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词汇 pfoa
释义 pfoaCOCA¹¹²⁸⁵⁰
=Perfluorooctanoic acid 全氟辛酸
A method was developed for the determination of perfluorooctanoic acid PFOA and its salts in the coating layer of nonstick pan by gas chromatography.
采用气相色谱建立了不粘锅涂层中全氟辛酸及其盐 PFOA残留量的测定方法。 dictall

A method of simultaneous determination of PFOA and PFOS in textiles has been developed in this paper.
以此为背景,本文对 PFOA和 PFOS快速、灵敏的定量分析方法进行了研究。 fabiao

The fluorinated emulsifier perfluorooctanoic acid PFOA is a necessary assistant in the processing of fluorinated polymer.
全氟辛酸铵 PFOA是制造高性能氟聚合物过程中必要的加工助剂。 chemyq

As a kind of emerging persistent organic pollutantPOPs, perfluorooctanoic acid PFOA and its salts have caused global ecosystem pollution, and become a new research topic of POPs.
作为一种新型的持久性有机环境污染物,全氟辛酸 PFOA及其盐类所造成的全球性生态系统污染已成事实,并成为持久性有机污染物研究的又一个新热点。 dictall

But the perfluorinated sour PFOA now in all around the world in a human invention.
而全氟酸楚 PFOA如今已在全天下各地的人体内发明。 ufxy

Children and teens in the study had more PFOA in their bodies than the national average, and a PFOS concentration about the same as the national average.
发现这些儿童和青少年体内的 PFOA含量高于全家平均值,而 PFOS的浓度与全国平均值相当。 dxy

Detection and analysis of PFOS and PFOA has also become a hot spot of today's analysis science.
PFOS和 PFOA的检测分析也成为了当今分析科学研究的热点。 fabiao

EPA has said that at the present time, it does not believe there is any reason for consumers to stop using any consumer or industrial related products that contain PFOA.
美国国家环保署 EPA也指出,在现阶段,它不认为消费者有理由停止使用任何含有 PFOA的消费品或工业产品。 myptfe

How PFOA gets into water remains largely unknown, although the chemical has been used in everything from carpeting and frying pans to popcorn bags.
如何全氟辛酸铵进入水很大程度上仍然不明,但该化学品已被用于从地毯和煎锅以爆米花袋。 cespn

I would like to commend them for their leadership in moving to voluntarily reduce their emissions and uses of PFOA and I am hopeful that others will follow.
我对杜邦公司在 PFOA主动减排和使用上所发挥的领先和表率作用表示赞赏,并且希望其它企业能够跟上。163

In animal experiments, PFOA and PFOS have been linked to cancer, developmental problems and other issues.
在动物实验中, PFOA和 PFOS都与癌症有关,发展问题和其他问题。

In five of the New Jersey water systems sampled, PFOA concentrations exceeded a safety limit developed by the researchers— sometimes by a factor of two or three.
在五年的新泽西供水系统取样,全氟辛酸铵的浓度超过了安全标准制订的研究人员-有时是一个因素两个或三个。 cespn

Ironically, earlier studies have shown that the PFOA itself sticks around a very, very long time— potentially forever.
讽刺的是,早先的研究表明, PFOA的本身棍棒围绕一个非常,非常长的时间-可能永远。 cespn

Secondly, the extraction method of PFOS and PFOA in the textiles has been studied.
其次,对纺织品中 PFOS和 PFOA的萃取方法进行了研究。 fabiao

The aerospace, transportation and electronics industries rely on products manufactured using PFOA for purity, reliability and durability of many of their key systems.
航空航天、运输和电子工业更为依赖采用 PFOA生产的产品,以确保其关键系统的纯度、可靠性和耐用性。163

The EPA has also been encouraging companies to reduce emissions and find alternatives for PFOA and many of its precursor molecules as they further investigate the chemical.
环保局还鼓励企业减少排放,找到 PFOA的替代品及其前体分子,因为他们的许多化学品需要进一步调查。

The paper reviewed the ways of reducing PFOA from fluorinated polymers.
综述了高性能氟聚合物制备中 PFOA乳化剂的消除处理及替代方法。 chemyq

The independent peer-reviewed study, sponsored by DuPont, concludes that the use of consumer articles with DuPont materials would not result in quantifiable exposure to perfluorooctanoic acid PFOA.
该独立进行、并经独立专家评审的研究得出以下结论:使用杜邦原材料的消费品,不会导致可计量的全氟辛酸铵 PFOA接触。 dupont

These data show that the8-carbon PFOA molecule and its9- and10- carbon analogs— which also show up in the environment— all bind to and activate the estrogen receptor.
这些数据表明,8 PFOA的碳分子及其9-和10个碳类似物-这也显示在环境-所有结合并激活雌激素受体。 cespn

To their surprise, their results, showed levels of divas that were just as high as levels of PFOA in human blood.
令他们惊讶的是,他们的结果,显示出 diPAPs的是一样的 PFOA在人体血液中的水平很高。

What's more, Mabury said, the intermediate steps in that breakdown process produce molecules that have been shown in experiments to be10,000 times more toxic than PFOA itself.
更重要的是,马伯里说,在这一分解过程产生的中间步骤,已在实验中证明是10000倍本身 PFOA的毒性分子。

With the EU-wide restrictions on perfluorooctane sulfonates PFOS used in applications, the potential human health concerns on PFOA had been attained increasing focus.
随着全氟辛烷磺酸盐化合物 PFOS类产品在欧洲销售及使用禁令的颁布,全氟辛酸 PFOA的环保问题日益受到关注。 gy65




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