

单词 phosphoric
释义 phos·phor·ic 英fɒsˈfɔːrɪk, -ˈfɒr-美fɑsˈfɔrɪk, -ˈfɑr-AHDfŏs-fôrʹĭk, -fŏrʹ- 高COCA⁷¹⁵¹⁶BNC⁷⁵⁹⁹¹⁺¹²iWeb²⁹⁸⁹²

containing or characteristic of phosphorus;

phosphoric acid

phosphoric acid磷酸cephalyl-phosphoric acid脑磷脂磷酸glacial phosphoric acid冰磷酸phosphoric acid anhydride磷酐available phosphoric acid有效磷酸phosphoric anhydride磷酸酐condensed phosphoric acid缩合磷酸glycerol phosphoric acid磷酸甘油ribose phosphoric acid化 磷酸核糖…methyl-phosphoric acid磷酸一甲酯heptadecyl phosphoric acid十七烷基磷酸…soluble phosphoric manure可溶性磷肥phosphoric iron高磷生铁phosphoric pig iron高磷生铁
phosphor-磷|磷酸-ic…的⇒adj.含磷的⁴⁴;磷的⁵⁶近义词 phosphorous磷光

用作形容词There are manyphosphoricstones on the hill.那座山上有很多含磷的石头。
There are manyphosphoricstones on the hill.那座山上有很多含磷的石头。 A dilative transparent fireproof coatings were based on ethanol modified urea resin as binder, phosphoric acid and starch as fire retardant.
以乙醇改性的脲醛树脂为基料,磷酸和淀粉为防火剂制成膨胀型透明防火涂料。 cnki

As soon as she’s gone, Michael removes two tubes of toothpaste from his pockets and squats near the grate on the floor. Michael squeezes the Copper Sulfate and Phosphoric Acid into the drain.
Michael立即从口袋里拿出了2管牙膏,蹲伏在地板上的下水道栅栏附近,将牙膏中的硫酸铜和磷酸挤入下水道中。 yeeyan

So the qualified industrial phosphoric acid is gained by further washing and stripping sections.
结合洗涤和反萃可以得到合格的工业级磷酸。 jukuu

The purpose of this article is to deal with how to separate impurities from raw phosphoric acid for food phosphoric acid.
如何除去粗磷酸中的有害杂质使其成为食品级磷酸,这就是本文所叙述的中心内容。 cnki

The active ingredient in Coke is phosphoric acid.
可乐中的活跃成份就是含磷的酸性物质。 yeeyan

The research advance of purifying wet-process phosphoric acid with solvent extraction method was introduced.
介绍了溶剂萃取净化湿法磷酸的研究进展情况。 hjenglish

After the outbreak in chopped garlic, the FDA told garlic processors add phosphoric acid.
肉毒菌在碎蒜中爆发后,美国食品及药物管理局告诉加工者添加磷酸。 yeeyan

Colas contain high levels of phosphoric acid, which has been linked to kidney stones and other renal problems.
可乐富含磷酸,而磷酸与肾结石和其它肾脏问题有关。 iciba

He flashes back to his apartment where he studies a chemistry textbook. Two bold titles read, “ Copper Sulfate” and“ Phosphoric Acid.”
镜头闪回到他的公寓,他正在研究一本化学教科书,两个粗体字是“硫酸铜”和“磷酸”。 yeeyan

In 2007, Whole Foods Market installed a200-kilowatt phosphoric acid cell in a supermarket in Connecticut, where subsidies fund25 to40 percent of the cost of a fuel- cell system.
2007年, Whole Foods市场在康涅狄格州的一家超市里安装了200千瓦磷酸电池,该州的补贴为燃料电池系统成本的25%到40%。 yeeyan

Many beverages with bubbles, such as sodas, contain phosphoric acid, which diminishes bone mass and increases the risk for osteoporosis.
很多饮料都有很多泡沫,例如苏打水,它其中含有的磷酸会减少骨的质量和增加患骨质疏松症的风险。 yeeyan

Organic food does not contain artificial food additives and preservatives like hydrogenated fats, phosphoric acid, aspartame and monosodium glutamate.
有机食品不含有人工食品添加剂和防腐剂,如氢化的脂肪、磷酸、阿斯巴甜和味精。 yeeyan

Recently, the domestic aluminum industry, the emergence of a new phenomenon, wet phosphoric acid production surge, and is used extensively for production of alumina products.
近期,国内氧化铝行业出现一种新现象,湿法磷酸产量剧增,并大量用于生产氧化铝产品。 sinongolia.com

Some of the ingredients found in your average soda are caffeine, phosphoric acid and high fructose corn syrup, carbonated water, caramel color, and natural flavors.
一些牙医发现苏打中还有咖啡因,磷酸和高果糖玉米糖浆,碳酸水,试用色素和天然添加剂。 en400

The aluminum alloy for adhesive bonding was anodized in the aqueous solutions of phosphoric acid and the adhesive property was investigated.
采用磷酸阳极化方法对铝合金试片进行了处理并测试了其粘接性能。 iciba

The connection between phosphoric acid levels and depression was confirmed in an earlier study conducted by the company involving 66 people,31 of whom were diagnosed with depression.
该公司先前曾对66名受试者进行了研究,其中有31人已被诊断为抑郁症,研究结果证实了血液磷酸浓度和抑郁程度间存在关联。 yeeyan

The experimental data are regression- fitted using Least Square method to establish an empirical mathematical model for filtration rate of phosphoric acid slurry.
对实验数据按最小二乘法回归拟合,建立了磷酸料浆过滤速度的经验数学模型。 cnki

These include stripping it out of the tailings from gold and copper mines, and also from phosphoric acid produced during the manufacture of fertiliser.
其中包括从金矿和铜矿的矿尾中提取铀,以及利用化肥制造过程中产生的副产物硫酸。 ecocn

Phosphoric acid is grouped as four kinds by its production method, that is agricultural grade, technical grade, food grade and semiconductor grade.
磷酸按生产方法可分为热法磷酸和湿法磷酸,按用途可分为农业级、工业级、食品级和半导体级磷酸。 cnki

Phosphoric acid: For use only to clean equipment.
磷酸:仅限于作为清洁设备之用。 http://dj.iciba.com




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