

单词 phf
释义 phf 英'piː'etʃ'ef美'piː'etʃ'ef COCA²⁸⁰¹³⁶⁺
=paried helical filaments 双股螺旋形细丝,=personal hygiene facility 个人卫生设施,=progressive hepatic failure 进行性肝功能衰竭
Established in the 1990s, the PHF scheme was designed to help medium- and low- income workers to buy homes.
上世纪90年代,为了帮忙中低收入者购买住房,中国设立了住房公积金制度。 yeeyan

Methods The activities of plasma PHF in of32 NIDDM patients and33 healthy controls were measured by bioassay.
方法采用生物活性测定方法,检测32例2型糖尿病患者和33名正常人血浆中 PHF活性。 ilib

Objective:To study the parathyroid hypertensive factor PHF activity in the plasma of essential hypertensive EH patients.
目的:观察原发性高血压 EH患者血浆甲状旁腺高血压因子 PHF活性的变化。 ilib

The PHF mortgage rate hikes comes after China's central bank announced Tuesday it would raise the benchmark one-year lending and deposit rate by 0.25 percentage points each, effective on Wednesday.
在周二央行宣布从周三开始分别提高一年期存贷款基准0.25个百分点后,公积金贷款利率随之提高。 yeeyan

PHF mortgage loans carry lower rates than commercial mortgages.
公积金的贷款利率低于商业贷款利率。 yeeyan




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