

单词 philosophizing
释义 philosophizing 英fə'lɒsəfaɪzɪŋ美fə'lɒsəfaɪzɪŋ 高COCA⁷⁶⁸⁵⁰BNC¹⁴⁴⁶⁶⁴⁺³iWeb⁵⁷⁵⁵³
the exposition often superficially of a particular philosophyas in.conception
同义词 appreciation,conceit,concept,impression,interpretation,notion,perception,realizationapperception,apprehension,clue,cognition,comprehension,consideration,design,dreaming,explanation,exposition,fancy,image,inkling,intellection,meditation,musing,picture,plan,representation,speculation,thought,versioncogitating,communing,concentrating,considering,deliberating,envisaging,fancying,imagining,meditating,mental grasp,speculating
反义词 concrete,fact,ignorance,misunderstanding,reality,truthabortion,being,death
conceptionnoun understanding;idea
apperception,appreciation,apprehension,clue,cogitating,cognition,communing,comprehension,conceit,concentrating,concept,consideration,considering,deliberating,design,dreaming,envisaging,explanation,exposition,fancy,fancying,image,imagining,impression,inkling,intellection,interpretation,meditating,meditation,mental grasp,musing,notion,perception,picture,plan,realization,representation,speculating,speculation,thought,version
conceptionsnoun understanding;idea
apperceptions,appreciations,apprehensions,clues,cogitatings,cognitions,communings,comprehensions,conceits,concentratings,concepts,considerations,considerings,deliberatings,designs,dreamings,envisagings,explanations,expositions,fancies,fancies,images,imaginings,impressions,inklings,intellections,interpretations,meditatings,meditations,mental grasps,musings,notions,perceptions,philosophizings,pictures,plans,realizations,representations,speculatings,speculations,thoughts,versions But coming the day after the story of my friend's friend and his memory problems the philosophizing about the uncertainties of life seems to have more applicability to me personally.
在听过我朋友的朋友的故事和他的记忆力问题以后,i将要来临的日子对我个人来说,对于未来不确定的哲学思维似乎更加的适应了。 yeeyan

The intriguing facts and illustrations are honeycombed with pockets of gaseous philosophizing.
有趣的论据和说明就像蜂巢结构一样充满了空虚的哲学推理。 yeeyan

The meaning of life lies in living, not in the abstract contemplations or philosophizing.
生命的意义就在于自己赋予自己的生命以意义。 blog.sina.com.cn

To this extent philosophizing is wholly passive.
这种方式下的哲学思考完全是被动的。 blog.sina.com.cn

Active thinking can occur as philosophizing, scheming, planning or fantasising.
主动思维可能以哲学思考、算计、计划或幻想的方式发生。 folou

After managing a couple of organic food companies made me realise that even“ ethical business” would never be quite enough, an afternoon's philosophizing with a mate changed everything.
经营了几家有机食品公司之后,我意识到了即使是“有道德的商业”也还远远不够。在一个下午和一个伙伴进行哲学性的探讨之后,一切都改变了。 dict

Even when presented with the option to cease philosophizing, he refuses to do so on the ground that, again, he is acting under a command, divine command and cannot do otherwise.

His aphorisms are widely quoted, but as both man and thinker he remains an enigmatic figure, “ philosophizing with a hammer” and hurling unsettling challenges to some of our most cherished beliefs.

However, separating fact from opinion presents challenges in this age of blogs, sound bites, and bumper-sticker philosophizing.
但是,将事实和现今的观点分离面临着这个时代的博客,演讲片段,和汽车贴纸文化的哲学思想的挑战。 yeeyan

In many ways, in replying to the jury's verdict in the request that he cease philosophizing, Socrates explains himself in the following terms.

Incidentally, I mentioned this last time-- I was talking about-- I was philosophizing about wealth and I asked what are you going to do with a billion dollars.
偶然的,我最后一次提到,我谈论到,我在思考关于财富的哲学,如果你有10亿的话,你打算做什么。 yeeyan

Reading, writing, analyzing, problem- solving and philosophizing have always been part of my children's daily life.
阅读、写作、分析、解决问题以及进行哲学性探讨,已成为孩子们生活的一部分。 edu.sina.com.cn

Riesling should never be forgotten at social occasions, philosophizing with friends or just at a romantic evening for two.
无论是社交场合,还是和朋友谈天说地或者是浪漫的两人世界,雷司令都是最好的选择。 blog.sina.com.cn

So back to my ride with my buddy: We are peddling up the hills and philosophizing about the uncertainties of life and its Thursday.
所以和我哥们回到车上:我们上山兜售并且理性地思考生命的不确定性。 yeeyan

So back to my ride with my buddy: We are peddling up the hills and philosophizing about the uncertainties of life and its Thursday. A couple of Thursdays back.
所以和我哥们回到车上:我们上山兜售并且理性地思考生命的不确定性。周四一两天以后回来。 yeeyan

Socrates, as we should expect from the general character of his philosophizing, has the dialectical element in a predominantly subjective shape, that of Irony.
辩证法在苏格拉底手中,与他哲学所探讨的一般性格相一致,仍带有强烈的主观色彩,叫做讽刺。 blog.sina.com.cn

There will be little rest for you; your feet will likely want to keep moving, exploring, mingling, philosophizing and creating.
尤其是现在,你的脚步可能还想要继续前进,探索,研究哲学并勇于创造,但是我们却劝你应该要休息一下了。 uujiari

They spend their time philosophizing about the mysteries of life.

Philosophizing about the living status of human, ecological aesthetics is a theory reflecting the conception of ecological aesthetic.
生态美学对人类生存状态进行哲学美学的思考,是对人类生态审美观念反思的理论。 fabiao




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