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词汇 Peugeot
释义 Peugeot pjuːˈʒoʊ 高Economist¹⁰⁷³⁸
It is widely believed that the Peugeot family tired of Mr Streiff’s autocratic ways and penchant for confrontation.
人们广泛认为,标致家族厌倦了斯特雷夫先生专横的处事方式以及对抗成瘾。 ecocn

The market is plagued by overcapacity, mainly because the big French producers, Renault and Peugeot, and VW have not cut capacity, and discounting is rife.

But when some of his plans met internal opposition, he went ahead without checking that he had the support of the Peugeot family, which owns45% of the voting stock.
但当他的几个计划遭遇内部反对时,他却在确认是否获得标致家族支持的情况下直接行事,标致家族拥有45%的表决权股份。 ecocn

China will now get Peugeot’s latest models, as opposed to the older vehicles it used to be fobbed off with.
中国市场将会获得标致最新款的车型,这和以往不同。 以前,中国市场总是被一些旧车型敷衍。 putclub

In a television interview, Mr Sarkozy had added that it was“unjustified” for firms like Renault or Peugeot to make cars in places like the Czech Republic, for sale in France.
在一次电视采访中,萨科奇还补充道,对于雷诺或标志这些公司在国外制造汽车比如捷克然后在国内销售是不适当的。 yeeyan

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will auction off his Peugeot504 to raise money for charity. The money will be used to provide affordable housing for low-income families, local media reported.

Last week Madrid’s regional government announced it was scrapping48 of its125 official cars, and replacing the remaining Audi and Peugeot limousines with midsized models.
上周,马德里地方政府宣布停用125辆公用车中的48辆,并把剩下的奥迪和标志豪华车更换成中挡车。 ecocn

Margins and market share were slipping, as was the quality of Peugeot’s vehicles— especially compared with those made by the relentlessly ambitious Volkswagen Group.
标致的利润和市场份额在减少,汽车质量也不如从前。尤其是与雄心勃勃的大众集团制造的汽车相比,质量更是差。 ecocn

The review has unnerved an industry that is trying to regain its composure after the collapse last year of MG Rover and the announcement in April that Peugeot would close its English plant.
在去年 MG Rover倒闭和今年4月 Peugeot关闭其英国工厂以后,评估师认为正努力恢复的汽车行业已经开始没落。 ecocn

The repayment plans, which are earlier than initially expected, sent shares in Peugeot up2.4% and Renault up2.2%.
这次还款计划早于预期,推动标致公司股价上涨2.4%,雷诺公司股价上涨2.2%。 yeeyan

Up another incline and he parked the Peugeot in a sandy lot.
再往上另一个斜坡,他把这皮哥特车停在一块沙地上。 yeeyan

Peugeot, for its part, was basically a sound company, but had been drifting for a few years.
就其自身来而言,标致还算得上一家不错的公司,但在最近几年有些浑浑噩噩。 ecocn

Peugeot is not alone in heading east in search of skilled workers at lower wages.
在东欧寻求低工资水平技术工人的并非只有标致这一家。 ecocn

Peugeot Motor Company's predecessor, the19th century brothers, Pierre Peugeot family saw a production run, spring and other iron tools, small workshops.
标致汽车公司的前身,是19世纪初标致家族皮埃尔兄弟开办的一家生产拉锯、弹簧等铁制工具的小作坊。 yeeyan

Peugeot said that the European market is expected to decline7% in2010, while double- digit growth is expected in China, and high single-digit growth in Latin America.
标致公司表示,该公司在欧洲市场的业绩预计在2010年下滑7%,中国市场有望实现两位数增长,拉丁美洲将取得较高个位数增长。 yeeyan

Peugeot was one of Corus’s biggest customers.




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