

单词 Phoenicia
释义 Phoe·ni·cia 英fɪˈnɪʃə, -ˈniːʃə美fɪˈnɪʃə, -ˈniʃəAHDfĭ-nĭshʹə, -nēʹshə Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

an ancient maritime country a collection of city states at eastern end of the Mediterranean在古代中东地区,埃及、巴比伦、赫梯等古王国的帝王和掌管祭神活动的祭司们,都喜欢穿紫红色的袍子,可是,这种颜色在洗涤过后很容易褪色。他们注意到,居住在地中海东岸的人们也穿着鲜亮的紫红色衣服,但他们的衣服似乎永远不会褪色,即使衣服磨穿了,颜色依然亮丽如新。所以大家把地中海东岸的这些居民所在的国家称为“紫红色的国度”,在希腊语中写作Phoinike,这就是英语单词Phoenicia腓尼基的来源。
Phoenicia:fi'niʃiə; -'ni:- n.腓尼基
Phoenician:fi'niʃiən; -'ni:- n.腓尼基人,腓尼基语adj.腓尼基的近义词 Phenicia腓尼基(地中海东岸一古国…
用作名词Europa was the daughter of Agenor, king ofPhoenicia, son of the god Neptune.欧罗巴是阿革诺耳的女儿,阿革诺耳是尼普顿的儿子,腓尼基的国王。 Now those who were scattered, because of the persecution that took place over Stephen, traveled as far as Phoenicia, Cyprus, and Antioch, and they spoke the word to no one except Jews.
那些因司提反的事,遭患难四散的门徒,直走到腓尼基,和塞浦路斯,并安提阿,他们不向别人讲道,只向犹太人讲。 open.163.com

The natural state of Greater Syria beyond the constellation of city-states like Phoenicia, Aleppo, Damascus, and Jerusalem is more indistinct still.
而大叙利亚的天然国家则更像是一系列更加模糊的城邦,比如腓尼基、阿勒颇、大马士革和耶路撒冷。 yeeyan

But he could not prevail over Onias. So he went to Apollonius of Tarsus, the governor of Coele- Syria and Phoenicia.
他既不能制胜敖尼雅,便投奔到塔尔索人阿颇罗尼那里,当时他正是切肋叙利亚和腓尼基的总督。 ccreadbible

Heliodorus at once set out on his journey, pretending that he was going to visit Coele- Syria and Phoenicia, but with the intention of carrying out the king's order.
赫略多洛便立时起程,名义上是为视察切肋叙利亚和腓尼基的各城市,其实是为执行国王的计划。 ccreadbible




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