

单词 at nights
释义 at nights短语⁴⁷⁵⁸⁰
There is no time , no end at nights.
夜晚总是没有钟点,没有终点。 sznews

What a wonderful sight it is when strings of their lights are reflected in the quivering water at nights!
夜间一行行一串串的灯火,倒影在颤摇的水光里,真是静美极了! putclub

“ Because I was gone at nights, she used him as her support system,” he says. “ She would talk to him about things.”
“因为晚上的时候我总是要上班,他是她的精神支柱,”他说,“她可以跟他聊很多东西。” yeeyan

A widow, she worked as a waitress in the mornings and sewed at nights to earn money.
妈妈是一个寡妇,上午在餐厅做服务员,晚上还要做缝纫来挣钱。 yyxenglish

And the more you will enjoy going home at nights and looking back on the accomplishments of the day.
当你晚上回家回顾这一天的成就时,也会越高兴。 yeeyan

But meeting at nights, we do not say.
可是晚上相见却沉默不语。 blog.sina.com.cn

Henry was restless and lonely at nights and Catherine often came to his hospital room.
夜间亨利心神不定,感到寂寞,凯瑟琳常到他的病房里来。 suiniyi

I worked furious20- hour days, trying to create profits by day and Minyanville at nights and during weekends.
我每天疯狂地工作20小时,试图白天为基金赚钱,晚上打造自己的 Minyanville王国,甚至连周末也不放过。 ecocn

Just imagine how you will feel when stare at the paintings alone at nights.
试想你会感到在晚上独自画时凝视。 artron

More than35% said the pressures of city life were keeping them from sleeping well at nights while 75% claimed they don't know of a proper channel to vent their frustrations.
逾35%的人表示城市生活的压力使他们晚上睡不好, 75%的人表示不知道怎样正本地发泄不满情绪。111580

More than35% said the pressures of city life were keeping them from sleeping well at nights, while 75% claimed they don't know of a proper channel to vent their frustrations.
逾35%的人表示城市生活的压力使他们晚上睡不好,75%的人表示不知道如何正当地发泄不满情绪。 www.china.org.cn

She insisted that he would visit her at nights and she could smell the familiar odor of his invisible body.
她坚信他晚上会回来看她,会闻见他业已消散的躯体的熟悉体味儿。 yeezhe

Still, I heard you cry by the window at nights.
同时,我听到你每晚靠在窗边哭泣。 blog.sina.com.cn

The countess could not sleep at nights, and when she did sleep, she dreamed that her sons had been killed.
伯爵夫人夜里睡不着觉,一旦睡着,便梦见两个阵亡的儿子。 tingroom

When he was starting his career, he told me that at nights he talked to his grandmother.
在他开始他的职业生涯的时候,他告诉我晚上常常和他天堂的祖母对话。 zhibo8




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