

单词 PhB
释义 PhB 英'piː'etʃb'iː美'piː'etʃb'iː BNC⁶⁵⁸⁸⁶
=british pharmacopoeia 英国药典,=p-hydroxy benzaldehyde 对羟基苯甲醛,=phenobarbital 苯巴比妥,鲁米那,5-苯-5-乙巴比妥,=platelet halothane bioassay 血小板氟烷生物测定,=public health bibliography 公共卫生文献目录
It is feasible to perform transplantation of adrenocortical cells using porous PHB as cell carrier.
PHB作为细胞载体应用于肾上腺细胞移植具有可行性。 cnki

Methanotrophs using methane and methanol as their source of carbon and energy will be an optimal strain for poly-3- hydroxybutyrate PHB biosynthesis in less expensive production.
为了降低聚-3-羟基丁酸酯 PHB的生产成本,利用甲烷和甲醇生长的甲烷利用菌是具有研究价值的一类菌种。 dictall

PHB, spider silk protein which are biodegradable have good prospects of application in many fields.
蛛丝蛋白等都属于生物可降解塑料,有着广阔的应用前景。 dictall

As one kind of biodegradable plastic, poly3- hydroxybutyrate PHB have been produced by biological ferment presently. But the price is so high that it can not be used widely.
聚3-羟基丁酸酯 PHB作为一种生物可降解塑料,目前主要采用生物发酵法生产,价格昂贵,限制了它的推广应用。 cnki

At last, extreme pathways are employed to analyze PHB metabolism of B. thuringiensis.
最后,使用极端途径分析了苏云金杆菌的 PHB代谢。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net

Conclusion The modified PHB is better and more ideal biodegradable material as cell carrier for transplantation of adrenocortical cells.
结论 PHB是一种较为理想的细胞载体材料,可应用于肾上腺细胞移植。 cnki

Limit Full bandwidth performance may not be achieved with more than one adapter per PCI Host Bridge PHB or more than one CPU.
限制全带宽性能可能无法实现一个以上的 PCI主机适配器每大桥基丁酸酯 PHB或一个以上的 CPU。 blog.sina.com.cn

Microspheres were prepared via double emulsion solvent evaporation using compound of poly3- hydroxybutyrate PHB and polyethylene glycol PEG as the matrix.
以聚3-羟基丁酸酯 PHB和聚乙二醇 PEG共混物为原料,采用复乳化-溶剂蒸发技术制备微球。 cnki

No toxic by-products are known to result from PHB or PHV.
无有毒副产品已知造成基丁酸酯或震源。 greenspla

Observing the morphologies of ring banded spheroids, we found that the double ring morphology was showed in PTT and PHB spherulites.
在观察 PTT与 PHB同心环形态时,发现了双色消光环的存在,此现象的产生与球晶的双折射率值有关。

Only very few bacteria contain PHB granules in the intercellular spaces and the infection threads of Onobrychis viciaefolia nodules and usually is one in a bacterium.
红豆草根瘤胞间隙和侵入线中另有个别细菌含有 PHB颗粒,而且数量很少,一个细菌通常仅有一个。 dictall

Packet discarding scheme is an important control policy for Per-Hop Behavior PHB in DiffServ model.
分组丢弃算法是区分服务模型中“逐跳行为” PHB的重要控制策略。 cnki

Studies on the bacterial degradation of PHB have been intensively conducted. However, the microbiological and environmental aspects of fungal degradation of PHB are unclear.
对于细菌降解 PHB的研究已经比较深入,而对于真菌降解 PHB的生物学性质及环境影响因素缺乏了解。 cnki

The PHB homopolymer is a stiff and rather brittle polymer of high crystallinity, whose mechanical properties are not unlike those of polystyrene, though it is less brittle.
在 PHB的均聚物是一种高结晶度,其不同于那些不聚苯乙烯力学性能,比较脆硬聚合物,虽然它是那么脆弱。 greenspla

This month a second and final round of audits deemed that four more, among them Bank PHB, whose directors include President Umaru Yar’Adua’s nephew, were in “ a grave situation”.
本月进行的第二阶段即最后一个阶段的账目审计揭示了另外四家银行存在严重问题,这其中还包括了由尼日利亚现任总统奥马鲁•亚拉杜瓦的侄子担任董事的 PHB银行。 ecocn

This paper analyzes the relations among the rates of phosphorus- release and phosphorus- uptake and the level of PHB with the different concentration of COD.
对不同 COD负荷下厌氧释磷速率、缺氧反硝化吸磷速率以及 PHB之间的关系进行分析。 cnki

Thus, PHB would be a useful drug target for the treatment of variety of diseases such as tumor, diabetes and obesity.
因此, PHB在多种疾病如:肿瘤、糖尿病和肥胖等的治疗方面将会成为有用的药物靶标。 gjbl

Using genetic- engineering techniques, researchers redirected the plant's starch- storing apparatus into making PHB, a plastic that is biodegradable.
利用基因工程的技术,研究人员将这种植物原本用来储存淀粉的器官转而生产 PHB,这是一种生物可递降分解塑料。 en211

Vanillic acid is the third monomer suitable for modifying PHB/ PET binary copolyester.
香草酸是最适合于 PHB/ PET体系共聚改性的第三单体。 cnki

We chose soil suspension system to estimate the degradability of PHB/ PEG multiblock copolymers.
采用土壤悬浊培养降解试验法对 PHB/ PEG多嵌段共聚物的降解性进行了评价。 cnki

With excellence thermo- plasticity of PHB, cotton fibre, super absorbent fibre and chitin fibre were used for developing the complete biodegradable medical nonwovens.
以棉、超吸水纤维和甲壳素纤维为原料,利用 PHB良好的热塑性能,开发一种完全可降解的医用热粘合非织造布。 dictall

With excellent thermo- plasticity of PHB, Cotton fiber, super absorbent fiber and chitin fiber were used to develop the completely biodegradable nonwoven medical dressings.
以棉、超吸水纤维和甲壳素纤维为原料,利用 PHB良好的热塑性能,开发一种完全可降解的用即弃医用非织造敷料。 dictall

PHB copolymers are preferred for general purposes as the degradation rate of PHB homopolymer is high at its normal melt processing temperature.
基丁酸酯共聚物是作为均聚物 PHB的降解率一般用途的首选是在其正常高熔体加工温度。 greenspla

PHB has on effects to the survival, proliferation and secretary function of adrenocortical cells.
PHB对肾上腺细胞的生长、增殖、分泌功能无影响; cnki




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