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词汇 phantom
释义 fan·tom 英ˈfæntəm美ˈfæntəmAHDfănʹtəm ★☆☆☆☆高四G宝八COCA¹⁸⁶⁶⁷BNC²⁶⁹⁶⁶iWeb⁹⁵⁶⁸

a ghostly appearing figure;

we were unprepared for the apparition that confronted us

something existing in perception only;

a ghostly apparition at midnight

something apparently sensed but having no physical reality;

seemed to hear faint phantom bells

the amputee's illusion of a phantom limb

单词phantasm幻觉,幻影,幽灵的法语变体形式。phantom load人工载荷,仿真载荷,…phantom pregnancy假妊娠,幻象性妊娠…phantom accident假车祸phantom connection模拟电路接线,幻像电…phantom view透视图,透明内视图,…phantom order幻影定单美国政府订…phantom indication虚幻显示phantom drawing透视图phantom group幻象群bar phantom(铅栅模型:闪烁照…phantom pass盲目传球phantom limb幻肢phantom target假目标,回波谐振器…phantom signal幻象信号phantom crystal幻晶,先成晶体…phantom wire幻线路phantom circuit幻象电路,模拟仿真…phantom antenna仿真天线, 幻像天线…phantom bottom假海底phantom freight在售价上加计的假设运…
[GRE红宝书phan显现, tom征兆-有显现的征兆-幻觉
音:翻腾,好像看到幽灵在翻腾;fantom 幽灵, 阴影,ph=f
钱博士phant展现+omS.名→头脑中显露之事→幻觉⇒幽灵,幻影phant展现+omS.名→头脑中显露之事→幻觉⇒幽灵,幻影GRE难词记忆phantom→phant=to show 显现+om→幻觉词根记忆phan显现+ tom → 显现的东西 ⇒幽灵词根记忆phan+tom近义词 soul灵魂ghost幽灵spook幽灵shade阴影vapor蒸汽spirit精神vision视力shadow影子specter幽灵fantasy幻想spectre鬼怪monster怪物fantasm幻影apparition鬼illusion错觉phantasm幻像phantasma幻影

用作名词Thephantomthat my mind pursued, was another and more real child.我的心灵追求的幻影是另一个较为真切的孩子。
It is the sort of night whenphantommay walk.这种夜晚正是幽灵出没的时候
Have you heard the story of thephantomriders passing by in the night?你听说过夜间飘过的幽灵骑士的故事吗?用作形容词Because Phantom Hourglass takes place in the same world as The Wind Waker, you'll once again be traveling among a lot of relatively small islands.因为幻影的沙漏发生在与风之仗相同的世界里,所以,你会再一次地在许多相关的小岛间旅行。
Based on the concept of persistence of vision, the Phantom's single rotor blade has a center of rotation outside of the UAVs' physical fuselage.为了便于持续观察,幻影的单个旋翼的刀片有一个旋转中心,这个旋转中心位于机身外侧。
Phantom horsemen rode by in the night.幽灵似的骑马人在夜间催马而过。noun.ghost;figment of the imagination
同义词 hallucinationapparition,chimera,daydream,delusion,dream,figment,haunt,illusion,mirage,nightmare,phantasm,revenant,shade,shadow,specter,spirit,spook,vision,wraitheidolon,ignis fatuus
反义词 actuality,being,brightness,certainty,fact,light,reality,truth
apparitionnoun ghost
bogeyman,bump in the night,chimera,delusion,hallucination,haunt,illusion,phantasm,revenant,specter,spirit,spook,visitant
apparitionsnoun ghost
bogeymans,bump in the nights,chimeras,delusions,hallucinations,haunts,illusions,phantasms,phantoms,revenants,specters,spirits,spooks,visitants
bogeynoun ghost
apparition,bogeyman,boggle,bogle,bogyman,boogeyman,boogieman,bugaboo,bugbear,eidolon,evil spirit,goblin,hobgoblin,monster,phantasm,phantasma,phantom,specter,spirit,spook,visitant,wraith
bogeymannoun ghost
apparition,bogey,boggle,bogle,bogyman,boogeyman,boogieman,bugaboo,bugbear,eidolon,evil spirit,goblin,hobgoblin,monster,phantasm,phantasma,phantom,specter,spirit,spook,visitant,wraith
boglenoun ghost
apparition,bogey,bogeyman,boggle,bogyman,boogeyman,boogieman,bugaboo,bugbear,eidolon,evil spirit,goblin,hobgoblin,monster,phantasm,phantasma,phantom,specter,spirit,spook,visitant,wraith
delusionnoun misconception, misbelief
apparition,blunder,casuistry,chicanery,daydream,deception,deceptiveness,dream,eidolon,error,fallacy,false impression,fancy,fantasy,figment,fool's paradise,ghost,hallucination,head trip,ignis fatuus,illusion,lapse,mirage,misapprehension,mistake,optical illusion,oversight,phantasm,phantom,pipe dream,self-deception,shade,speciousness,spuriousness,trickery,trip,vision Be well, and be on the look-out for future Phantom Box Cat sightings!
祝您一切安好,热切期待接下来幽灵盒子猫的目击图! yeeyan

He is then asked to move his handsboth normal and phantom simultaneously, and to watch them moving.
然后病人被要求同时活动两只手正常的和幻觉的并且注视其活动。 ecocn

The station caused national hysteria by reporting fake news of the government poisoning the water supply and of phantom troops marching on the capital.
通过报道政府污染供水系统和“幽灵部队”开进首都之类的假新闻,该广播电台引爆了国民情绪。 yeeyan

The Phantom comes with a 6.75 liter engine and soft leather upholstery as standard.
幻影以6.75升发动机和柔软的皮革内饰作为标准。 yeeyan

Another illusion known as‘ phantom tactile sensation’ is done by placing vibrating objects at different points on the skin at the same time which creates a tactile sensation between the points.
另外一种被称为“幻影触觉”的错觉,是通过同时放置正在振动的物体在皮肤的不同位置点上,从而在这两点之间产生一股触觉。 yeeyan

But the Phantom wanted Christine for himself.
但是幽灵想把克里斯汀占为己有。 hjenglish

Google and the company that supplies its mapping data are unable to explain the presence of the phantom town and are investigating.
谷歌和为其提供地图数据的公司无法解释幽灵小镇的存在,并正展开调查。 yeeyan

He lay there, moaning on the asphalt; a man almost killed by a phantom.
他躺在那里,在柏油路上呻吟;一个差点被幽灵杀死的男人。 yeeyan

In the mirror treatment, a patient with an amputated hand places his normal and phantom hands on each side of the mirror.
在镜像治疗中,被截去一只手的病人将正常的手和幻觉中的手分别放在镜子的两面。 ecocn

In the Phantom's house, Christine pulled off his mask.
在幽灵的房子里,克里斯汀撤下了他的面具。 hjenglish

In battle he was as in a dream. One would have pronounced him a phantom engaged in firing a gun.
他在战斗中的动作如同在梦里一样,看起来好象是一个鬼魂在打枪。 ebigear

In yet another, I say these very same words, but am an error, a phantom.
再在另一个时刻,我说着目前所说的话,不过我是个错误,是个幽灵。 putclub

It has a small American flag hand- embroidered on the waistband. A subtle logo on the pocket is like a ghost, or phantom, of the brassy original logo.
裤子的后腰上有一个小小的手工刺绣的美国国旗,口袋的黄铜钮钉上的标志看上去像个鬼魂或魅影。 yeeyan

Or is it this: To love those who despise us, and give one's hand to the phantom when it is going to frighten us?
要么就是:爱那些鄙视我们的人,在幽灵想要恐吓我们的时候向它伸出自己的手? yeeyan

Out of mine own ashes and glow it came unto me, that phantom.
那是出自我自己的灰和热、来到我跟前的幻影。 yeeyan

She envies a little cousin, now in high school. Especially on spring evenings, she thinks about the gossamer dress she might have worn to her phantom prom.
她很羡慕她正在读高中的小表妹,特别是在春天的晚上,她都会想想那种丝织裙子,表妹可能已经穿着它去幻影舞会了。 yeeyan

So we’re paying a heavy price for Washington’s obsession with phantom menaces.
所以,我们为华盛顿痴迷于幽灵般的恐吓付出了沉重的代价。 yeeyan

The research also found fathers-to- be becomes more emotional, “ weepy”, even morning sickness and phantom pregnancy pains.
研究还发现,准爸爸们会变得情绪化、多愁善感,甚至出现孕期晨吐和怀胎阵痛的幻觉。 huanqiu

The Shanghai Englon GE, a shameless knock-off of a Rolls-Royce Phantom, has a single throne- like seat at the rear.
上海英伦吉利——一款对劳斯莱斯幻影卑劣模仿的车型——在车后部设计了一个王座一样的座位。 ecocn

The boat that now arrived, assured by the answering signal that all was well, soon came in sight, white and silent as a phantom, and cast anchor within a cable's length of shore.
那艘帆船还是等在外面,在观察回答的信号究竟对不对,不久,它就静悄悄地驶近了,只见白朦朦的一片,象是一个幽灵似的,在离岸一箭路以外抛了锚。 ebigear

Was she the pure phantom I loved because I would never touch her, never allow my all too real hands to dissipate the mist?
我爱她那纯洁的幻影,是不是因为我从没接触她,从没允许自己真实的双手来拨开那层雾呢? ebigear

Watching for phantom networks that appear for10 minutes at a time turned out to be one way to identify and stop spam.
观察那些每次出现10分钟的幽灵网络被证明是一种识别和阻止垃圾邮件的方法。 yeeyan

Phantom Eye is being prepared for its first flight, scheduled for later this summer.




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