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词汇 Phillips
释义 Phillips. 'fɪlɪps
And if you keep your caloric intake exactly the same as you get older, says Phillips, those unburned calories end up as fat.
菲利普斯说,变老以后,如果你的卡路里摄取量保持不变,那些未燃烧的卡路里最终都会转化为脂肪。 yeeyan

As to content, the court has not so far broken new judicial ground, but then it was never likely to, as Lord Phillips, its president, points out.
再看其里,法院至今没有对司法的本质进行新的改变,而且就像院长菲利普斯勋爵所说的,之后也没有可能。 ecocn

James Phillips, curator of near east and north african exhibits, said little was known about the origins of the model.

That it now is cannot be blamed only on him. The president had no control over the timing of Judge Phillips’s finding.
目前,现在的公众情绪不能只归结于奥巴马,这位总统无法控制法官菲利普斯作出裁决的时机。 ecocn

“ Female capuchin monkey brains react differently to the urine of adult males than to urine of juvenile males, ” said Dr Phillips.
“雌卷尾猴闻成年雄猴及未成年雄猴的尿液时,大脑所产生的反应不一样,”菲利普斯博士说道。 yeeyan

“ In a converged world, those deals need to become much more explicit if you want to preserve the policy goals,” says Mr Phillips.
飞利浦说到“在融合的世界里,如果你想实现你的政策目标,你就必须把这些政策制定的清楚一些。” ecocn

“ People have been doing this for hundreds of thousands of years: using whatever is available to build shelter,” Phillips said.
“几十万年以来,人们一直这样建造房屋:使用可以找到的任何东西来建造住所,”菲利普斯说。 yeeyan

“ They've said the right things but there are troubling signs that political, ideological, tribal and regional cleavages could widen in to cracks in this broad coalition, ” Phillips said.
“他们说出了正确的事但是依然有麻烦迹象,政治上的,意识形态上的,种族部落上的分歧能够使这次的显著联合扩大。”菲利普说。 yeeyan

A US navy officer said today it took only three shots for navy snipers to kill the trio of pirates holding captain Richard Phillips hostage on a lifeboat drifting in the high sea.
一名美国海军官员今天说,海军狙击手仅用三枪就击毙了三名海盗。 当时他们挟持船长理查德·菲利普斯作为人质乘坐一艘救生艇漂浮在公海上。 yeeyan

At least three of the SEALs had participated in the sniper operation off the coast of Somalia in April2009 that freed Richard Phillips the captain of the Maersk Alabama and left three pirates dead.
这些海豹队员们至少其中有三人2009年四月在索马里海岸外参与了解救阿拉巴马号货船船长理查德·菲利普斯的狙击行动,行动中击毙了三个海盗。 yeeyan

Beside the SUV at Staples Center, “ He put his hand on my shoulder,” Phillips said.
站在停在斯台普斯中心的越野车旁边,“他把手放在我的肩膀上,”菲利普说。 yeeyan

But visitors short on time should head to the Rothko Room, an intimate, chapel-like space with low light and a single bench, which Phillips designed in1960.
但是时间不那么充裕的观者应该直接走到罗斯科室,一间终极的小教堂般的房间,光线很暗,里面只有一张长凳,这是菲利普在1960年设计。 ecocn

For Phillips, art was also a personal comfort: he founded the museum in1918 in memory of his father and brother, who had then recently died within a year of each other.
对于菲利普来说,艺术还是一种私人的宽慰:他在1918年建立了这座博物馆,以纪念不久前在一年内相继离世的父亲和兄长。 ecocn

He said that at the time snipers took their shot, Phillips's hands were bound.
他还说,当狙击手开枪射击时,菲利普斯的双手是被捆绑着的。 yeeyan

It can be very helpful to have a copy of Phillips nearby, especially when studying the epistles of Paul.
身边带有一菲利普斯译本可以是非常有帮助的,尤其是研究保罗书信的时候。 yeeyan

Just what happens if we take a time machine back three decades, to the time before the revolutionary transformation identified by Melanie Phillips?
让我们坐着时光机倒退三十年,看看在梅勒妮.菲利普斯所谓的革命性变革之前发生了什么。 ecocn

Lord Phillips, the president of the court, suggested that the OFT had other ways to challenge the “ relevant terms” of the contracts, and that the issue might be taken to the European Court of Justice.
该法院院长菲利普斯勋爵建议公平贸易局采用其他方法来质疑合同中的“有关条款”,而且这个问题可能被提交到欧洲法院。 ecocn

Suggesting inflation in a recession is not to hark back to the Phillips curve, which depicts an inverse relation between unemployment and inflation rates.
在经济衰退时期,适度通胀的建议并非是又回到了描述失业率与通货膨胀率成倒数关系的菲利普曲线理论。 yeeyan

This was a full eight years before the Museum of Modern Art opened in New York, making the Phillips Collection America's first modern- art museum.
这时距离现代艺术博物馆在纽约揭幕还有整整八年,这就使得菲利普收藏成为美国第一家现代艺术博物馆。 ecocn

Thus the only effect of government stimulus would be to increase inflation for the same level of employment; in the long run, the Phillips curve became vertical.
因而政府干预的唯一结果只可能是增加同样就业水平下的通胀率。 那么从长期来看,菲利浦斯曲线就应该是垂直的。 ecocn

Trevor Phillips, the chairman of the EHRC, will announce a formal investigation within the next few days.
在接下来几天内, EHRC主席特雷弗-菲利浦斯将宣布一个正式的调查结果。 yeeyan

When I was President and Bo was in ill health, our mutual friend and fellow yellow-dog Democrat Levi Phillips brought him to spend the night with us in the White House.
我当总统的时候,博的身体不太好,我们两人共同的朋友,胆小的民主党人列维.菲利普斯把他带到白宫来与我们一起过夜。 yeeyan

You might therefore expect the president to welcome Judge Phillips’s injunction.
因此或许你认为总体统欢迎法官菲利普斯的禁令。 ecocn

Phillips says the problem with aerial drones is that the U. S. Federal Aviation Authority has strict rules on how and when they can be used because of the potential impact if they malfunctioned.
菲利普斯说,无人飞机的问题在于美国联邦航空管理局对无人飞机的使用方式和时间有严格规定,因为一旦无人飞机发生故障,可能会造成危害。 yeeyan




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