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词汇 ph
释义 ph.
A great way to get started on this new way of life is to pick up a copy of “ The pH Miracle” from your local or online bookstore.
开始新生活方式的好办法就是从当地的书店或者网上复印《 The pH Miracle》这本书。 yeeyan

As liquid leaches through the landfill, it carries higher pH materials and the methanogens living among them to other areas of the landfill.
通过垃圾填埋场的液体渗透与过滤,可以运输高 pH的物质,让产烷生物在垃圾场的其他区域得以存活。 yeeyan

The blood will do all it can to keep its pH at7.365, or slightly alkaline. It will even strip alkaline reserves like calcium from the bones to buffer a rise in acidity.
血液竭其所能把 PH维持在7.365或者略微碱性的位置,有时甚至从骨骼中获取钙离子来缓冲其中的酸性物质。

The regolith was expected to be very acid— probably too acid even for crops such as peanuts, potatoes and carrots that like their soils with low pH.
本来预计表层土壤酸性会很强——很可能对如花生,土豆及萝卜一类喜好酸性土壤的作物而言都觉得酸性过强。 ecocn

The pH of your blood is slightly alkaline.
我们的血液 pH是偏碱性的。 yeeyan

To tell you the truth, I haven't seen any of my friends for the past three years because I was working on my PH.D. dissertation.
这个学生现在已经是博士了。 他说:老实告诉你,过去三年我没有跟任何朋友见过面,因为我在写博士论文。

With a pH value of13, the alkaline effluent can strip off the top layer of skin.
这种 PH值高达13的碱性废水可以腐蚀掉人体皮肤的表层。 ecocn

And, if constructed of high- quality, latex-free, antibacterial, hypoallergenic materials, the robot will cause limited disruption to a woman's delicate pH balance.
而且,若他是用高质量,无乳胶,抗菌且低过敏性的材料制成的,也就不会给女性体内微妙的 pH平衡造成破坏。 yeeyan

Another way to help to prevent and heal dry skin is to use a cleanser that has a neutral pH. These types of cleansers don’t have any detergents in them that irritate your skin.
另一种防止皮肤过干的方法就是,使用含有中性 PH的洁面乳。 kekenet

Different tissues have different pH levels.
不同的组织液有不同的 pH水平。 yeeyan

Global oceanic pH— the scale used to measure acids and bases — has changed by0.1 in the last century.
全球海洋酸碱 pH值——用来衡量酸碱度的标尺——已经在上世纪改变了0.1。 yeeyan

If you took high school chemistry, you probably did a simple experiment in which you dipped pH test paper into beakers bearing various liquids and watched the strip change colors.
如果你学过高中化学,那么你可能做过这么一个简单的实验:将 pH试纸浸入各个装有不同液体的烧杯中观察试纸的颜色变化。 yeeyan

In our case, it's generally Irene Vere ph who works with me, who is just a phenomenal reconstructionist.
在我们组里,通常是艾琳-维尔夫与我一起工作,她是一位手艺高超的面部重建师。 yeeyan

It turns out that the body has a set level of pH that it likes to function in. Just as we all have a normal body temperature, we also have a normal pH for our tissues.
我们的身体有一个能起功能作用的 pH水平,这就像我们有正常的体温,我们的组织液也有一个正常的 pH值。 yeeyan

Low oxygen and low pH levels may have helped preserve the soft tissue, the team reports in a paper published this week in The Journal of Crustacean Biology.
低氧低酸碱度的环境可能对软组织的留存有所帮助,研究组在这周的《甲壳生物》里这样报道。 yeeyan

Previous studies have shown that Manuka honey decreases the surface pH of wounds and can promote healing by helping to drain wounds and keep bacteria out.
之前的研究一直显示曼努卡蜂蜜能降低伤口表面的酸碱值;同时,还能通过加速伤口愈合,隔离细菌。 yeeyan

So when pH values plunge, as they have in China, scientists start to worry.
因此,当土壤中的 pH值发生下降,就象现在中国所发生的,科学家们开始感到担心。 yeeyan

Some creatures may be double-whammied by having less of what they like to eat and by the pH itself, amplifying the disruption.
一些生物可能会因为喜欢的食物减少和不适应的 PH环境受到双重打击,破坏性加大了。 ecocn

The solid waste in landfills is typically at a pH that’s considered too acidic to host methanogens, methane-producing microbes.
通常认为垃圾填埋场的固体废物是典型的过酸环境,这并不利于产烷生物的生存。 yeeyan

This combination has a high PH and is drying to skin, particularly to aging skin.
这种化合物的 PH值很大,会令皮肤,尤其是老化皮肤,变得干燥。 ebigear

This ingredient is used to balance PH in products, and can cause allergic reactions, and irritate your eyes, nose and skin.
这种成分往往用来平衡日用品中的 PH值,能够引起过敏反应,并刺激眼睛、鼻子和皮肤。 yeeyan

Uranium in groundwater occurred over a wide range of pH and redox conditions because of its association with other compounds.
地下水中含有的铀不在酸碱值和氧化条件之内,是因为其常与其它化合物相连。 yeeyan

When the pH drops, even by .1, the increase in acidity is interpreted by the microbes, already present in the body in their billions, as a sign of a dead or dying body.
当人体中 PH下降,哪怕是仅仅1度,上升的酸度会都会立即被体内数十亿的细菌解读为躯体死亡的标志。




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