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Pf. 基本例句 医发否氏菌属 After the MDC’s victory in the2008 general election, Zanu- PF unleashed a campaign of terror in which some200 were killed and thousands beaten up or tortured. MDC在2008年的大选中获胜后,非洲民族联盟爱国阵线开始了恐怖主义行动,在行动中大约200人被杀,数千人被殴打或拷问。 ecocn Areas that were former strongholds of ZANU- PF, the ruling party, which dared to switch to the opposition in March, have now been turned into no-go areas for the MDC. 执政党津巴布韦非洲民族联盟爱国阵线因大胆地在三月的选举中转向反对党,于是他们之前作为要塞的地区现在禁止民革运进入。 ecocn Over the past two years, support for the MDC has dipped from55% to 38%, according to a recent poll, whereas Zanu- PF’s has inched up from12% to 17%. 根据一项最近的民意测验显示,过去的两年来,对 MDC的支持从55%急剧降至38%,相反对非洲民族联盟爱国阵线的支持从12%缓慢增至17%。 ecocn The combined opposition holds110 seats against ZANU- PF’s97. 反对党获得了110个席位,而ZANU- PF只有97个席位。 ecocn The celebrations have been organised since1986 by a Zanu- PF youth group called the21 February Movement. 自从1986年起,庆祝活动一直是由执政党Zanu- PF的青年团“2月21日运动”组织的。 yeeyan The leader of the smaller faction of the Movement for Democratic Change, Arthur Mutambara, says reports in the state- run media that he has signed a deal with the ruling ZANU- PF are not true. “争取民主变革运动”这个较小派系的领导人亚瑟·穆坦巴拉指出,国家媒体报道他跟执政党“非洲民族联盟-爱国阵线”签署了一项协议,这是不真实的。 ebigear ZANU- PF leaders have indicated they are preparing for a runoff election, which is required if no presidential candidate wins50 percent of the vote. 非洲民族联盟-爱国阵线领导人表示,他们准备进行决选。 进行决选的条件是没有任何总统候选人获得50%的选票。 ebigear But he does not disavow his long service in ZANU- PF governments. 但时他没有否认他曾长期在“民盟”政府中服务。 ecocn But though violence on such a scale has ended for the moment, fear is growing again, partly because Zanu- PF senses that another election may be in the offing. 如今,虽然这样的暴行已经停止了,但是恐惧又再次升温,部分是因为民盟党嗅到了另一场大选即将来临的缘故。 ecocn By choosing to engage the government as a whole, China will be able to exert leverage on both Zanu- PF and the MDC, something western donors might not achieve. 通过选择和整个政府打交道,中国将能够通过其实力对民盟和民革两党施加影响,这是西方援助者所无法达到的。 yeeyan Even though ZANU- PF's own electoral agents endorsed the counts in polling stations, it is disputing results in22 of the210 parliamentary constituencies. 尽管“津巴布韦非洲民族联盟爱国阵线” ZANU- PF的选举代理人们支持最初的计票结果,但对210个国会选区中的22个选区投票结果也存在争议。 ecocn Fearful residents are being forced to display ZANU- PF regalia and attend“ re-education” meetings, often deep into the night. 恐惧的居民被迫佩戴 ZANU- PF的徽章,并且要参加“再教育”集会,通常都要搞到深夜。 ecocn I was wondering if you have a list of PF books that you have in your personal library. 我想知道你是否有一个书单,列出你自己收藏的关于个人理财方面的书籍。 yeeyan I use the library frequently and am very interested in furthering my own education in the PF area. 我经常去图书馆,而且非常着迷于加深自己对于个人理财方面的认识。 yeeyan In parliamentary elections, his party took100 seats, and the ruling ZANU- PF99 seats. 在议会选举中,他领导的争取民主变革运动获得了100个席位,而执政党非洲民族联盟-爱国阵线只获得了99个席位。 ebigear Moreover, Chinese investment will go through the traditional corrupt channels where the ruling Zanu- PF clique will have access to it. 此外,中国的投资会通过传统的腐败渠道流入,执政的民盟集团将会拿到这些钱。 yeeyan Mr Tsvangirai plans to visit the ZANU- PF heartland of Mashonaland but ensuring his safety there will not be easy, as his party has not been licensed to carry firearms or even radios. 茨万格拉计划访问爱国阵线的中心地马勺那拉,但要保障他的安全并非易事,因为他的党派不允许携带枪械甚至无线电。 ecocn Mr Tsvangirai has so far refused to join a government led by ZANU- PF, on the ground that it clearly lost the poll in March, even though the playing field was heavily tilted against the MDC. 尽管目前的情况对 MDC很不利,但是茨万吉拉伊先生还是以 ZANU- PF明显已经在3月份输掉了选举为由,拒绝加入它领导的政府。 ecocn Now there are reports in various media with connections to Zanu- PF that the run-off will be delayed by at least40 days. 现在有许多和非洲民族联盟-爱国阵线有关联的媒体纷纷报导说,决选将被延后至少40天。 hxen Others who have been fighting Mr Mugabe's regime for years dismiss him because he was in ZANU- PF's leadership for so long. 其他那些曾经多年和穆加贝政权斗争的人不满意马科尼先生,因为他曾经担任过长时间的“民盟”领导人。 ecocn Shortly after the session began, a noisy crowd of ZANU- PF women were reprimanded by the chair, Hope Sadza, a prominent academic. 会议开始不久,一群吵闹的非洲民族联盟-爱国阵线的妇女被主席奥普.萨扎斥责。 萨扎是著名的学者。 iciba South Africa’s ruling African National Congress announced that Mr Zuma would be“ more vocal” than his predecessors in criticising the “ adolescent” and“ deviant” behaviour of Mr Mugabe’s Zanu- PF party. 南非执政的非洲民族议会党ANC宣布,Jacob Zuma将比前几任总统「更大声地」批评 Robert Mugabe的津巴布韦非洲民族联盟-爱国阵线党 Zanu- PF「幼稚」且「逾越常轨」的行为。 ecocn The next day Zimbabwe's ruling party, the Zanu- PF, endorsed Mugabe as its candidate for the2008 presidential election. 次日,津巴布韦的执政党, Zanu- PF,推举穆加贝为总统候选人参加2008年总统大选。 ecocn The amendments proposed by the ruling party allow Parliament, which is dominated by ZANU- PF, to choose a successor if the president steps down or dies before the end of his term. 执政党提出的这个修正案充许议会――目前由民盟控制――在总统于他的任期结束前下台或者死亡的情况下选择一个继承人。 ecocn They say that human- rights abuses, smuggling and other blatant breaches of KP's rules are still going on, with most of the proceeds going into the pockets of army leaders and Zanu- PF big wigs. 他们说人权被严重侵犯了,走私和其他无耻的违反金伯利进程规则的行为依然在上演,绝大多数的收益进入了军方领导人和爱国阵线执政党领导层的荷包。 ecocn This may be the toughest challenge yet to Mr Mugabe, whom his party endorsed in December despite rising dissatisfaction in ZANU- PF ranks. 这可能是迄今对穆加贝而言最棘手的挑战。12月时,尽管在 ZANU- PF行列中不满程度有所上升,他的党派还是力荐穆加贝。 ecocn You will have to enable a second Ethernet interface and configure PF to your needs. 您将需要启用第二个 Ethernet接口,并根据需要配置 PF。 ibm Pf: Probability that a piece of space junk will survive reentry. Pf:指一块太空垃圾坠落到地球表面的概率。 yeeyan |