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释义 PEWS pju:z COCA²³⁷⁶⁶BNC²³⁵⁷⁹Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
排早期预警系统原型pew的复数 Dwight Moody's love for children motivated him to rent pews at church and fill them with neighborhood boys and girls.
端特.慕迪爱孩子的心,驱动他租下教会的场地,将附近的男孩、女孩带来坐满教堂。 cosmiccare

First the steeple burned, then the roof; then the blazing rafters collapsed into the nave, and the pews caught fire.
塔尖先起了火,接着教堂的顶部也燃起火;后来燃烧的椽子坠入到教堂的正厅,教堂里的长凳着起了火。 yeeyan

So some people will be settled into church pews while others prepare to head out to the park, if not the beach.
有人刚在教堂的长凳上落座,另一些人可能正准备去公园或者海滩。 yeeyan

The faithful have not stopped going to Mass— or, at least, the drift away from the pews that began in the1950s has not accelerated.
信仰者依然在参加弥撒,或者说,起码自1950s开始的离开教堂的运动并没有加速发展。 ecocn

The retired teachers sat on their pews to somber organ music.
在管风琴庄重的演奏声中,退休教师们安坐在教堂的长椅上。 jbenglish

This day looks like the way I feel, I thought, as I walked down the aisle to the pews reserved for family.
当我走向转为我们预留的教堂长凳时,我在想,这样的天气就像我的感觉一样。 yeeyan

And occasionally it finds voice in the church on Sunday morning, in the pulpit and in the pews.

And perhaps understandably, given the number of empty pews across the nation's churches each Sunday, far fewer weddings include a religious ceremony nowadays.
这也许可以让我们理解,每周日全国教堂里那些长凳空无人坐,因为现在举行婚礼和在婚礼上举行宗教仪式的人越来越少了。 yeeyan

But the pews were packed, the extra chairs claimed, the doorways crowded.
但是,座位爆满,除了额外的椅子,门口也是人。 ecocn

He and his cinematographer, Sven Nykvist, would sit in the hard pews from11 in the morning till two in the afternoon, watching the light change.
他和摄影师斯文尼克斯特 Sven Nykyist,从上午11点到下午2点,一直坐在教会的长凳上观察光的变化。 ecocn

He watched as the brothers completed their entrance and positioned themselves before polished oak pews.
他看着武士们全部进场安坐在擦亮的橡木长凳上。 yeeyan

I don't know how some in today's church got the false idea that the preacher is a servant and the folks in the pews are just members.
我不明白如今教会的一些兄弟姐妹怎么会有这样一种错误的念头,认为牧师是仆人,而坐在教堂靠背长凳上的人们只是会员而已。 yeeyan

It was built by British missionaries about120 years ago, and its cherry- wood pews and lofty pulpit would make any Anglican congregation in Surrey proud.
它是由英国传教士在大约120年建造的,里面的樱桃木长椅和高耸的神坛足以让任何一位圣公会信徒感觉到骄傲。 yeeyan

Lutheran Church Historian Martin Marty argues that all too many pews are filled on Sunday with practical atheists— disguised nonbelievers who behave during the rest of the week as if God did not exist.
路德教会的历史学家 Martin Marty说星期天教堂的板凳上坐满了真正的无神论者,伪装的无信仰者,他们在周末闲暇时的行为就好像上帝真的不存在似的。 yeeyan

Norway's King Harald V and his wife Queen Sonja and Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg crowded into Oslo Cathedral, where the pews were packed, and people spilled into the plaza outside the building.
挪威国王 Harald V和皇后 Sonjia,首相 Jens Stoltenberg与人群一起涌入了充满会众的奥斯陆大教堂。 教堂外面的广场也被人群淹没。 yeeyan

The rain blew into the pews, the wind playing with the candles, blowing them out.
雨水倾倒在教堂的长椅上,风和烛光玩闹着,将它们逐个吹灭。 cctvcnm

The wind slammed the window hard against the wall. The rain poured horribly over the pews, over the floor.
狂风将窗户狠狠的砸在墙上,瓢泼的雨水疯狂的倾泻到教堂的长椅上,地板上。 cctvcnm

The night of our birth, a thunderstorm had cracked a tree in the courtyard of the new church, setting the building afire until it was no more than a charred sliver of steeple and smoking pews.
我们出生的那个晚上,雷暴劈倒了新教堂大院里的一棵树,整个建筑着了火,最后只剩下了烧焦了的尖塔裂片和冒着烟的教堂板凳。 yeeyan

The pews, the pulpit and the altar are of a piece with the simple elegance of the church itself.

These days such people tend to lapse altogether, leaving more conservative types in the pews, albeit in small numbers.
如今这样的人往往选择不去教堂,只留下更保守的信徒还坐在教堂的长椅上,虽然这种情况只是少数。 ecocn

They lay on the cold grey stone under the pews.
他们俩躺在一处长椅下面的灰冷的石头地板上。 yo2

This time the Sweden Democrats are likely to stay in their pews.
这一次,瑞典民主党人们可能只会老实地呆在教堂长凳上。 ecocn

We sat in the pews for a long time waiting for the ceremony to begin, wondering what the delay was and we subsequently heard what had happened.
我们在教堂长椅上枯坐了很久,眼巴巴地等着典礼开始,一边纳闷婚礼怎么会耽搁这么久。后来,我们终于知道了是怎么回事。 yeeyan

Women not only fill the pews.
妇女们不仅仅只是填满了教堂的长凳而已。 ecocn




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