

单词 atom bombs
释义 atom bombs短语⁷⁹⁹⁷⁸⁺
= atomic bomb原型atombomb的复数 And you will create atom bombs and hydrogen bombs, or you will carry them from here.
你将创造原子弹和氢弹,或者你将把它们从这里带过去。 blog.sina.com.cn

Instead of atom bombs on cities, says Mr Tobaccowala, segmentation is at best “dropping conventional bombs on villages”.
Tobaccowala说,虽然不同于原子弹在城里爆炸,所谓的细分也只不过是把原来的炸弹扔在了村子里而已。 ecocn

Liberation, after the atom bombs were dropped in August1945, came just as Mr Zamperini seemed on the brink of death.
1945年8月原子弹被投下之后,自由终于来了,刚好此时曾佩琳先生看似徘徊在死亡边缘。 ecocn

The chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, Admiral Arthur Radford, wanted to save the French camp with a few atom bombs.
参谋长联席会议主席阿瑟•雷德福想用几颗原子弹挽救法军。 ecocn

The president promises massive aid and investment, with the aim of raising North Korean income per head to$3,000 a year within a decade, if only the North gives up its atom bombs.
李总统承诺,只要北韩方面放弃其核弹计划,将对其进行大规模援助和投资,将在十年内帮助北韩实现人均收入3000美元的目标。 ecocn

Americans, after all, were prepared to use atom bombs to keep the Red Army from the Channel.
毕竟美国曾经还打算利用原子弹来阻止苏联红军跨越英吉利海峡呢。 yeeyan

He briskly defends dropping atom bombs on Japan; after Okinawa, the price of a conventional assault looked particularly hideous. A test detonation would have been folly.
他有理有据地为美国核爆日本进行了辩护,因为冲绳战役之后,再发动一次常规进攻的代价就有点高得离谱了,而核弹试爆也很不合时宜。 ecocn

Nuclear weapons include atom bombs, hydrogen bombs and neutron bombs.
核武器包括原子弹、氢弹、中子弹。 qq




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