物理问题。 cnki

Finally, the advantages of MCP used as UV photocathode and the applications of both systems are emphasized.
最后强调指出 MCP作为紫外光电阴极时的优点和两种系统的应用。 cnki

In the surface analysis and the manufacture of photocathode the cesium ion source shows some advantages as compared with the neutral cesium source.
在光电阴极的制备及对光电阴极作表面分析中,铯离子源较中性铯源具有一定的优点。 cnki

It is shown from the analysis of glass ingredients of different glass substrates that the alkali metal content in glass may affect the photocathode sensitivity.
通过不同玻璃基底玻璃成分的研究,证明玻璃中的碱金属的含量会影响到光阴极灵敏度的高低。 chemyq

It is shown from the analysis of surface tension that the hot and ion cleaning of photocathode glass substrate can increase the certain degree.
通过表面张力分析,证明对光阴极玻璃基底进行热清洁和离子清洁可以增加玻璃表面的表面能,对提高光阴极的灵敏度有一定的作用。 cnki

Looked up, the sun has moved over to my windowsill, tomorrow's photocathode where there will not be present frame of mind.
抬眼,阳光已移过我的窗台,明天的光阴里,不会再有现在的心绪。 msa5

Many factors have an effect on the stability of multialkali photocathode, such as tubes structure and vacuum conditions, cathode making technology, its storage and service conditions, etc.
影响多碱光电阴极稳定性的因素很多,诸如管子的管型结构、管子的真空状况、阴极制作工艺、管子的存放及其使用条件等。 dictall

The closer the measuring reflectance curve to the theoretical reflectance curve, the higher a photocathode sensitivity is.
多碱阴极的实测反射率曲线越接近理论曲线,其灵敏度也越高。 cnki

This paper describes an effective improvement for the emissive properties of the Ag- O-Cs photocathode by repeated evaporation of silver.
叙述了复蒸银对银氧铯阴极发射性质的重大改进。 cnki

This paper describes an effective improvement of the emissive properties of the Ag- O-Cs photocathode by repeating evaporation silver.
本文叙述了复蒸银对银氧铯阴极发射性质的改进。 cnki

When light enters the photocathode of a photomultiplier tube, photoelectrons are emitted from the photocathode.
当光线进入光电阴极的光电倍增管,光电子从阴极发出。 hisky-hk

Why does the photocathode through the millennium, but it will continue to be so poignant?
为什么穿越千年的光阴,却依然会是如此凄美? tradeask

With the proximity focused diode image intensifier coupled to a low luminance EL display, and a photocathode instead of a field- emitter, a new photocathode display is developed.
详述了近贴聚焦二极管像增强器与低亮度矩阵EL显示屏耦合,用光电阴极代替场发射电子,开发出一种新型显示器。 cnki




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