

单词 phone
释义 phone 英fəʊn美fonAHDfōn ★★★★☆常小初中高四研I牛4COCA⁶¹⁹BNC¹⁴⁷⁶iWeb⁵⁶⁵Economist¹⁶⁴²


a telephone

vt. & vi. 打电话

send a message to sb by telephone

electronic equipment that converts sound into electrical signals that can be transmitted over distances and then converts received signals back into sounds;

I talked to him on the telephone

phonetics an individual sound unit of speech without concern as to whether or not it is a phoneme of some languageelectro-acoustic transducer for converting electric signals into sounds; it is held over or inserted into the ear;

it was not the typing but the earphones that she disliked

get or try to get into communication with someone by telephone;

I tried to call you all night

Take two aspirin and call me in the morning

phone, call, ring

这组词都可表示“打电话”。它们的区别是:phone和ring常用于英式英语中, call则常用于美式英语中。例如:


BrEI'll phone you.

BrEI'll ring you.

AmEI'll call you.

用作名词 n.
动词+~answer〔receive〕 the phone接电话hook up〔install〕 a phone安装电话make a phone打个电话pick up the phone拿起听筒ring sb's phone给某人打电话形容词+~cordless phone无线电话名词+~dial phone拨号式电话push-button phone按键式电话~+名词phone book电话簿phone booth电话亭phone box〈英〉公用电话亭介词+~call sb at〔on〕 the phone打电话找某人on the phone在打电话call sb to the phone叫某人来接电话用作动词 v.~+副词phone immediately立刻打电话phone suddenly突然打电话phone in打电话告知phone up给某人打电话~+介词phone sth to打电话告诉某人某事
phone in v.+adv.

打电话告知 send (a message to some place by telephone)

phone inHow many of our salesmen have phoned in so far?到目前为止,我们有几个推销员打电话来汇报过情况了?phone sth ⇔ inYou should phone in your questions.你应通过电话把你的问题说一下。
Haas phoned in the result of the poll.哈斯打来电话汇报民意测验的结果。
Listeners to the radio show can phone in their opinions.收音机的听众可以打电话向电台反映自己的意见。
phone up v.+adv.

〈英·非正〉给某人打电话 make a telephone to (sb)

phone sb ⇔ upShe phoned you up last night.她昨晚打电话找过你。
He'll soon phone you up and tell you all about it.他会很快打电话告诉你那件事的。故事记忆在一黑暗 Zone地带四周都是 Stone石头一边啃着 Pone玉米饼给爱人打 Phone电话带着哭泣 Tone语调我是非常 Lone孤独的非常记忆ph屁孩〖拼音〗+one一个〖熟词〗⇒屁孩一个人在打电话小学英语速记联想记忆:ph的联系全靠一部one电话近义词 call呼叫ring戒指pager呼机phone电话sound声音dial拨号盘receiver听筒mobile移动的earphone耳机telephone电话ring up打电话cellphone手机extension延长buzz发出嗡嗡声cordless无线的handset电话听筒speech sound语音make a call打电话headset头戴式耳机cell phone移动电话radiophone无线电话earpiece头戴式耳机telephone set电话机call up 给 … 打电话…mobile phone移动电话headphone头戴式收话器…cordless phone无线电话cellular phone便携式电话
用作名词n.She is waiting to answer the phone.她正在等接电话。
If you have no other business, you may hang up the phone.如果你没有其他事,你就可以挂机了。
Someone waited for you on the phone.有人叫你接电话。用作动词v.
S+~+AIf you want me for help, you should phone immediately.如果你有什么需要帮忙,马上打电话。
Father is phoning.父亲在打电话。
We must phone for a doctor at once.我们必须马上打电话请医生。
S+~+ n./pron.She phoned her mother last night.她昨天晚上给她妈妈打了电话。
I must phone your sister as I promised.我得给你姐姐打个电话,我说了给她打的。
Phone her when you arrive at the station.当你到达车站时,给她打个电话。
He phoned me to say he could not come.他来电话说他不能来了。S+~+that-clauseImes phoned that he was going to France tomorrow.艾姆斯打电话说他明天要去法国。
Mary phoned that her son was lost.玛丽打电话来说她儿子失踪了。
S+~+ pron./n. + n./pron. /that-clauseI'll phone you the news.我会打电话告诉你这消息。
She phoned me that she was leaving by the first train.她打电话告诉我说她要乘首班列车走。
My classmates phoned me that they were coming.我的同学打电话说他们要来。
She was phoned the news of her father's death.她接到电话说她父亲逝世了。S+~+ n./pron. +to pron./n.She phoned the matter to me.她在电话中告诉了我这件事。
You'd better phone your reply to me—a letter would take too long to arrive.请打电话告诉我你的答复,因为寄信要花很长时间。Potophonen.助听器Pdata-phone数据电话Pdetectophone监听器Pearphonen.耳机听筒Pgramophonen.留声机Ppistonphone活塞话筒Pspeakerphonen.扬声电话Pmicrophonen.扩音器麦克风Pdetectaphonen.窃听器监听器Pdataphonen.数据送话器数据电话机




用作名词What's yourphonenumber?你的电话号码是多少?
I nearly smashed thephonein fury.盛怒之下,我差点把电话机砸碎。
She picked up thephonebut didn't speak.她拿起话筒,但并没有说话。
I tuned the tone of the stonephonewith a bone.我用骨头调整了石质耳机的音调。
Invest in a telephone headset for your officephone.在你办公室的电话机旁安装一个头戴式耳机。verb.telephone
同义词 call up,contact,dialbuzz,call,ringget back to,get on the horn,get on the line,get someone on the horn,give a call,give a jingle,give a ring,make a call,pick up,put a call through,ring up,touch base with
callverb attempt to communicate by telephone
beep,blast,bleep,buzz,contact,get back to,ring,telephone
communicateverb give or exchange information, ideas
acquaint,advertise,advise,announce,be in touch,betray,break,broadcast,carry,connect,contact,convey,correspond,declare,disclose,discover,disseminate,divulge,enlighten,get across,get through,hint,impart,imply,inform,interact,interface,keep in touch,let on,let out,make known,network,pass on,phone,proclaim,publicize,publish,raise,reach out,relate,report,reveal,ring up,signify,spread,state,suggest,tell,touch base,transfer,transmit,unfold,write
communicatingverb give or exchange information, ideas
answering,associating with,being close to,being in touch,being near,buzzing,cabling,chatting,commune with,confabulating,conferring,conversing,corresponding,discoursing,dropping a line,dropping a note,establishing contact,getting on the horn,giving a call,giving a ring,having confidence of,hearing from,reaching,replying,talking,telephoning,wiring,writing
contactverb communicate with
approach,be in touch with,buzz,call,check with,connect,get,get ahold of,get in touch with,interact,interface,network,phone,reach,reach out,relate,speak to,talk,telephone,touch base,visit,write to
contactedverb communicate with
approached,buzzed,called,checked with,connected,got,got ahold of,got in touch with,interacted,interfaced,networked,phoned,reached,reached out,related,spoke to,talked,telephoned,touch base,visited,was in touch with,wrote to
contactingverb communicate with
approaching,being in touch with,buzzing,calling,checking with,connecting,getting,getting ahold of,getting in touch with,interacting,interfacing,networking,phoning,reaching,reaching out,relating,speaking to,talking,telephoning,touch base,visiting,writing to Can I reconfirm by phone?
我能用电话再确认吗? tingvoa

Put your phone number and address on every page of your site. Every single one.
在网站的每一页中提供你的电话号码和地址,每一页都需要。 yeeyan

As you enter your house, your phone“ roams” on to it.
当你进到家中时,你的电话就会自动被它所“接管”。 ecocn




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