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词汇 Phil
释义 Phil.
Philippians; abbr.;=
And as the harpists play, Claire and Phil sit arm in arm, Gloria rests her head on Jay’s shoulder, and Mitchell and Cam embrace.
接着乐队开始演奏,克莱尔和菲尔手挽手坐着,歌莉娅把头靠在杰的肩上,米切尔和卡梅隆紧紧相拥。 yeeyan

At the end of the year, our family accepted an invitation from Phil and Linda Lader to attend their New Year’s weekend gathering in Hilton Head, South Carolina, called Renaissance Weekend.
这年年底,我们一家人接受了菲尔和琳达.拉德夫妇发出的邀请,参加他们在南卡罗来纳州希尔顿海德的新年周末聚会,也被称为“复兴周末”。 yeeyan

Cameron Hall is injury- prone. “Everything he does is full tilt, and he gets hurt all the time, ” says his father, Phil.
卡梅隆·霍尔非常容易受伤,他的父亲菲尔说,“他做任何事都拼尽全力,因此他也总是受伤。” yeeyan

Finally, in the ward, the nurses seem doubtful whether they can find Phil a bed, but after a while she is safely tucked up.
最后在病房里,护士很怀疑能否为菲尔找到一张床,但过了一会,也就被安全放在床上。 yeeyan

She was24, and wore a traditional white gown. Phil, who was then66, and marrying for the third time, opted for a straw- coloured wig, teamed with a black silk shirt, dark suit, and an impish smile.
照片里,24岁的蕾切尔穿着传统的白色婚纱,已经66岁的菲尔则头戴浅黄色的假发,身穿黑色丝质衬衫和黑色西服套装,露出顽皮的笑意,这已经是他第三次结婚了。 yeeyan

The end, for Phil Jackson, was simply the end.
对于菲尔-杰克逊来说,结束只不过就是结束。 yeeyan

The regulatory cost and the potential for corruption worries the Reverend Phil Blackwell, of the Taskforce to Oppose Gambling in Chicago.
芝加哥反对赌博特别工作组的成员,菲尔布莱克威尔牧师对监督成本和潜在的腐败表示担忧。 ecocn

According to National Climatic Data Center, Punxsutawney Phil, the most famous of all the Groundhog Day groundhogs, isn't very good at his job, having picked correctly only39 percent of the time.
根据国家气象学数据中心的数据,在土拨鼠日最著名的地方,普克托尼克菲尔,土拨鼠并不擅长它的工作,准确捕捉的能力只占到39%。 yeeyan

As might be expected, the members of the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club dispute this number and claim that Phil has been right100 percent of the time.
正如人们预料的一样,普克托尼克土拨鼠俱乐部的成员怀疑这个数据的真实性,并且宣布菲尔正好是100%。 yeeyan

Because if you know anything about Phil's career you'll know that he helped women, especially women of colour, achieve success, people like Tina Turner and Ronnie Spector his second wife.
因为如果你了解菲尔的职业生涯你就会知道,他帮助过很多女性取得成功,特别是有色人种的女性,例如蒂娜·特纳和罗尼·斯佩克特他的第二任妻子。 yeeyan

Forthwith, very smoothly and easily, they lift Phil into the carrying chair and take her on the perilous journey downstairs with her feet sticking well out in front because her knees won't bend.
于是很快,很容易就顺利地将菲尔抬进移动椅,并且因为她的膝盖不能弯曲所以使她的脚向前伸出着,然后带她下楼,开始危险的旅程。 yeeyan

In addition to her television hit The Oprah Winfrey Show and monthly magazine, Oprah has a stake in the Dr. Phil and Rachael Ray shows.
现在除了她自己的热门奥普拉秀和月刊杂志,奥普拉还拥有菲尔博士秀和蕾切尔·雷秀的股份。 yeeyan

Somewhat like Phil Jones, he will face a steep learning curve in European games, but he has the intelligence to learn as he goes along.
有点像菲尔琼斯,他需要积累更多的欧战经验,但随着时间的推移,他超强的学习能力将发挥作用。 yeeyan

Then there's Cedar Rapids by Phil Johnston, about a small- town insurance man who finally gets his shot at the big time.
还有一部名为《锡达拉比兹》剧本,由菲尔约翰森撰写,讲述一个小镇的保险推销员最终抓住机会的故事。 yeeyan

There, Phil is usually allowed to kiss her once and give her a single hug; after that, they talk for hours.
见面后菲尔会吻她一下,给她一个拥抱,然后两人会有几小时的时间来交谈。 yeeyan

When Michigan resident Shayna Smith married her husband, Phil, in June last year, she never dreamed it would be her own government standing in the way of her happily ever after.
去年六月,当密歇根居民谢娜-史密斯嫁给她的丈夫菲尔时,她做梦也没想到她自己的国家设立障碍,阻止她从此以后过上幸福快乐的日子。 yeeyan

You never know what to expect from Phil.
你永远不知道从菲尔那里会有什么期望。 iciba

Phil, who needed12 credits to graduate, also moved in.
差12学分才能毕业的菲尔也搬了进来。 yeeyan

Phil, who will be our guide, fixer, warden, passenger wrangler, leader and travelling guru, introduces himself and runs through the basics.
菲尔是我们的导游、管事、监护人、乘客牛仔、领队和旅行导师,他介绍了自己,并讲了一些基本规则。 yeeyan

Phil Bilzon is a Personal Performance Coach, writer and founder of One:Coaching.
菲尔·毕丽荣是一个个人绩效教练、作家而且是教练的创始人之一。 yeeyan

Phil Collins performed at Wembley Stadium in England and then flew across the pond to perform here in the US.
菲尔柯林斯活跃在英格兰温布利大球场,然后飞越“水塘”来到这里——美利坚。 kekenet

Phil told me there was a new tornado in our area.
菲尔告诉我新一轮龙卷风袭击我们的教区。 yeeyan

Phil Wolff's research shows that people are quite good at recognizing these kinds of causal situations and combining them together to better understand more complex events.
菲尔沃尔夫的研究表明,人们能够非常好地认识到这一类因果关系,将它们综合在一起,以便更好地了解更复杂的事件。 yeeyan




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